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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. The poll with MJ 1 point away is an outlier, but it is neat to see.
  2. I'm still prepared for a Trump victory. It could easily happen, but the stability of the race combined with Biden making some steady gains and the virus being back as the main issue all looks very unfavorable to Trump right now. There isn't enough time for Trump to make a come back unless something drastic happens.
  3. Biden is making bang for your buck investments into Texas. The amounts are low but seem appropriate. +11 Biden in PA has to have Republicans in a panic. It is really looking like Trump may lose this. I'm trying to imagine what could happen that would tighten the results and can't think of anything that would change how steady the race is short of some massive Biden fuck up, such as a video of him in black face or something.
  4. I hope he doesn’t die because he qualifies as human (barely), but also because it would deprive us all of witnessing the far more optimal outcome of him facing a landslide loss in the election. Death isn’t much of a punishment considering we are all born to die. I don’t think he will learn anything by becoming seriously ill, but perhaps some of his followers will realize that they were wrong about Covid. I also don’t want Trump to become some type of permanent martyr for the alt right. I think his death would permanently seal his brand on everything even more than it already is.
  5. I do agree that Biden didn’t do terrible. He did ok. Tons of missed opportunities and it seems like he didn’t prep properly for Trump, but he did well enough to maintain his lead. edit: I think I’m just harsher on him for missed opportunities. I think he did relatively bad given the chances he had to hit Trump. Trump controlled the debate and he definitely went all in on rallying his base.
  6. It’s Trump. We do expect him to do more because Trump isn’t playing by the norms.
  7. Biden is not asking trump any tough questions. Trump asked Biden what law enforcement groups support him, name one. Why not ask Trump some questions he won’t know?
  8. No we aren’t. You have to think about it from the perspective of the ‘average American’. I agree with you Biden is ‘winning’ to me, but who cares what I agree with.
  9. Remember Hillary laughing at him and not pushing back? It didn’t work. Biden is not attacking effectively. He needed to be more aggressive.
  10. When he says many Democratic governors approve of his Covid 19 response, ask which governors.
  11. I think most of us figured he didn’t pay much because he has lost so much in his dealings. Any disclosed business deals with Russia? That’s what I’m interested in.
  12. http://www.houstonchronicle.com//apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png Texas shatters voter registration records again as election draws closer WWW.HOUSTONCHRONICLE.COM <p>Texas now has 16.6 million voters, an increase of more than 400,000 since March. And since 2016, Texas has added 1.5 million voters to its rolls.</p> It certainly isn't going to hurt! Or maybe it will...
  13. It could be that a calculation was made that even though most Americans oppose overturning Roe, they wouldn’t vote based on this while pro life voters would. I think the level of support depends on how the question is phrased.
  14. The Senate’s Rural Skew Makes It Very Hard For Democrats To Win The Supreme Court | FiveThirtyEight FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM I don’t have a particularly strong take on how the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will affect either the presidential election or the race for control of the U.S.…
  15. I don't think that SCOTUS is as corrupt as some people here. They won't make something up out of thin air to keep Trump in power.
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