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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I can’t wait to start the new season. It’s been too busy so far, but I’m going to tear into it. 100% rt so far for season 4!
  2. I don't follow UK politics very closely, so I'm learning some stuff about Corbyn. This doesn't seem like a typical politician over there based on many of his positions. The guy was a EU skeptic himself at one point. He had a huge disapproval rating. My question is why did labour have this guy leading the party if he was so disliked? Everyone is up in arms blaming the liberal democrats and the scots, but why was this guy leading labour and why does he not get some of the blame for failing miserably to lead his party to victory?
  3. Maybe I’m not understanding the results you posted, but that seems like an odd way to interpret them.
  4. Good for Greta. She deserves it. She got a lot of people's attention, and even if she didn't win many over on the right, I think she expressed the magnitude of the issue in only a way a teenager and future victim of this mess could which was unique and made people that do believe in climate change put it higher on their priority list.
  5. More context on why they settled on these two charges: https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/10/democrats-sidelined-mueller-trump-impeachment-080910
  6. It’s between the young evolving issue candidate or the old one that is losing his mind. That’s the choice.
  7. Could this be a way to make sure Mitch doesn’t hold Warren and Sanders hostage by trying to make the Senate’s job quicker so they can campaign? Otherwise I agree it looks a bit weak. Edit: The narrow scope appears it could be due to a whip count. Some Dems apparently aren’t comfortable with obstruction of justice charges. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/09/impeachment-trump-democrats-tuesday-079694
  8. Pete Buttigieg To Open Fundraisers To Press And Disclose Bundlers https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pete-buttigieg-opens-fundraisers-bundlers_n_5deeae89e4b07f6835b79911 He also doesn't take PAC money and doesn't take money from lobbyists. He has released tax returns going back to 2007. Edit: For clarification, he has taken money from them, but doesn't anymore. Check the huffington post article.
  9. I bet the thinking is we have 4 candidates that are very competitive with each other and this thing may go to a convention. Buttigieg is well funded to go for the long haul, and while he won’t get an Obama surge with African Americans, he may pick up some support along the way with more name recognition and outreach.
  10. We can’t nation build in Afghanistan. We should have bombed selective militant targets and left. No ground invasion. I remember back when Obama first took office, the media regularly reported our drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I haven’t looked at the numbers, but if anyone knows, is this a reporting issue or did we actually cut our drone strikes to a small fraction of what they used to be?
  11. How the Cool Kids of the Left Turned on Elizabeth Warren I don't see in the headlines very often, but I see it phrased as "statistical dead heat" or "statistical tie" regularly in the body of articles.Other times they say that the difference is within the poll's margin of error.
  12. I am starting to suspect the same thing. I am very concerned with the production values on this. It’s Sony TV, not Amazon directly doing it, correct? I am assuming there isn’t nearly as much cash going into this as LOTR, and some of the casting looks a little MTV. I would love to be proven wrong. I want this to be good.
  13. @Bacon, I'll go back to my original recommendations, although you will have to pay more: https://www.amazon.com/LG-27GL83A-B-Ultragear-Compatible-Monitor/dp/B07YGZL8XF You can also go for the LG 27GL850, but it's more expensive and I've heard really not much better. You can also shop for the Viewsonic VX2758-2KP-MHD, but buy it from a place you can return it in case there is backlight issues or issues with overdrive since it hasn't been reviewed by third parties. It goes for cheap. I bought one for $280 recently.
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