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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. For sure. He is getting credit for the actions of governors and mayors, but his strategy is now to distance himself from their actions some so he can't be blamed for the economic fallout from shut ins. He is trying to weave through this thing 100% for political gain and is doing absolutely nothing beneficial for the country as a leader.
  2. He has done a terrible job "leading" us during this pandemic. Pretty much everything we are doing right is in spite of Trump, yet he somehow gets the credit. Everything wrong with how we are responding is his fault, such as his careless words about certain drugs, his admin failing miserably early on with testing kits, downplaying the seriousness of the virus ("HOAX"), ignoring intelligence agencies months ago about it and instead listening to the Chinese leader on a phone call, and now talking about sending everyone back to work and packing the churches on Easter! Americans like Trump. I've come to the conclusion it isn't so much about what he does, but it's about how he does it. They like how he does things because it's entertaining and it somehow soothes them, even when he does things that are awful for them and the country.
  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/24/trump-approval-rating-rises-amid-response-to-coronavirus.html STAY CALM
  4. I don’t consider 10% up days to be healthy. It is the dying gasps of an angry bull still kicking around on the ground.
  5. How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S. Don't forget how bad the administration fucked up. Even though the CDC wasn't cut, the way everything has been handled has been a complete and utter failure.
  6. The main difference is that the BoJ purchases equities while the Fed doesn't. The Fed now purchases corporates and munis in addition to Federal debt.
  7. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/03/22/covid-19-california-governor-calls-on-youth-to-take-shelter-in-place-seriously/
  8. Can we also do a massive 2 trillion dollar infrastructure package while we are spending all this cash?
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/us-intelligence-reports-from-january-and-february-warned-about-a-likely-pandemic/2020/03/20/299d8cda-6ad5-11ea-b5f1-a5a804158597_story.html
  10. Donald Trump has been completely ASLEEP at the wheel on this thing. We have a fucking ass-clown pres at every turn, and Americans are dumb enough to approve of his lack of interest and dithering on something that he has his son-in-law reading up on instead of public health officials. He signed a one day positive stock chart in the middle of a huge BEAR, bragging about it on twitter. Where are the test kits? We are still only testing very specific segments of the population. Trump refused the WHO testing methodology and wanted us to do our own. What a perfect example how America First became America Last. Pandemics should show to rational people all over the world that invisible borders do not magically stop diseases. We are all on the same planet, and since we are, we have to cooperate on certain shit like this. Yet it seems like people are too dumb to get it here in America so far. That's another depressing part of all this. Trumpism was declared dead in an article in Politico, but the saddest part of all is when everyone realizes that even with a pandemic, experts will still be shown contempt and distrust because Trumpism has once again somehow survived. God I hope I'm wrong. I hope it ends up not being that bad here.
  11. I'ts a sign of the times how crude crashed again today and it is just a story kind of buried in the back of the financial news. I didn't notice it until scrolling through commodities.
  12. Poll: Majority of Americans now approve of Trump’s coronavirus management On the other hand:
  13. Bogle recommended 0-20% international weight. Vanguard recommends 20%-40%, and it looks like Vanguard is about to go for global weight in their target retirement funds. I have international weighted around 38% or so and I have been buying more of it than domestic the last few years because valuations seem much more attractive. Of course who knows the future and valuations may not mean shit. I just happen to be one of those bogleheads that believes in owning everything to be as diversified as possible. I will keep buying both. If I could do it all over, I would just say get VT, a global market cap index fund, but there's nothing wrong with a 20% int weight imo.
  14. Governor Abbott isn’t taking decisive action. He says that each city should make their own decisions regarding closures. Yet this is precisely the opposite thing he says when he campaigns against local paid sick leave and other local ordinances so we don’t turn Texas into California. Abbott is being a little bitch. This isn’t the time for good old “small government” Texas. There are a lot of municipalities that aren’t large cities that don’t what they’re doing and are not taking the appropriate action. San Antonio only just recently mandated non essential closures. We need a statewide order.
  15. I'm going to out on a limb here and say that the Q3 bounce everyone is talking about is also a bit too rosy.
  16. I'm glad I abandoned my emotional "all in" strategy and decided to just buy little bits here and there. It's anyone's guess where this thing bottoms. This sucks. The damage is real and costing people dearly. I hope I'm spared from COVID-19 and any sort of unemployment. I think it's important to not to dip into cash that you may need if you lose your job or get the virus.
  17. That's unfortunate. Our company has taken a lot of action already and we are taking this extremely seriously. We have isolated truck drivers and other third parties from our employees, have installed an additional 9 sanitizing stations, staggered breaks to promote social distancing, and are sending people home with any sort of symptoms. We don't have the option of work from home because of the nature of ag processing.
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