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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Good luck finding them. I order them regularly at work for some of our employees and if you can get them, they're about 5 to 10 times as expensive as they used to be. It's $600 from an Amazon seller that has them in stock for a case of 160. I usually was able to get 200 of them for around 90 bucks.
  2. Voted in Texas early before the Nevada results, but regret going Butti. I should have pulled it for Biden, as I think he has the best chance to stop Bernie now. It likely won't matter either way. I also voted center lane Democrat across the board, including MJ for Senate and Ceullar for Rep. If this place had downvotes, I can't imagine what my posts would get!
  3. I didn't mean to make it sound that way. Sanders seems to praise aspects of leftist authoritarian regimes when he is asked about it and will often support them remaining in power when they clearly shouldn't be. He isn't running on this, but it will be exploited, and he doesn't have to say what he says. He could focus on European social democracy, but he chooses to go out of his way to praise regimes that are supposed to be inconsistent with his own ideas.
  4. Sanders is praising a country that took power through a violent revolution. I was talking about a guy that I called a piece of shit that won an election, and I was very narrowly hoping for some good while acknowledging the terrible. I have never praised any violent populist movements or regimes here in the 2 decades I have been posting. Sanders has praised leftist dictators throughout his life, honeymooned in the USSR, and on and on. I am well aware that there is nuance in these countries, and you just showed that you don't understand the difference in what I said and what your boy Sanders says. As for the ethics of it all, I'm sure we could each write a thesis. but explaining and understanding why something came about doesn't mean you justified it morally. Castro was a piece of shit. Sanders is going out of his way when he doesn't have to to praise the guy.
  5. So? Sanders has plenty of other countries he can praise that have similar policies to his. This is a pattern. He likes authoritarian leftists.
  6. Sanders talks about Finland as more representative of his democratic socialism, but goes way out of his way to say that there were good aspects to an authoritarian regime. He just can't shake his lust for authoritarian leftists.
  7. Ah yes, I see what you mean. You're correct. That remains to be seen. My guess is some will see it as a lost cause while others will try to stop him, kind of like the movement against Trump in the 2016 GOP primary.
  8. This is a blow out for Sanders. There is no denying his power now. This is a diverse state and he is getting plenty of minority support. He is getting momentum points each victory and he is picking up Biden's supporters rather than the center lane. Congrats to all of you Sanders supporters. It's an amazing accomplishment for this guy to be the front runner.
  9. Butti's got decent hispanic numbers, but damn, the blacks are not on board. Biden still has black support which bodes well for SC. Edit: I'm starting to accept that Bernie is going to be nominee.
  10. I really doubt it, but who knows. That would be quite a move. Klob seems slightly more open to it than Bloomberg and Biden.
  11. Looking at the situation from the establishment side of the Democratic party, It's far better for them at this point that they don't try to block Bernie getting the nomination, even if he only gets a plurality during the first ballot. If they try to give the nomination to someone else during the second, we will never hear the end of it, and it will only strengthen the democratic socialist wing of the party. In the case that Bernie loses in the general, it shows that all the noise being made about energizing the base didn't pan out, and we will be stuck with another 4 years of Donald Trump since Bernie failed in the general. If Bernie wins, it will show some of his supporters that actually believe he will get his policies enacted that the Senate will block most of his agenda, and he will either have to compromise just as any other Democrat would or will get absolutely nothing done, slowing the growth of this movement.
  12. It's still had for me to accept they need the cut to be this large. They are a private company so I can't look at their income statement though.
  13. Developers should always receive at least 80% of the revenue on Steam. I like Steam given the terrible alternatives out there, but they need to improve on these revenue sharing numbers. I also would rather Steam be more walled off, but I understand the argument for the way it is.
  14. I took it from reddit I didn't know it was just a modified copy pasta, but it made me laugh hard.
  15. In case anyone missed it, here is part of Klob's response last night to Butti:
  16. I had to work late tonight but it seems like I missed the beat debate yet.
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