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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Land Value Tax Progressive consumption tax Estate Tax (20 million exempt then 90%) coupled with unrealized capital gains taxed upon death at that estate size Carbon Tax Alcohol Tax Gas/Milage Tax
  2. Thank you. I wasn’t going to bother, but this. AOC has a lot more work to do to show her point means anything. When AOC says something, a lot of people accept her claim without justification.
  3. Covid-19 was kind of a double edged sword for Dems. It made Trump less popular overall, but it prevented Dems from knocking on doors. Apparently Latino PACS were not well funded either.
  4. I'm having to work right now, but just wanted to say FUCK YES. I saw the news pop up on my phone. CONGRATS ALL!
  5. They're scared to call it because they know getting it wrong would be unimaginably bad. It's over though. Call it.
  6. Can I please witness the FBI leading Trump out of the White House in cuffs being tucked into a black SUV, please!!!??? Am I asking too much of the universe?
  7. There will be a runoff for both GA senators in January, correct? I wonder what the chances are Dems will win both.
  8. I strongly agree with AOC that not knocking on doors and losing that physical presence was a factor. Anyway enough of that. When does the AP call it with an article?
  9. What AOC said about digital and what some of us are saying about defund are not mutually exclusive. I think it hurt and it was and remains a bad slogan. I can’t prove the effect it had on the results, but neither can AOC. I admit I could be wrong.
  10. I don’t know how it was played in other states, but republicans did a masterful job in using it to attack democrats in Texas. Abbott launched his ‘Back the Blue‘ campaign and circulated a petition which nearly all the gop in Texas signed. I didn’t imagine it hurting this bad, but I think it hurt bad. I even saw some signs in my middle class neighborhood that is generally heavy Democrat. I applaud the GOP for being so good at politics. They pounced right when they saw an opening.
  11. Anyway there is a lot more to why democrats lost. Trump’s strong man image has had unique effects. I’m curious if Texas will swing a little more blue in 2022 when Trump isn’t on the ballot again. It’s been a tough break for Texas. Even if it wasn’t going to go blue, I thought we would at least makes some gains in the state house. It didn’t happen. Tough election even as Trump losses.
  12. it immediately requires a lot of explaining regarding what it means. It can easily be interpreted as abolishing the police department. If you’re explaining you’re losing in a political campaign. Polls show it is unpopular even as Americans want police reform. Messaging matters.
  13. I think that Beto was sort of our Abrams In Texas but he blew his influence on his failed Presidential bid when he spoke up for banning assault rifles. This may be unpopular to say here, but I also think that the slogan ‘defund the police’ has a lot to do with some Latinos in Texas going Trump. It’s a terrible slogan. It even turns me off and I favor massive criminal justice reform.
  14. http://www.politico.com//favicon-16x16.png ‘A decade of power’: Statehouse wins position GOP to dominate redistricting - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM Democrats spent big to take control of state legislatures but lost their key targets. Now they’ll be on the sidelines as new maps are drawn. The brutal truth. I remember reading a similar article about Democrats building up from scratch in 2010. I guess they made some progress but it was a low bar to clear.
  15. I'll go back to my original statement on faithless electors. A few will do it, but there won't be any statewide efforts to do so backed by governors.
  16. Basically PA Biden favored, Georgia Biden slightly favored, Nevada close who knows until more results, Arizona close but likely Biden
  17. I understand if you want to wait for more evidence. I'm convinced it's over with. Edit: I also understand there is a slight chance for Trump to win, but it's very remote with Michigan now.
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