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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. This isn’t the first virus that originated from China’s animal food markets. They haven’t tried hard enough to shut that shit down.
  2. How does Biden appeal to the “Bernie kids” without turning off the rest of the party? What‘a a realistic scenario here?
  3. What Sanders has done isn't going anywhere. He already moved the Overton window. Everyone is already talking about single payer more, and it has good polling numbers. The public option has a large majority supporting it. The idea that we will never see single payer because Sanders doesn't become president is pretty negative, but it's understandable given the results tonight. Sanders would have accelerated this process some, but AOC isn't going anywhere. The 30% of Democrats Sanders converted are not going anywhere. My congressman almost lost to an AOC backed candidate in a primary in Texas. The social democracy movement is just getting started. I'm not even a part of it, but I can plainly see the future is pretty bright for anyone that is participating. Sanders was a huge long shot to take power this quickly. I think we will see momentum over the next 8 years that will be incremental, but extremely significant. With the right amount of charisma, a person with the views of Sanders could probably have won this primary.
  4. I think there are several reasons it's worse: 1) It seems to spread easier and we don't seem to have an immunity to it. Moreover, many patients don't have any symptoms for a bit even as they are capable of spreading the virus. 1b) This means that the healthcare system could get overwhelmed as we have seen in Italy, upping the risk of death. 2) There's no vaccine for a long time, unlike the flu 3) The mortality rate seems to be higher, although we don't really know for sure until we look back later. At a minimum, we don't know the mortality rate, and it seems like it could easily be quite a bit higher than the flu 4) The response to this thing has been a joke from this administration I'm not saying we panic either, but it is sensible to try to prevent massive gathering and give people the information they need to protect themselves. Wash your hands a lot everyone.
  5. Why out of all the center lane candidates did it have to be Biden? I'm glad Bloomberg wasn't it, but what about pretty much anyone else: Buttigieg, Klob, Harris, Booker, Beto, and countless others.
  6. Because the polling indicated that Biden had a reasonable shot at winning South Carolina. Biden had over a 10% chance of taking the nomination based on all the data then. Sanders had less than a 1% chance before tonight of taking it, and now he has no chance.
  7. This is why politicians have to form a coalition that includes a lot of middle aged and older people. Young people don't vote. Hedging one's campaign on them is a risky bet. Sanders has done an amazing job both times he ran for president considering what he ran on and who his supporters are.
  8. I mostly agree, except I would argue that Sanders has a lot more policies than just single payer. I'm on board with single payer, but when you start bullet pointing the rest of his agenda and how he would tax the country, rent control, etc., I get off the boat real fast.
  9. They seem to be more worried about overreacting and harming the stock market than underreacting, which is contributing to the sell off in the stock market.
  10. Of course. I'm referring to money being allocated towards building infrastructure, such as public transit.
  11. Party unity would be Sanders immediately pulling out of the race and endorsing Biden and working as hard as he can to convince his supporters that this is not an election that they can sit out. The party platform is pretty damn meaningless, but Sanders allowing Biden to start campaigning against Trump right now isn't. If Sanders stays in it assuming he has a bad night, then I have lost all respect for the man. As for Biden, I do agree that he needs to be more unifying and open towards social democratic wing of the party. How he should do that is up for debate.
  12. What a fucking shame. Trump's proposal for the virus is economic measures that are complete garbage, like payroll tax cuts and bail outs for industries that don't need it (except perhaps the airlines). What this country needs is robust long-term spending in public health. Fund the CDC, WHO, FDA, etc. We need a leader that encourages science, health, and stability. For economic stimulus measures, infrastructure of all kinds, particularly public transit and green initiatives, and if you must, send the middle class and poor cash in the mail, not payroll tax cuts. Maybe implement that debt forgiveness plan @Signifyin(g)Monkey talked about a while back too!
  13. It can't decide what to do. It could go either way, but my guess is it is going to end up falling. Small cap is in the red.
  14. I'm sure you have a long response, and I don't want to get into it too deep, but this is just something I noticed in your replies. You an one hand claim that centrists are wrong and have no platform. Then you claim that centrists eventually adopt the position of the far-left from years past (which you've said more than once here). It can't be both. Edit: To clarify, the contradiction is clear considering that centrists must have a platform if they adopted positions of the "far left" at one point.
  15. She seems like the obvious pick. I'm not convinced yet! Here are some betting markets: https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/5883/Who-will-win-the-2020-Democratic-vice-presidential-nomination
  16. Biden is the nominee based on the data. I'm just wondering who will be the VP. Biden is likely a one-term president, so getting his VP pick correct is more important than usual.
  17. https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Three-fund_portfolio VTI - U.S. Total Market VXUS - International Total Market (Ex U.S.) BND - Total Bond Market (**This could be 0% depending on you risk tolerance) The short answer is you don't buy individual stocks, you just buy them all. You can own thousands of public companies by purchasing VTI and VXUS.
  18. I was also going to mention that there are opportunities with better valuations with international equity, and since they've been dropping with the U.S. at similar rates, the case remains. Specifically, Vanguard projected higher expected rate of returns from developed market indexes in the global outlook from Dec.2019. https://pressroom.vanguard.com/nonindexed/Vanguard_Global_Economic_Market_Outlook_2020.pdf
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