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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. It's not a poll. It's an academic working paper with a much larger sample size than a single poll and a more robust methodology. https://osf.io/25wm9/ It's also not the only research I have posted here: http://centerforpolitics.org/crystalball/articles/medicare-for-all-a-vote-loser-in-2018-u-s-house-elections/
  2. I don’t like Bloomberg or Biden. I apologize. I don’t want to instruct. You guys have well informed opinions. But the evidence of Bernie’s needed improbable youth surge to beat Trump is there. It’s risky and unproven.
  3. I knew that post would be mocked and would go nowhere with the level of passion for Bernie here, but I tried. Good luck!
  4. It’s too risky to nominate Sanders. We got Trump in the White House. Now isn’t the time to experiment with a Democratic socialist. Research seems to show that moderate candidates do better. This young revolution may not show up to vote and we will have 4 more years of Donald. If you haven’t voted yet, at least give some thought to casting your vote reluctantly for Biden or Buttigieg. Bloomberg also did well in the research posted earlier here, but I know he’s out for most of you. Warren did worse than Sanders or the centrists, so stick with Sanders it you can’t shift lanes. Wait until 2024 and back AOC to conduct the grand experiment. Sanders probably won’t be able to beat Trump. Probably no one will, but at least nominate a candidate with the best shot. Vote Biden, Buttigieg, or Bloomberg. PS: This isn’t a troll post. I really don’t want another 4 years of Trump. I think Sanders will lose.
  5. That’s fair. I thought Sanders improved the last third. He had some pretty poor moments earlier though. When he talked about his D rating with the NRA, it didn’t land.
  6. It's hard to tell if anything was clear at that debate, but I would agree Sanders did poorly throughout most of it. Biden seemed to do alright.
  7. Most of them would answer from a supreme being knowing that the poll results for atheists are down there a bit.
  8. I found Bloomberg's answers on China somewhat disturbing. My guess is he has business interests there. He seems completely oblivious. I'm not an expert on China by any stretch, but this is pretty basic.
  9. Thank you Pete. I'm sick of Sanders lying without correction about healthcare around the world.
  10. This is like the Warren show. She just talks out of turn all the time. Edit: They need to cut some mics off.
  11. I was confused about this as well. I think Sanders didn't even know. I have to believe they were booing Bloomberg, but my intuition with the timing made it seem like they were booing Sanders. Maybe Bloomberg paid some people to boo Sanders. It wouldn't shock me.
  12. I would love to hear him answer that without resorting to talking about how we are already a socialist country for the rich. I want to hear why he uses the term and how it differs from social democracy.
  13. I guess everyone has to be reminded that you don't need a communist shithole of a government to improve literacy rates! I'm pretty confident and I don't need the WSJ or any other newspaper to fact check me on this one. This is what we get with a Sanders nomination. Everyone will be debating what socialism means. It's not communism, but then again, communist regimes actually did bad because X, not because they were communist. A good communist country would be so amazing, but Sanders isn't a communist so nevermind!
  14. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/25/21152538/bernie-sanders-electability-president-moderates-data
  15. Fuck Bloomberg. He needed to allow one of the centrist candidates already there try to carry the ball. The guy is an embarrassment and is causing the vote to get split even more. Regardless, Sanders is picking up a lot of votes as centrists fall, so he is pretty much the nominee. Biden has a shot to come back if he gets a win in South Carolina, but it is extremely small.
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