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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Biden and Sanders are now effectively tied on fivethirtyeight at 17%: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2020-primary-forecast/?ex_cid=rrpromo No one is winning at 66%. If I remember correctly, No One does not mean it is automatically a contested convention. It could also mean that no one gets the majority, but before it gets to a contested convention, Elizabeth Warren gifts her delegates to Bernie, or Bloomberg gifts his to Biden to get to the majority. If it gets to a contested convention, the Democrat is far better positioned to win their party's nomination.
  2. Reddit is whatever you make of it. There are plenty of communities that you could relate to I’m sure. I don’t spend time in /all for instance, just what I subscribe to.
  3. Most Sanders supporters aren’t here. The attitude throughout the internet is extremely hostile towards anyone not Sanders. I have seen it over and over again. That’s where my sarcastic response to mclumber was coming from. Of course I wouldn’t say that about him. He probably understood right away what I meant. I was impersonating a reddit user from politics sub.
  4. The attitude has been bred by the attitude of Sanders supporters online. Sorry you don't like it. I wonder how you would feel if I called your guy a rat all day.
  5. The best center lane candidate is out. I think there was an argument to be made that staying in would actually hurt Sander's chances more than help them, but I guess the case for dropping was more compelling. My guess is Biden offered him some type of cabinet position. Biden's VP slot would go to someone that will energize the base a bit.
  6. I bought the dip (domestic and international indexes, but mainly U.S. because it's been so expensive) with some discretionary money I had just now. I saved around 60% of it to go in more if this heads into a full bear.
  7. This was the fastest correction on record. I think we are in for an extremely bump ride. The effects from government reactions to the virus as well as traveling and consumer behavior are going to start hitting earnings based on current trends. We may get some huge up days on technical trading signals, but I think this will turn into a bear.
  8. The working paper does explore Sanders matching or exceeding the moderate candidates in the polls. There is a big catch to it as the chart I posted noted, and the paper doesn't support a lot of the assertions being made about the moderate candidates being weaker even when they tossed 3 arguments against the moderates to the respondents (such as Butti being gay). But the paper could be wrong, as these things are highly speculative. On your 2016 comments, no one knows how Sanders would have performed vs Trump. Viewing your Clinton support as a mistake is understandable, but it's also not supported since for all we know, Sanders would have done worse. In other words, Hillary's loss to Trump doesn't prove that Bernie would have done better. Anyway, I'll likely be passive about Bernie the rest of the way unless he says something that warrants a response. This was kind of my last argument against him since it's probably over.
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