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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Biden or Bernie could pull off a win. 45% chance on predictwise. I think trump will win, but the evidence is more or less a coin flip. He has a lot of bad things going for him too. Let’s hope once the nominee is decided, everyone gets behind this person and gets it done.
  2. I'm aware he'll be unshackled, but I believe America will still come out the other side in one piece. We will be battered and wounded, but we won't be fucked. Edit: I think that Trump already proved that he is TERRIBLE in so many ways, but we have survived 4 years of him. We will survive Trump 2.0. Edit 2: This doesn't mean I endorse Trump or his policies, or think what he's doing is okay. This is a difference between many people here being pessimists about the future while I am more optimistic about the long run. We have taken a dark detour for the time being, but I believe this will be short lived. Laugh it up and mock me, I don't really care. None of us know for sure what's coming. I think people will come around.
  3. Here’s a different take that is slightly more positive. Trump will win this year, but we are not fucked long term as long as he doesn’t get us in a massive war. America will muddle through, and we will take on climate issues with intense urgency in 2024 and play catch up with everything else. Republicans are nearly certain to reach the end of this business cycle by 2024 and they will be blamed for the downturn. One has to hope, because it does seem like Trump is going to win whether it is Bernie or Biden.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/19/us/politics/amy-klobuchar-elizabeth-warren-new-york-times-endorsement.html
  5. And Boeing can’t figure out why their rocket didn’t end up where it was supposed to! It’ll be great to see our astronauts getting to low earth orbit without having to use Russian rockets. SpaceX is doing an impressive job. If Starlink succeeds and they have all that extra cash, I can’t imagine what we will be seeing in the future.
  6. I think what Trump is really doing is just using the devotion and adoration from Bernie supporters to further divide Democrats. If he can have a hand in supporting the narrative that Bernie is being treated unfairly by the elites in the party, it makes it more likely that Bernie supporters will not vote when Biden is the nominee.
  7. Pete winning Iowa would mean Warren is done as sflufan said. I think it makes the race a bit more wide open and longer winded. Biden and Sanders do not need Iowa to compete, but Warren does, so I think it increases the chance of a contested convention a bit, but in the end Biden will still probably take the nomination.
  8. An equally interesting question is what would Bernie supporters do if he lost the general? I don't know, but I'm nearly at the point that I want to see Sanders get the nomination just to see what would happen. Are all the Bernie supporters correct that it would motivate the left base and he would win with record turn outs, or not? What would the argument be then, especially if he lost the popular vote?
  9. Ridiculous bullshit. Criminal justice reform organizations will hopefully take notice and make sure they cover themselves better with future ballot initiatives.
  10. Joe Biden says he’ll commit resources needed to win Texas for Democrats https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2020/01/16/joe-biden-says-hell-commit-resources-needed-to-win-texas/
  11. This show has come strongly recommended by people around me. I intended to start it up. What a disappointment. Netflix seems far too willing to kill good content. Finish the arcs up Netflix!
  12. Bernie said something like it, but Warren still seems desperate to go after it right now. Bernie is like Trump in the way that his supporters adore and worship him and would support his version of any story no matter what. Warren got a small bump from the debate, but my guess is Bernie will maintain what he has gained in recent polls. Despite that, Biden is still the nominee. I said it all long ago and here he is as the front runner still. It's all somewhat unfortunate as Warren would be a better president and get more done than Bernie, but Warren just doesn't have a wide enough base of support it seems. Butti would also be a great president . I think people here are too hard on him for navigating to the center lane when the left lane was full with Bernie and Warren. He made a calculation to carve out a position to the slight left of Biden, but not as far as Warren. His positions are generally well thought out, and he seems to have a grasp on the complexities of foreign policy. But he just doesn't have the support he needs across all the demographics.
  13. Bernie's plan has a 4 year phase in period when Republicans will have plenty of time to make single payer fail. If you get past the 4 year mark, I agree it would be nearly impossible to dismantle.
  14. Sounds fine to me. There are other approaches that would work too if you look at other developed countries, but single payer works.
  15. Bernie is right that healthcare needs more radical reform than a band aid like Biden or Butti’s approach.
  16. Sanders is the least reasonable one up there on trade. He complains about Trump’s trade wars, but Bernie would start them by never getting to an agreement.
  17. The GOP will manufacture plenty of attacks on any one of the Democratic candidates quite effectively, but I agree that Biden is the weakest from a corruption angle.
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