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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2019/11/26/barack-obama-2020-democrats-candidates-biden-073025 He may agree with him on some issues, but it doesn't seem like he thinks he could win.
  2. Thoughts on an Intel 660p: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/intel-ssd-660p-qlc-nvme,5719-3.html I think this drive has a lot of potential for a budget ssd with a good company behind it. It doesn't so bad in testing either.
  3. I could go for this. It's essentially a conditional cash transfer which is what I was arguing for.
  4. But it's an uphill battle. Maybe Sanders could convince people that it is a good thing, but maybe not. It's not clear either way. This is only one poll though. I haven't seen M4A poll this low anywhere else unless I missed it. This could be an outlier. The Sanders/Butti support levels are also out of step with other recent polls. A politico poll just released had Sanders in second and it was pretty recent.
  5. The infobubble can be really seen clearly with polling numbers on impeachment. You can clearly see around 35% of Americans are completely locked into Hannity's evening propaganda show and other similar right wing info sources. I agree the right wing infobubble didn't take down M4A. I think Warren did a poor job of defending it by initially ignoring questions about how she would pay for it as other candidates attacked it. I would point out that if all the other Democratic candidates can successful cast doubt on it, Republicans would probably be able to do more damage to support during a general when they deploy their war chest.
  6. I can't decide which is more shocking.. Biden going up +3 somehow or that Buttigieg is actually in second place nationally in this poll.
  7. There is an opportunity cost in each policy that is enacted in terms of political capital and monetary capital. There is only so much to go around, so when I think about all the policies being proposed by Democrats, I know that they are going to have to choose what they want to fix. It won't all get done. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't campaign on "free X", but people should be sober and realize that it's not all happening. So given the limited funding we have, is this really the best possible way to spend all 1.6 trillion? What if you could relieve most of the distress related to student loans by a more targeted program for 300 billion and use the rest of that money in other ways?
  8. Pete is a real piece of shit. He tries to talk to Tea Party people, the nerve, and now he made a reductive comment about education which no other politician has ever done! The rest of them are all spot on analyzing the issue. He smokes dope with Zuckerberg and laughs about how elite he is compared to others despite his 6 figure net worth. He is not qualified to be president, but a 77 year old straight white man that just had a heart attack and regularly spoke about nationalizing most of the U.S. economy when he was younger is not only qualified, but the most qualified person to ever run for the president. Pete is also a racist. Sorry this was really rude and snarky, but it does seem like Pete is being held to an impossible standard here. If you look at Warren's early history or Bernie's, they have done and said things that are questionable too. So has everyone else running for president. I would agree with people here that he does seem full of himself and elitist and is probably in it for his own ego and self, but I don't mind that because I assume that about everyone except Bernie (who is sincere and means well). I expect the president to be elite, but not elite in the way that Trump is.
  9. The Federal government should regulate and cap tuition rates and costs. As it currently stands, we pay way too much for higher education relative to other developed countries (sounds like healthcare), and I would want to ensure that it was being fully addressed at the Federal level before making everything free and forgiving it all. Once done, I would be okay forgiving less debt (say ~$25k instead of any amount of $50k like the populists on the left propose) on means tested families and individuals. Perhaps limits on payments can be made for everyone else too by eliminating interest or payments can be limited further based on incomes ( as incomes rise, a greater percentage of it could be taken for loan payments, but less when people make less). I still have trouble getting on board because I think we need to look at education differently from the high school level forward, but that's not realistic.
  10. If you don’t need the video card, upgrade to the ryzen 3700x and get faster memory( perhaps even 32) and upgrade the motherboard to a 570. @cusideabelincoln has a good build.
  11. PCPartPicker Part List: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/2VRBjp CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz 6-Core Processor ($194.00 @ Amazon) Motherboard: Asus ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING ATX AM4 Motherboard ($109.99 @ Newegg) Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($59.99 @ Newegg) Storage: Samsung 860 Evo 1 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($109.99 @ Amazon) Video Card: Sapphire Radeon RX 5700 XT 8 GB PULSE Video Card ($412.98 @ SuperBiiz) Total: $886.95 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-11-25 20:44 EST-0500 Just an idea to get the conversation started. As for the motherboard compatibility warning, according to the Asus website on the board, it supports the Ryzen 3000 series, but you may need to confirm with Asus that boards shipping have the new firmware already installed.
  12. I don't believe we can raise the money Sanders wants to with taxation, so each decision made should be done carefully to help as many people as possible with the limited resources we have. Bernie's debt forgiveness would cost 1.6 trillion dollars. I would rather all of that money be converted to wage subsides and cash transfers for the middle class and poor. Cash transfers will help the economy too. Healthcare is where our next president should focus their political capital first when it comes to financial insecurity.
  13. This is great news even if it dies in the senate. Republicans don't seem to like the idea of descheduling it and having provisions that expunge records and help minorities. They just want a lame ass half measure that would leave cannabis schedule 1 which leaves a lot of shitty policies in place, including stifling research.
  14. Biden wants to study marijuana now after he has had decades to push for studying it more in the past. He allowed it to stay schedule 1 with severe regulatory hurdles that deterred many researchers from even trying to jump through them, while maintaining a single low quality supply restriction on it for research. What a joke. We know enough. It's harmful, but it's not bad enough to prohibit for adults.
  15. "where you put your head at night determines so many things in your life" Well that's very true!
  16. https://www.ajc.com/blog/politics/clinton-rejects-tear-down-culture-atlanta-book-tour-stop/EqVQWI6kmzucmqWu2DhFbK/#
  17. If Buttigieg pulls off a win in Iowa and New Hampshire, it’s a good bet that his percentage will go up a bit. I still think he has some fundamental issues appealing to the non white non educated vote, but I think it’s plausible many could come around if he starts gaining momentum.
  18. This is going to be an interesting primary to say the least. Warren, Sanders, Buttigieg, or Biden could be it. It's impossible to tell right now.
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