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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. She could be telling the truth, but she isn’t the most credible person by a long shot . I have had a hard time believing her. I haven’t read a lot, but between the article above and a recent politico article, I am not prepared to claim Biden did what she said. Maybe I need to be enlightened on why I should trust her.
  2. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases The U.S. and U.K. look very vulnerable to another severe outbreak. Our declines aren't nearly as steep or complete as other developed countries in Europe, yet we are reopening.
  3. Imagine a small rogue black hole just flying through our solar system and knocking earth out of orbit. Good stuff.
  4. I know the market is "forward looking", but this is the biggest disconnect between economic reality and equity pricing I've ever seen. Fear of missing out is playing a huge role along with the Fed. The question is if this is sustainable. Unexpected trends of bankruptcies could spell another sell off. Maybe the equity recovery will look like a W.
  5. RDNA 3 is when we will finally see Zen funding channeled into their GPU side. I expect RDNA 2 will compete, but nvidia will still be ahead.
  6. The only way I see this happening is if AMD is somehow able to make it so that Windows and other OS see multiple GPUs as one. This would allow AMD to build modular GPU cards with smaller chips, increasing their yields and scaling up performance. However, from my extremely limited understanding of GPU tech, this technology may not be possible. Nvidia isn't going to sit around like Intel and assume AMD will screw up, so I can't see AMD dominating Nvidia like they are Intel right now.
  7. I got an 1800x on my older desktop and a 3800x on my newer one. I have a 2700x for my SO. These processors have INCREDIBLE value and are beasts. AMD RYZEN 3 3300X CPU REVIEW https://www.pcgamer.com/amd-ryzen-3-3300x-review-benchmarks-performance/ And now we have the 3300x budget build. Basically it's $100 for a 7700k.
  8. We have mandated masks throughout our operation. I have an employee that hates wearing masks and thinks that they will only be wearing them for a couple more weeks and this whole thing will blow over. I didn’t tell him, but I plan on keeping the masks up for months with no end date.
  9. Pro life arguments often boil down to giving the human fetus/embryo enough moral significance that destroying it is wrong and should be illegal thereby trumping a woman's own freedom to do as they please with their body. If one doesn't think the embryo has moral significance at all, or thinks it's more like a worm or lesser life form, then they're likely pro choice. The arguments also often go into the moral status of a 'potential person'. These are all fairly abstract philosophical arguments. Libertarians at least get some things right, and they were ahead of the curve on certain issues such as gay marriage, marijuana legalization, and criminal justice reform. But they get a lot wrong too, such as their belief in the non-existence of market failures.
  10. It requires fewer assumptions to say this was multiple computer malfunctions/guidance system errors/radar errors and misremembering what multiple people saw. #3 is the biggest one for me. Right now, it seems increasingly improbable to me that FTL is possible. It requires us revising pretty much everything we know about the fundamental laws of physics. Edit: #6 is potentially a weaker part of the argument. While there are plenty of earth-like planets in our galaxy, earth itself is still fairly unique. As for life itself, we only have one sample of it, so we have no idea how rare life is throughout the universe, and it's a good bet intelligent life is even rarer. My bet is life is fairly common in microbe form in hospitable environments, but intelligent life is very rare. It's possible that intelligent life is extremely rare, which means earth would be a special place to visit but would also imply there aren't many others that could have the potential to visit us, much less get past #3.
  11. Do enough voters care about these allegations? Trump admitted to assaulting women on tape and he won. Democrats may be more sensitive to these issues, but who knows these days. Biden could probably just say yeah it was me, but I am an old man now, so sorry. Look at the clown over there! edit: I’m not convinced her story is true. I would need to do more research. Aren’t there some stories about her lying in the past? With that said, Biden is creepy and it’s hard to believe he didn’t do something like this to someone.
  12. When polls show republican and republican leanings independent voters no longer support him, other elected republicans would drop him. I don’t see gop voters defecting. He is practically a religious figure with many Republicans, so it’s going to take a lot more to get them to stop supporting him.
  13. If only I had a time machine. Of course if I did, I would go back to myself in the 2000s and put every cent I had into bitcoin. I would be Mitt Romney rich.
  14. I'm not recommending any of these, but here is a list I would research if I was looking for exposure to oil: https://etfdb.com/etfs/industry/oil--gas-exploration--production/ I would avoid all of the leveraged funds.
  15. I would be very cautious holding ETFs that hold oil futures. They are complex instruments. You need to look at all the futures contracts they hold and compare them with the current market for all the months ahead. Don’t get confused thinking that just because the first two months out are cheap today that the ETF is cheap. These ETFs also often times have high expense ratios. if you want exposure to oil, my recommendation is to buy an ETF that holds a basket of companies similar to what @Emperor Diocletian II said.
  16. Not knowing shit about her or the situation, I’m just going to call it. She’s the one. She’ll lead the next period of madness.
  17. Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire - I'm loving it so far. This first one felt tedious at times with how much text, and I'm usually up for a lot of detail. This one has a lot, but it doesn't seem to be walls of it (so far), and it seems like there is more voice work. The graphics seem improved. I tried Wasteland 2 before this but couldn't get into it. I'll try again later. I played a lot of Stellaris with the latest expansion a couple of weeks ago. Great stuff, but they still need to do more to improve late game performance.
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