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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. He’s done. It’s for the best that he doesn’t run for senate at this point. The right move was to immediately announce he was running for senate again right after he lost last time.
  2. Agreed, but I don’t think we should always assume in every circumstance that it was not consensual. Details matter in all of these situations.
  3. Yang is pretty weird and cool (and sometimes wrong), but imagine how much more you could get out that same tax revenue if you means tested UBI into a negative income tax and wage subsides.
  4. She broke house rules, but who cares? Let them slap her on the wrist. Everything was consensual right?
  5. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Interdictor-class_Star_Destroyer I remember these from Tie Fighter. Star Wars does have a technology that prevent ships from going to hyperspace and for pulling them out of it. They could use this to explain why ramming is usually not possible, but you don’t see these in the movies.
  6. During the third quarter, the Buttigieg campaign said it has 580,000 total contributors, a jump of about 182,000 new contributors over the previous quarter. The average contribution during the fundraising period was $32. Buttigieg’s campaign did not release a cash on hand total. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/01/buttigieg-2020-campaign-third-quarter-fundraising-014502 I can't find the number of donors for Biden or Harris.
  7. I would be fine with her making an entrance at this point. Biden is a joke. She has baggage of her own though.
  8. Who is the best center left candidate the Dems could nominate if it wasn’t Buttigieg ? It’s not exactly the best set of choices. Biden is old and is incoherent a lot of the time and he isn’t raising much money for his support level. No one else is raising money to be a serious threat in the primary, much less to Trump.
  9. I'm talking about the First Order. My understanding was they don't have all that many ships, but maybe I'm wrong about that since the new movies give hardly any galactic context and you have to read about what little info there is.
  10. Yeah and I've started to accept it is mainly for children and to see some flashy stuff on the screen. I think Star Wars could be so much more, but the direction they want to take it is fine too, it's just not what I want. Hey I played Tie Figher, X-Wing, etc. I know what capital ships are for. My point is you could use a CR90 that was modified and probably do some serious damage to a Star Destroyer.
  11. I agree that there is still a place for nuanced movies that need the spectacle to complete the art. I went to the theater to experience BR for a reason, and it was awesome. But overall I go to the movies to see effects on a huge screen, so most of the time it is MCU movies, Star Wars (or used to be), or maybe a horror movie. I think there are plenty of examples of shows as good or better than Breaking Bad that calls your once in a lifetime thing into question. We are in the golden age of television, so just off the top of my head, I would argue that The Wire, Halt and Catch Fire, Mad Men, Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, The Americans, Better Call Saul, Stranger Things, and stuff I'm not thinking of right now deserve some credit. Granted that not all of these have finished their runs, but some have, and I'm willing to bet most of them are going to end strong. When you get to a longer running show like 24, it can have high production values but also have filler. You get that with a lot of network TV, but if you look for a tighter show with 8-13 40-60 minutes episodes a season, there is a ton of potential to tell a tight story with tons of complexity that would be impossible to do justice in a film.
  12. Aside from the emotional impact or how beautiful the scene looked, I think think the bigger issue with it was the precedence it sets tactically. Why not just create ramming ships that hyperspace into First Order or Resistance fleets? Star Wars is already filled with inconsistencies between various movies, but I hated to see another one added.
  13. I don't think head to head match ups during the primary season are very useful. I think that's the conventional wisdom too.
  14. She's thinking Biden is weak and babbling nonsense, Bernie and Warren are too far to the left for the general, and Buttigieg can't earn the black vote. She is also thinking it's too late to jump in and probably won't. She also has a lot of rich Democratic donors urging her to consider a run.
  15. With this latest testimony, it is now about as clear as it gets that we have an authoritarian criminal as president. Republicans staying so supportive of the guy is so fucking frustrating. This isn’t the dry Mueller Report. The guy is setting us up for constitutional crisis scenarios and lying every fucking minute while reputable diplomats are testifying under oath that he committed a high crime. Remove his ass!
  16. @Signifyin(g)Monkey, I would like a land value tax as well, but it would also face constitutional questions if done on the Federal level.
  17. I wish this testimony would have been fully public. I think the Dems risk losing the public's attention if they continue to do too many closed door hearings.
  18. You don't need a wealth tax to tax wealth. Here are some constitutional (and more efficient) ways to tax wealth: 1) Tax unrealized capital gains upon a rich person's death 2) Raise estate taxes on estates over 20 million to 85% and beef up the IRS while doing so 3) Implement a consumption tax on luxury goods that the wealthy purchase
  19. CNN Poll: 50% support impeaching Trump and removing him from office This shows the power of the ring wing media.
  20. JJ Star Wars movies have really good trailers! As much as I hate the apparently laziness of bringing Palpatine back, I still want to see him cackling to Rey about how everything has gone exactly as he wanted. When you think back to all the Star Wars films, arguably some of the highest peaks came from him, especially in the prequels which almost had nothing else of value. He steals the show in Episode 3 and I don't even like the movie overall. The scenes look beautiful, and I'm just curious to see how JJ ends this thing. I don't get too excited for SW anymore, especially after Solo, but I still think there is tons of untapped potential.
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