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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/bolivia There is good reason to believe it isn’t. Look at their system. The people vote for judges from a list created by the National Assembly which is controlled by Morales’s party. If Human Rights Watch is to be believed, Morales is on record saying in an interview that judicial independence was a “US doctrine” in the “service of the empire.”
  2. The military shouldn’t be handling this, so it seems like a coup. Yet Morales shouldn’t have been on the ballot. The voters rejected abolishing term limits, and the controversial court decision that allowed it after the people rejected it is widely seen as using strained reasoning to get a result for Morales . It’s no wonder that some people are frustrated over suspicious voting patterns, but this should have been handled by another vote. I don’t like the military stepping in.
  3. Fair enough. I stopped thinking of him as credible from some of his over the top rhetoric against the US years ago, but I haven’t followed him recently.
  4. I’ve read he’s positioning himself for a 2024 presidential run. He has the respect of a lot of people, but it’s apparent he doesn’t understand the political mood.
  5. I see we have resorted to posting tweets from Glenn Greenwald. Anyway, as predictable as it can be, the socialists are only focusing on the military’s action, not the fact that there was election fraud. Also, as will probably be the case, the military won’t handle this in a professional manner.
  6. Where is the evidence that keeping the program simple is worth it? If you want to argue it on principle that it should be like public schools, that’s one thing. But trying to pretend like administering means testing doesn’t work or doesn’t save lots of money is incorrect. As an example, Warren’s means tested student debt forgiveness costs 1.25 trillion over ten years vs Sanders who doesn’t means test which costs 2.2 trillion. A trillion dollars is not just slightly more money. This is a shit load of spending. Buttigieg makes Obama look like Sean Hannity.
  7. So now can we legalize on the Federal level and let the FDA do their job? The black market sucks, so let’s end it.
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/11/08/pete-buttigieg-promises-free-college-americans-earning-under/?utm_source=reddit.com#click=https://t.co/xNDMLxtILD
  9. He somehow manages to be worse than Biden on marijuana. He is disqualified on age alone along with Sanders and Biden.
  10. Politico has some results. CNN has some too.
  11. Just ballot questions where I’m at in Texas, but there are a couple of state rep races I’m watching.
  12. This is about as frustrating as it gets in Texas. If Beto would have just launched immediately into a run against Cornyn after his slim loss, he would have a really good chance. Now he is on record for confiscating firearms and a complete flop of a campaign.
  13. Warren used to be quite the Republican: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/04/12/elizabeth-warren-profile-young-republican-2020-president-226613
  14. It's just one poll a year away, so this poll doesn't mean much to me. If you take the poll at face value, it appears Warren is a weaker candidate than Sanders or Biden. This is notable since Sanders had a heart attack and Biden babbles non nonsensical stuff regularly. It seems like Sanders would do better with the public and some find Warren unlikable (according to this poll). The poll asked voters that support Biden over Warren why, and many of them said it's because she is too far left and they are against single payer. A weighing problem sounds like Romney 2012. I remember the right created their own polling website that adjusted the weights to what they thought they should be. I wouldn't rely on any single poll and certainly not a single tweet critiquing it. I would just wait for more polls and average them.
  15. If you see it as a negotiating tactic, that’s good. Your previous post made it sound like if the candidate doesn’t deliver everything, you’ll be disappointed.
  16. Then you may have even bigger issues with Warren or Sanders. I speculate that all the idealistic policies they stand for in their primary campaign are going to be watered down quite a bit by the time they get through the process. Don't be shocked if that happens, assuming one of them wins.
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