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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I think all the evidence points to Sanders being a stronger candidate than Warren, at least from a polling standpoint (head to heads with Trump and with Dems).
  2. I read two articles about it. One was from Politico and one was Vox, and Bernie's campaign refused to deny the authenticity of the documents in both articles. Bernie goes on to say that he never says anything bad about Warren. Get real. Bernie knows what's going on with this. He's not a saint. Plus the attack aren't even that bad, but it was enough to trigger Warren.
  3. Warren and 3 other sources say Bernie said it. Bernie and 2 others sources say he did not. I guess she got tired of Bernie volunteers going around trashing her as Bernie plays innocent. Let them fight it out.
  4. Homecoming took place in the MCU. Morbius takes place in Sony's Marvel Universe. They aren't the same universe. Edit: Disney and Sony must have negotiated more cross overs between the two universes when they were discussing the future of Spider-Man.
  5. The fuck!? Michael Keaton is at the end of the trailer. Is that supposed to be him as vulture or as just another guy? If that’s vulture, it makes no sense since this is in Sony’s marvel universe, separate from Marvel. If it isn’t vulture, what a weird way to end the trailer, with an actor that played the villain in their just bragged about homecoming. Venom was garbage, but it was halfway fun garbage. Sony trying to build a separate universe feels desperate.
  6. Cool! I finished watching it all last year and I’m looking forward to the new season !
  7. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/iowa-poll/caucus/2020/01/10/iowa-poll-2020-bernie-sanders-lead-iowa-caucus-president-election/4426492002/
  8. Bernie has a lot of things going for his campaign. He has an impressive fundraiser base, and he has a broad demographic that supports him. If he can get a few more older people on board, he will have it.
  9. Who Will Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-primary-forecast/ Probability of getting the nomination right now: Biden- 42% Sanders- 21% No one- 13% Warren- 11% Buttigieg- 10% All others- 2%
  10. He's not campaigning in Iowa or NH, so those numbers are expected. He's dumping money into Super Tuesday states. His strategy is unconventional and likely won't work, but it already has more traction than I thought it would.
  11. Rand Paul and Mike Lee are finally good for something. I expected them to just roll over like they do for Trump on everything else.
  12. That's not a psychologically healthy or even an objective way to perceive reality, but I can't stop you. Have fun with that.
  13. I hope the rosy interpretations of this event are true, that now everyone can go back to business as usual. I believe it is more probable that Iran is working on a larger strategy to hit softer targets with their proxy forces, and we will eventually take casualties.
  14. @SaysWho?, You can verify a lot of the stats from the graphic independently. There's no point in effort posting here. Literacy rates, absolute poverty, child mortality, look them up (edit literacy wasn't on the chart, was from other stats I'm familiar with).
  15. Unfortunately, this is exactly how I thought the graphic would be greeted by some, as if the world can’t be getting better in some ways, even while we regress in others, and as if things can’t get better even if things are still bad. Carry on wallowing in sorrow. Forgive me for trying to offer a sliver of light and goodness to any subject here.
  16. With how popular the TV show has been, there is a large incentive to make more Witcher games and potentially remaster old ones (even more so than they already have).
  17. The laptops are a big deal from a revenue perspective because they're finally getting market penetration with Zen 2 cores. These are performing really well and are extremely efficient. They didn't talk about Zen 3 which will be 2nd half of this year which will be an entirely "from scratch" design. This should further pressure Intel across the board on the CPU side. As for a big GPU, yeah I'm disappointed but not surprised. I would say we won't see AMD competitive on the high end with Nvidia until 2022. GPU development cycles tend to be a 3 year thing and I don't think Radeon has experienced the benefits of the Zen $$ yet.
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