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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. AMD Radeon RX 6800 RDNA 2 Graphics Card DXR Raytracing Benchmarks Leak Out WCCFTECH.COM The first DXR raytracing performance benchmark of the AMD Radeon RX 6800 "Big Navi" RDNA 2 GPU based graphics card have leaked out. I’m very skeptical of this because if it was this good, then I would have thought AMD would have shown it off by now. It’s not confirmed.
  2. I rarely open up about my own anxiety issues, but just wanted to throw some support to@marioandsonic and let you know that thankfully there are treatments for what you are experiencing. Aside from antidepressants which I recommend looking into, you might also look into cognitive behavioral therapy, which directly addresses distorted thought patterns and is supported by quite a few studies. I don’t have too much experience with depression, but I have dealt with anxiety my entire life and the way I look at it is my anti depressant gets me to a point where I’m stable enough to somewhat function. From there, therapy, self help books, and even certain philosophies of life (think Stoicism and Buddhism) have tons to offer to make your life not just bearable, but something to be thankful for. Also there are other anti depressant classes than ssri’s if they cause side effects. It was just mentioned above, I strongly recommend running regularly. It is one of the best things I do for my mental health. edited
  3. I hope you start contributing again. I like your posts. Edit: I also understand if you decide to scale back. There is such thing as not posting as much, but still posting some!
  4. The original charts can be found here: http://videocardz.com//favicon-16x16.png AMD discloses more Radeon RX 6900XT, RX 6800XT and RX 6800 gaming benchmarks - VideoCardz.com VIDEOCARDZ.COM AMD marketing machine is certainly not slowing down after the big announcement. Today the manufacturer published gaming benchmarks on an easy to use website with direct comparison to its competitor. AMD publishes further Radeon RX 6900/6800 series gaming performance data AMD is comparing Radeon RX 6900XT, Radeon RX 6800XT and Radeon RX 6800 directly with […]
  5. I'm going to predict the future. Trump will lose the election and tweet about mail in ballot fraud and try to sow chaos throughout the process. Aside from some successful challenges regarding some ballots that go past deadlines based on state law (and instead are relying on SOS and court ruling deadlines) which I might add is a perfectly legitimate way for courts to look at the law, there will likely be no other major disruptions such as states having 2 sets of electors, SCOTUS just declaring Trump the winner magically, or any other such nonsense. There will be some noise made about it just as there was noise made about certain electors not voting Trump in 2016 when they were supposed to, but it won't become a statewide effort that any governors sign off on. It will be a fringe view. Biden will be sworn in and Trump will leave like a little bitch. End of story.
  6. I disagree with this depending on how you define ardent supporters. It seems like you are downplaying the number of people that believe in voter fraud. I also agree with Wade's post about what the courts are doing, although they won't do it perfectly. Edited
  7. Forget the article I posted. Trump has an 11 % chance of winning on 538. If your significant other was having surgery and the doctor told you those were their odds of dying(11%), it would have any reasonable person concerned and hopefully preparing to a degree for accepting whatever the outcome may be. It’s a decent chance. Everyone here should be mentally prepared for a worst case scenario. Rehearse a Trump victory in your mind a few times is my advice. edited
  8. Read my full edited reply. No I don’t take them seriously, but there’s a reasonable chance of Trump winning.
  9. The shy Trump voter strikes again, but this time even worse. The shy Trump voter is just not showing up in the internet vs phone polling data (you would expect to see more Trump support in Internet polls), so I’m not worried. But there is a real risk of polling error with the record turn out, virus, and mail in ballots. I think Biden will win, but I’m still prepared for a Trump victory and won’t be surprised. edited
  10. http://www.politico.com//favicon-16x16.png ‘People Are Going To Be Shocked’: Return of the ‘Shy’ Trump Voter? - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM In 2016, pollsters Arie Kapteyn and Robert Cahaly saw Trump coming. In 2020, they see polls again underestimating his support.
  11. We need to make the Republican party look inward and think to itself maybe we got some of this wrong. That won't happen with a narrow victory. The only way to do that is to have a monumental landslide of epic proportions. I want to see Texas, Georgia, and Arizona all blue to send the GOP a strong message that Trump fucked the party over. The GOP needs to lose bad in Congress down to state and local elections. Texas going blue is the optimal outcome right now. There would be a lot of people coming into where I work scratching their heads since their prepared speech about California and New York ruining the country would be shattered. Texas going blue would mean that Trumpism is a failed strategy. It still wouldn't stop it completely, but it would fracture the GOP at a minimum. I did my part and I am hopeful with the record turnout that this happens.
  12. I am going to hold off until next gen. I don’t need anything right now. I imagine if I spend $700 in 2022, it will feed my 2560x1440 144 Hz monitor for 5+ years. My next monitor upgrade will likely be 240Hz 1440p. I like high frame rates.
  13. I expected the 6900XT to be only slightly faster the 3070. I was shocked to see this. AMD has caught up in terms of performance per watt in rasterization basically. They are missing a key feature and that's what's going to hurt. However, AMD has cash, even with their latest acquisition since it is an all stock deal. With their money and console wins, everyone has a serious motive to work with them on a good DLSS competitor. I expect good things.
  14. 6800XT pros and cons over RTX 3080 Pros Cheaper More VRAM Trades blows to potentially faster in rasterization May consume less power They may actually be available! (we will see) Cons No DLSS equivalent Ray tracing performance is slower Perceived worse drivers (although I don't think this is true)
  15. But in the majority of games, it either wins or is extremely competitive if these results can be generalized. I expected slightly higher than 3070 performance with more power consumption. Instead AMD came out swinging much harder. The lack of DLSS was expected since there were no leaks. You can bet they're working hard on this. This level of performance was not expected. It's good for all of us. It puts pricing pressure on Nvidia.
  16. The weak part is RT performance is going to be 2080Ti according to the rumors. The othe r weak point: https://www.theverge.com/2020/10/28/21538010/amd-radeon-rx-6800-xt-specs-release-date-price-big-navi-gpu-graphics So DLSS is missing. But still better performance per watt than nvidia's offerings is something to talk about.
  17. This result is insane. Does anyone else see this shit? AMD just beat Nvidia's 3080.
  18. Good catch. I don't see the disclaimer on the 6800 slides. It costs $999, which is several hundred dollars cheaper than the 6900, so there's that.
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