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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I can’t say I’m shocked given the Democratic front runner wants to break his company up.
  2. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/10/rudy-giuliani-ukraine-associates-indicted-043873 Please recall who Rep. Pete Sessions was: Washington’s Most Powerful Anti-Pot Official Is Named Sessions. It’s Not Who You Think.Rep. Pete Sessions has quietly used his chairmanship of the House Rules Committee to stifle popular amendments that would protect legal marijuana.
  3. I’m wondering where the peak is in support for impeachment. Im not observing Trump supporters I work with turning against Trump over Ukraine. These supporters may be in the 30% that would take a bullet for him though.
  4. 1) He is always doing things drastic, so this is likely, but it will have to be big 2) SCOTUS won't rule in his favor. I wouldn't be surprised with a 7-2 or 8-1 against Trump. 3) This is a little less than a coin flip if you ask me. Trump could easily be reelected still, but it seems like things are slowly going against him as the inquiry continues. 4) If he loses, he will certainly call the result fraud and try to create a stink. I don't know how far he will go with respect to physically not leaving the WH.
  5. He has a higher probability of winning than the others though I would think. While Hickenlooper didn't show up to that event in the WaPo article, he supports a carbon tax which is the single most important policy to get passed in Congress addressing climate change.
  6. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2019-10-dog-ownership-longer-life-heart.amp Full disclosure: I love dogs and have a Brittany named Oddo (best dog ever) and my fiancée has a lab mix.
  7. The internal GOP poll is a bit unique in where they asked the question, but it seems to be an outlier with the rest of the polling data. I would like to see more polls that focus on battleground districts. The latest WaPo article indicates support of impeachment is on its way up, and taken together with previous polls showing upward momentum, I think it would look much better than the poll I posted yesterday.
  8. I love it. This poll shows nearly 30% support among Republicans. The first polls coming out had it around 11%. That’s a good amount of progress.
  9. House GOP touts poll showing impeachment advantage for Republicans I've been keeping a close eye on polls related to impeachment and this one is NOT good. Public Opinion Strategies is B rated from fivethirtyeight with a +1.5 R bias.
  10. Obama's foreign policy was pretty damn good. Obama would not have abandoned the Kurds. Obama didn't ignore threats. He caught a shit load of flack because he conducted too many drone strikes. He was a bit to cowboyish for me even, but I think he acted appropriately 80% of the time. He screwed up by completely pulling out of Iraq, but you have to look at why he did that. It's complicated stuff. Trump is just doing shit without good reason, thinking he's a genius while doing it. Intervening the way Obama did in Syria probably saved quite a few lives without putting too many Americans at risk. It's easy to attack him, but there were never any great options there.
  11. Fuck this. It seems like the Kurds were the group that always worked with us in a competent way over there and now we are fucking them over by letting the Turks have their way? The same nutcase is still in charge in Turkey, isn't he? Fuck you Trump again.
  12. Lol. I know a republican at work that hates Romney more than any other politician. He’s probably loving Trump’s tweets today.
  13. ‘Biden looks like he can’t compete with Warren, Bernie and Buttigieg. How’s he going to compete with Trump?’ said one GOP strategist. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/04/biden-cash-2020-campaign-029163
  14. I would need to see at least 65% of the public get fully on board with removing him for me to conclude we are going to have a short term correction. I am encouraged by the polls showing support going up.
  15. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-zen-2-memory-performance-scaling-benchmark/5.html https://www.techspot.com/review/1891-ryzen-memory-performance-scaling/ It’s around a 7% average difference between 2133 to the top speed at 1080p with a 2080ti. I think people exaggerate Ryzen’s sensitivity to slower memory too much. If you get a 3000-3200 kit, you’re good. If you have a high mid range gpu or run 1440/4K, it matters even less.
  16. This whole thing has made me worry about humanity’s future with regard to determining what is a fact and what isn’t. I know it’s been going on a while and was already in overdrive with all the “fake news” talk, but in this case anyone can literally read the fucking call transcript and people are still believing politicians and commentaries rather than the actual facts! I am hoping we see impeachment support reach at least 65% of Americans over the coming weeks. It should already be at that. Fuck Hannity, Tucker, and all the right wing sell outs that are propping up a criminal and embarrassing our nation not just to the world, but to future Americans that have to read about what a joke we elected and so many supported. We fought against this nonsense just a few decades ago. This will go down in the books perhaps as the beginning of some type of dark chapter in our nation.
  17. Bernie is my least favorite candidate, but I want him to recover. I want him to lose the primary by not getting the votes.
  18. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/trump-impeachment-inquiry-poll-cbs-news-poll-finds-majority-of-americans-and-democrats-approve/ 55-45% impeachment inquiry approval. It is steadily going up.
  19. That’s terrible and I’m sorry to hear it. Housing needs attention and Bernie deserves praise for making it a priority. It’s unfortunate that be mixed some good ideas with a really terrible idea. Rent will go down when zoning loosens up and supply increases. Rent control won’t solve anything because it doesn’t address the root cause of rent prices going up.
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