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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. To be fair, it rarely does work out! It's amazing that many of us are still talking to each other. Lothar121 March 2001 ! Hard to believe it.
  2. The rumor is big Navi reference model only in November. AMD still hasn't learned how to get the GPU launches synced up with custom cards. I have a 5700xt and vega 64 in my two desktops. I think I'm going to stick with what I got for now.
  3. Does anyone remember when Herman Cain died? No one seems to care that one of Trump's cabinet members died from COVID-19 has a result of the administration he served with failing miserably to control the pandemic. Trump didn't get nearly enough flack on this.
  4. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/national/ Tightening is shown here too, but as I mentioned it isn’t as much as I thought.
  5. Seems like an outlier. For instance: https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/511751-poll-trump-trails-biden-by-4-points-in-new-national-survey Biden +4 Hill/HarrisX And: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/511656-biden-leads-trump-in-5-of-6-battlegrounds-poll Biden +6 on the CNBC/Change Research poll The race appears to be tightening to me, but it is less than I thought according to the average here: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_biden-6247.html Trump gained some ground but increases seem to be leveling off.
  6. It's getting kind of sad. What is going on at Intel? This has to be some type of senior management issue. It's reminding me of GE. I can't say I'm too sad since I have some AMD stock, but wow.
  7. It's a good match for Nvidia and a way they could compete with x86 higher performance chips too. I would prefer ARM just be IPO'd again.
  8. I expect a Trump victory. It's going to be devastating for so many people that aren't really considering Trump's 2nd term as a reasonable possibility. I can't predict who will actually win, but do yourselves a favor and expect Trump to pull off a win.
  9. Trump could be in trouble if there is a surge of COVID cases as some schools try to open physically. That could sink him. It shouldn't take that, but otherwise I see it tightening and becoming a nail biter. Some Americans are becoming okay with the new COVID normal and will stop blaming Trump if it doesn't go from really bad to horrid.
  10. Social media is providing the tools for humanity's negative emotions to be amplified and connected 100 fold. We are witnessing the results. It's quite a show.
  11. Citing the death rate the way I saw them cited was just that, the death rates are going down with no context. You are correct that this is irresponsible because so many Americans then assumed "it's not that bad" and went out to bars and left the mask at home. There are a lot of variables on why the death rate is lower. One of the things that would increase it is if hospitals run out of beds, nurses, physicians, PAs, medication, equipment, etc. Mortality rate goes up because people are simply sent home to die. Republicans don't seem to care.
  12. I used to be somewhat against NATO and having a presence in Germany. I flipped to supporting NATO and our allies just as people here became more vocally for an America Only policy.
  13. This is a good point. COVID-19 was a political opportunity if handled competently. 'War time president', 'don't change leaders in the middle of a crisis' come to mind as messages they could have used.
  14. Biden won and is controlling the levers. Yet there is talk that the house is going to vote of Nadler’s Bill in September. Another article I read had a senator saying that if they get a majority, they’re voting for full legalization regardless of Biden. We shall see.
  15. While I agree those things shouldn’t be in the bill, 4 billion dollars isn’t enough to make a dent in the money required to save people from eviction.
  16. I won’t be surprised if she gets the nod based on some articles I’ve read. Biden has a close relationship with her and he trusts her. I think she’s qualified, but it’s hard to tell if I agree with her on much since she isn’t on the record on hardly any domestic issues. He’s looking for a safe pick and someone he trusts. I don’t think Biden is interested in shaking anything up since he’s got a nice lead in the polls. We can’t put Humpty back together, but we can glue parts of him back with the right leadership, and it’s in our interest to do so.
  17. I've been posting here with you since the IGN days, and I never got the impression that Engel was a racist. Everyman, yes.
  18. That’s the part that greatly interests me. I finished Pillars 2 just a few weeks ago. I’m looking forward to more rpg in this universe. I wish they had a follow up in Tyranny’s universe as well, but Paradox has some of the IP I think.
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