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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Trump is a one term president. That has a nice ring to it. Trump joins Bush Sr. and Jimmy Carter as one-term presidents.
  2. Yes. edit: However, it seems like there was some major polling errors in more than one place. That isn’t Nate’s fault, but it certainly makes it seem like 10% should have maybe been more like 25%. But how could one ever know?
  3. I just woke up. Can someone catch me up? Is the consensus a Biden win once it’s counted? What about the Senate?
  4. The mistake you’re making is assuming the house would stay blue in 2022 if Trump wins. I say take a win wherever and whenever you get it.
  5. Nebraska's 2nd district POLITICO predicts toss-up CANDIDATE PCT. Bacon* GOP 50.3% 97,010 Eastman DEM 46.9% 90,468 59% of precincts reporting (158/268) *Incumbent
  6. http://www.texastribune.org//static/images/apple-touch-icon.358661eab2b3.png Texas House majority in limbo as election results come in WWW.TEXASTRIBUNE.ORG Texas Republicans appeared — in early returns — to be fending off a well-financed Democratic effort to gain a majority in the Texas House. Texas House looks like the GOP will hold, but Dems may pick up a seat or two. The dems will gain 1 seat in the Texas Senate most likely.
  7. Anyway, Biden will still get it, it's just closer than I wanted it to be. I wanted the GOP to be sent a clear message.
  8. What the fuck is wrong with people? You eventually have to ask yourself if we deserve to have a good future. The Republican Party needed to be completely restructured damnit!
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