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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. This. Paper scantron accurately counts the vote and every age group understands it. Why are we trying to change it up?
  2. Does Sanders ever address doctor shortages in his plan? Medical schools need more slots and there needs to be more residencies. The AMA is rent-seeking and this has to be addressed.
  3. I don't know if it will matter if Bloomberg is beat up. He's proving all you have to do is run commercials to win.
  4. Same here. I'm torn on what would happen. Since there aren't any centrist candidates that are exciting the base, it seems like Bernie's chances are just as good as theirs.
  5. Warren has a good reason to stay in the thing. She could end up being the compromise between Bernie Sanders policies and the center lane if no one gets a majority.
  6. Biden is still polling well in Georgia. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/exclusive-channel-2-poll-finds-biden-with-large-lead-georgia-presidential-primary/523MBVBEZFC6DHI5RK5LS6GLAY/
  7. Wow the ads worked really well for Bloomberg. Amazing that he has so much support from minorities after overseeing aggressive police tactics in minority neighborhoods and he has boasted about his belief in these tactics. It really sucks that he seems to be getting the traction. I want criminal justice reform from the center lane! Fuck old Biden and “Mike”.
  8. I'm glad the center lane is not being dominated by Biden. Buttigieg has been really impressive. I saw his support inched up a bit with minority voters in one of the more recent national polls. We'll see if any more traction is made after tonight.
  9. Remember when I said Biden was going to win the whole thing? I don’t think we have to wait for South Carolina.
  10. I was just commenting on the difficulties that Bernie would face as the nominee against the general electorate. I'm not going to argue with you on my political views since I have expressed myself pretty clearly here on more the one occasion. Regardless of all that, if I cut the last sentence off of your response, that sounds like a pitch for Trump. Populism isn't my thing, but have at it.
  11. I expect it will only get a lot worse if he becomes the nominee, and there is plenty of ammo to exploit that he is sympathetic to communist regimes and socialist governments. I can't believe he's the front runner, but I guess this is the future.
  12. I edited my post to say may have won. We should wait to see how things go for sure, it’s just not a good start.
  13. It's unfair for Sanders how the media spun this. On the other hand, Sanders had more cash and name recognition and he could have lost to a small town former mayor from the Midwest. The Sanders turn out surge didn't happen.
  14. I hope they can do a good job of mitigating issues they cause for astronomers, but I’m otherwise really excited. Our family has some rural property and fixed wireless could use some serious competition.
  15. Full article: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-06/spacex-likely-to-spin-off-starlink-business-and-pursue-an-ipo
  16. Either make all the primaries the same day or abolish them and let the Democratic Party elites choose their candidate.
  17. Romney hates Trump and what he’s done to the GOP. Romney and Paul Ryan (who left because he saw where his party was going and didn’t want to be a part of it) are both from the same part of the GOP that deemphasizes issues like the border to an extent and are more concerned with pushing the GOP agenda on entitlement reform, free trade, lower corporate rates, and their own healthcare reform. Most here disagree with them on all of this, but they are more similar to George W than Trump, and they hate Trump’s vulgar style. Romney strikes me as an honorable guy, even when I disagree. He is not loyal to Trump, he just happens to agree with Trump on a lot of policy issues, but he strongly believes in following the law and maintaining some sense of honor.
  18. There are some hopeful people here. By the way, republicans are not taking the house back. Dems will keep control. So you can rest easy on that.
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