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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I think the few of us that generally don't vote Democrat on this board voted blue this time around. I was especially surprised at myself and @mclumber1.
  2. I’m not going by the RCP average. 538: 2020 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight PROJECTS.FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM Latest forecast of the 2020 presidential election between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden by Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight Biden is only 2 points ahead.
  3. Florida is a bit concerning to me, but there still seems to be plenty of other places that Biden has a significant lead in that even if Biden does lose Florida, this could be a weird occasion where he makes it up in other places. He has to win Pennsylvania though.
  4. That doesn't change the point I'm making. The scenario where Texas going blue is the state which causes Biden to become president is extremely unlikely. Why would Abbott direct electors to go against the popular vote in Texas if it didn't do any good?
  5. I don’t see it. If Texas goes blue, it is probable that Pennsylvania and Florida would also be blue. Texas has like a 1% chance of being the tipping point state. Abbott wouldn’t direct electors to vote Trump if it would just hurt his own 2022 chances and Biden would still become president. The Texas House going blue would bother him more and there isn’t much he can do about that beyond typical voter suppression.
  6. It could be a justified precaution if there is post election violence. If they're there to suppress votes, than obviously it's bad news.
  7. http://www.politico.com//favicon-16x16.png Poll: Trump ahead of Biden by single digits in Texas - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM The latest survey of the southern battleground shows GOP Sen. John Cornyn with a larger lead in his reelection race. Unfortunately, I don't see MJ pulling it off in Texas. She did better than I thought $ wise, but it's not translating into poll results. I'm more interested in the Texas House going blue and flipping a Texas Senate seat. I voted blue on these as well.
  8. President: general election Texas OCT 22-25, 2020 B- Data for Progress* 1,018 LV Biden 49% Less Biden +1 Trump 48% Jorgensen 1% Hawkins 0% President: general election Texas OCT 20-25, 2020 A+ Siena College/The New York Times Upshot 802 LV Biden 43% Less Trump +4 Trump 47% Jorgensen 3% Hawkins 0% President: general election Texas OCT 13-20, 2020 B YouGov 1,000 LV Biden 45% Less Trump +5 Trump 50% Jorgensen 2% Hawkins 0% KEY A = ADULTS RV = REGISTERED VOTERS V = VOTERS LV = LIKELY VOTERS
  9. http://videocardz.com//favicon-16x16.png AMD Radeon RX 6800XT alleged 3DMark scores hit the web - VideoCardz.com VIDEOCARDZ.COM Synthetic benchmark results of Radeon RX 6800XT graphics cards seem to be in the wild. AMD Radeon RX 6800XT, a tale of 3DMark There are now three sources providing benchmark results of Radeon RX 6800 XT based on the UL 3DMark GPU testing software stack. AMD Radeon RX 6800XT is the Navi 21-based graphics card […] All should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Synthetics don't always tell the story of what real world gaming performance will be either. These leaks are generating some excitement though. The Ray Tracing performance is as expected, just above the 2080Ti. The rasterization performance is well above my expectations if these hold up to real world scenarios.
  10. http://videocardz.com//favicon-16x16.png AMD Ryzen 5 5600X claims the top score in Passmark single-thread benchmark - VideoCardz.com VIDEOCARDZ.COM It took many years, but an AMD processor has finally been able to beat Intel mainstream desktop processors in a single-threaded benchmark. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X claims the first place in CPU Mark The Ryzen 5 5600X is the upcoming Zen3 CPU featuring 6 cores and 12 threads. With a 200 MHz higher boost clock […]
  11. New ex-Blizzard game studio formed to pick up a fallen RTS mantle ARSTECHNICA.COM Frost Giant Studios emerges with major pedigree from WarCraft III, StarCraft II teams. It's nice to see people leaving Blizzard to continue making real time strategy.
  12. It’s the right call. I plan on criticizing him a lot as well, but I will not miss Trump. The Democrats got my vote this time, but only because the nation can’t afford this GOP and Biden as the nominee helps. I am not swearing allegiance to them and I imagine that many here will eventually get their wish and they will veer so far left I won’t be able to stomach supporting them in the future. My hope is republicans losing by a landslide and losing again in 2022 may make them change course somewhat, but it’s impossible to predict what a post Trump GOP would be like.
  13. I enjoyed it, but slightly less so than season 1. I believe the backstory explanation done in episode 6 or 7 was a bit poorly paced. Other than that bring on season 3!
  14. What I will never understand is how some critics refer to AOE3 as the worst of the series. Have these people ever played AOE1? Perhaps they are judging it primarily on the single player experience not multiplayer like I am. I know I'm not in the mainstream, but I like AOE3 multiplayer better than AOE2 by a little. AOE2: DE is so well done too. I've put 60+ hours in multiplayer so far. I have AOE3:DE preloaded and I'm looking forward to it. These Definitive Editions have been a nice gift to fans of RTS and have been put together in a polished way unlike Warcraft 3 Reforged, the biggest disappointment in Blizzard history.
  15. I'm a little disappointed that we haven't seen the polling in Texas swing more towards Biden as it did in Georgia.
  16. She was strong at times, and at other times it was a toss up in Florida. When you look at the 2016 graph, it's extremely volatile compared to Biden v Trump. Overall Biden's chances are far greater than Hillary, and if these numbers hold till election day, Biden will win. The uncertainty in my mind is whether these numbers will hold, but as I've mentioned before, it would take something big to change the dynamic of the race.
  17. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/florida/ 55% chance that Hillary wins - 45 Trump That was right before the election It was 69% chance Hillary 31 Trump on October 7th, 2016
  18. 2020 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight PROJECTS.FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM Latest forecast of the 2020 presidential election between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden by Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight That Florida chart looks beautiful.
  19. It's possible, but we need more polls showing it: 2020 Senate Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight PROJECTS.FIVETHIRTYEIGHT.COM Latest forecasts and polls for the 2020 Senate elections by Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight
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