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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. A new poll shows the public is narrowly in favor of the airstrike that killed Qassem Soleimani, but has less faith in President Donald Trump’s overall Iran strategy.
  2. But there is a disturbing amount of voters that are fully on board with Trump. It’s different than how the GOP supported previous presidents. This is more like religious devotion to a man.
  3. It was my fiancée’s first PC game purchase ever. She likes the show and it motivated her to try it. She hasn’t started it yet. As for me, it’s my favorite rpg ever made. I sunk 250 hours into one play through.
  4. I enjoyed the different threads being weaved, but I agree Avasarala's story felt the least connected. I enjoyed the closed setting on Ilus with Murty and was thrilled to see what life on Mars was like since it was our first look. I like that the story is bubbling up around the characters. I am very patient if the characters and writing are good, and this is a solid drama with cool sci fi stuff going on all around it. It feels like we are really seeing things from their perspectives and I'm sincerely worried someone I really like is going to die in many of the scenes. I can't wait for the next season. We went through this one in just a few days.
  5. 1. Trump squeezes Iran by backing out of the Iranian agreement 2. Iran lashes out as we squeeze their economy 3. Trump nearly strikes but doesn't and brags 4. Iran proxy attack on embassy (I'm assuming this is conformed) 5. Trump assassinates a high profile government official
  6. Trump is probably going to get reelected, unless this is finally his undoing. Why didn't he at least do this with black ops? What an idiot. Edit: We have oddly continued to choose the Saudis. I don't see why we have to choose anyone anymore, but if we could take a lot of things back, Iran would probably be a better lesser evil. It's far too late now.
  7. Biden raises $23 million in 4th quarter, his top result to date https://www.politico.com/news/2020/01/02/biden-raises-23-million-top-result-092759 Biden on the upswing with money. Plus he has a PAC
  8. I think we give too much credit to 18 year olds. They are not adults no matter what they say. 21 isn’t an adult either, but it seems to strike the right balance between public health, liberty, and neuroscience.
  9. A quick search for meta studies relating to 21 year old alcohol laws on pubmed supports raising the age. It limits availability to youth and decreases alcohol related mortality. I don’t support giving 18-20 year olds criminal records for possession, just restricting sales and civil fines.
  10. I'm 5 episodes in. Weaknesses: Camera angles are a bit odd at times. The sets sometimes feel a bit too busy or something. There is a lot of information being thrown at us very quickly, so info overload (I expected this with a new universe). The staggered timeline can be somewhat confusing, but this is not Westworld season 2, at least yet. Mixed acting performances with some of the support and background characters, but not terrible. Neutral: Tongue and cheek tone at times may or may not work for some. Strengths: Fight scenes are badass. That scene at the end of episode 1 made sword fighting look really dangerous compared to other shows. Monster designs are cool, and I'm loving magic being everywhere and this show embracing high fantasy. A lot of the budget shows and it looks good. The staggered timeline allows us to get backstory as we are watching the show, using time very efficiently. Most importantly, I really like all three of the main characters, especially Geralt and Yen. They are nailing their roles. The main characters are interesting and I'm anxious to learn more. I recommend the show. I think they're finding their footing a bit in several areas, but this season will likely be seen as an introduction to the world and characters when we look back later. Edit: What's very clear to me is some critics are being way to fucking hard on this. This is not a 0/100 show by any stretch.
  11. I think not having a time jump between TFA and TLJ really constrained the overall trilogy and the last movie in particular. We basically had two movies with the first one being really long. I think we needed off screen character development between 7 and 8 so JJ didn’t try to pack as much into the last one.
  12. I felt disconnected from all the characters except Rey and Kylo. Everyone else could die and I could just watch with no connection or care. They had some minor characters die that had been in all the movies, but I felt no connection to them. When Biggs died in ep4, I barely knew him, but I felt it. This space battle just happened on the screen and it was a nice light show, but I felt the characters were just sitting along for a ride. The plot doesn’t come organically from the characters. The characters are on the screen as a necessity as the plot moves along. And talk about choppy pacing and scene transitions. I didn’t get a chance to even breath a real moment with anyone. Disney needs to approach this differently and plan ahead. I don’t expect the second coming, but this is pretty damn lazy. I even liked some of the scenes, but everything felt rushed. There’s so much potential and it feels wasted. To be clear, it wasn’t terrible. I was entertained at a par level, but that’s it and I’ll likely never watch it again and forget about it.
  13. I'm 4 episodes in and I'm really enjoying it. I'm not surprised to be enjoying it, but it is a relief that the transition to Amazon has been successful.
  14. So I've looked around and there seems to be a lot of people that love it, and some that hate it, not a lot of in between, even between book readers and players of the games. I've read that as it jumps between characters, it is also jumping time which throws people off, and you have to use context in conversations to figure out when it is. I read the first 3 episodes are weak and it begins to come together episode 4 onward. User scores seem much higher than critics right now. I plan to watch over the coming days!
  15. Reviews have it at 60%, but only 10 reviews. This isn't how I wanted it to start. I really had high hopes for this one. I hope they're wrong.
  16. My expectations were already low, but I'm excited because it's Star Wars Episode 9! It looks like it is shot beautifully. In a way, the mixed reviews makes me more curious what a cluster fuck this thing may end up being. I didn't like that JJ was doing this either. I'm heading to see it Friday. My hope is that if it does suck, it will trigger some new management and a new approach to their feature films.
  17. Agreed. Vapes need direct fda oversight and regulations like this while pushing them as a smoking cessation tool like the UK has done. They are still safer than smoking.
  18. If the social democracy wing of the party wants to win, Warren and Bernie should swallow their pride. Run Bernie as president and Warren as VP with Bernie giving a pledge that he will hand the reigns over to her after his first term. Maybe that would be enough to overtake Biden.
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