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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. All good advice. I have bought on 3 separate down days now without regret. As a test to my psychology, I am holding my 95% equity portfolio with no urge to sell, just to buy. I'm thinking very long-term with my position. This is becoming an opportunity, it just sucks it has to be from a virus.
  2. And the S&P 500 ends the day 7.63% down. If anyone has extra cash, I think it's time to start positioning yourself. I wouldn't be surprised if it dropped another 10-15%, but I'm looking for around ~8% or so to make another move in.
  3. However the violent decline in yields is largely because investors are looking for a safe place to park their money, which means bonds are signaling terrible growth and investors have no confidence in putting their money into riskier assets like stocks. These moves are much more drastic than equities which makes me think equities have a good deal further to drop. Thinking back to the financial crisis, US bonds never got this low, and never have. The bond market is much larger than the stock market, and it’s pricing in a recession.
  4. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/06/coronavirus-testing-failure-123166 The Trump administration’s decision to forgo a World Health Organization test and create its own had fateful consequences, experts say. This admin is a damn joke!
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/coronavirus-mortality-rate/2020/03/06/b0c4cdfc-5efc-11ea-b014-4fafa866bb81_story.html
  6. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/after-super-tuesday-joe-biden-is-a-clear-favorite-to-win-the-nomination/
  7. I think Bernie made huge inroads with Latinos and some progress with blacks. I don't think your movement ends with Bernie. AOC and others that are very young are stepping up.
  8. My last post came across as too negative. Sorry about that. Despite everything I said, I believe that the Sanders/AOC movement has a big future. Within 10 years, I think it will be the Democratic Party. Why do I get roped into posting like that here? I'm going back to less serious observer mode. Carry on!
  9. You make it seem like voters are dumb if they don’t think that Bernie is going to march in and whip Trump. There have been reasonable arguments presented here by many as to why Biden arguably has a better shot than Bernie, but they’re ignored. Quit pretending like all the evidence is so obvious that the self proclaimed socialist is going to win in the suburbs of Texas over a centrist when it is far from clear. It seems like you and others have an agenda that goes well beyond beating Donald Trump. The goal is to take over the Democratic Party, and if Trump wins, so be it because you can build on it into 2024. It’s not just about winning the election, it’s about winning the civil war in the Democratic Party. Some aren’t interested in the civil war this year, while others in the party disagree with the policies of Sanders. Biden gets votes because people want Biden. They’re not all low information voters and Bernie’s revolution is no where to be found in the data. The case is stronger than ever that he would lose.
  10. You would have a more compelling case if young voters were coming out in crazy numbers for Bernie, but it isn't happening.
  11. In Texas, I feel much more comfortable with Biden at the top of the ticket than Sanders. Most Texas Democrats seem to feel the same way. It seems a lot more risky in this political environment to have Sanders at the top. Counter: Cuellar almost lost and Sanders did extremely well. Texas Democrats are being taken over by the leftist wing of the party because we have so many young voters here. This isn't Florida.
  12. That's evidence, but I still don't think we know. Warren may have been quiet about it out of political calculus. There is supposed to be a lot of animosity between them over this, and that's evidence that Sanders may not have told the whole story. Edit: If I was betting on it, I would go more with Sanders versions of events myself, but I don't really know. My doubt comes from how pissed she seems to be over it all.
  13. I was speaking from Warren’s perspective. I’m not sure if it was an inaccurate perspective though. How do you know that?
  14. At one of the debates, she seemed extremely hurt by the way Sanders responded to her claims about a conversation they had regarding women and the presidency.
  15. Warren is so much better than Sanders, but she doesn't energize a broad base like he does. She'll always get the credit in my mind for taking Bloomberg down. All the hatred towards her is ridiculous. The right move for her is to not endorse anyone. After Sanders treated her like dirt, I don't know if she can move past that. Endorsing Biden would seem to betray her whole argument of structural change.
  16. It's not, and I would say Trump is too old as well. There is some nuance to it though. Chronological aging and biological aging aren't the same thing. If someone had a great diet and exercised throughout their lives, they could be 5 years younger biologically than their chronological age. I don't know if that really matters practically. My position also isn't that if someone is 70+ you should never vote for them. It's just in a large field of candidates during a primary, I'm not going to see 70+ as a pro.
  17. No, Trump is 73. Sanders is 78 and would be 79 on his first day in office. Biden is 77 and would be 78 on his first day in office.
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