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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Great news!! Bring on J&J and let’s beat this thing!
  2. Interesting. I'm listening to the history of philosophy without any gaps right now off and on. I might have to check that one out later. Good for Lucy.
  3. The problem Mitch Republicans will have is the GOP voters still strongly believe in Trump, and a good portion of them think he is the rightful elected leader. I'm not sure how that is going to play into all this. It should be interesting.
  4. Romney heckled by Trump supporters while flying from Utah to D.C. - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM
  5. I'm going to play a game of AOE and hopefully when I come back the AP will have a call ready!
  6. If Dems win, I hope republicans correctly blame the Trump phone call.
  7. We just binged season 2 yesterday from start to finish. I saved it for some of my vacation I had saved up. What a great show (and great music). They roped us in, and my wife was never a Star Wars fan. They actually built characters people care about, unlike the new movies. The TV formula certainly helps give artists room to develop connections better than film, but it's no excuse for the movies we've been given. This is the best Star Wars since Empire. The only movie that somewhat tapped into this a bit was Rogue One, but it still fell short. I'm left with some excitement for the future of Star Wars television shows while not caring a bit about movies until they prove otherwise.
  8. What they're doing is the future in 5 years or so, but I think it's premature, and certainly the way AT&T executed this burned some bridges. Disney not following with a similar bold plan kind of shows that they are desperate to build HBO Max. I think people are ready to go back to movie theatres as soon as covid numbers go down after a huge vaccine roll out. People are tired of being stuck in their houses.
  9. Rogue Squadron is cool, maybe, but it's the ST. But maybe they can move past it. I was hoping for a high budget MA TV show about a TIE squadron during the post OT era. I'm not really excited for any of this, but I do like the Mandalorian, so who knows.
  10. Nothing. It needs to become law, and even then states can still prohibit cannabis. The bill would certainly encourage states to legalize and wipe away past convictions, but it does not force states to do anything. The good news for your brother is eventually he will probably be able to get his record wiped away, but it depends on when his state decides to have more rational laws.
  11. The Republicans who voted for the bill are Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, the bill's co-sponsor, as well as Reps. Brian Mast of Florida, Tom McClintock of California, Denver Riggleman of Virginia and Don Young of Alaska. The Democrats against were Reps. Cheri Bustos and Dan Lipinski of Illinois, Henry Cuellar of Texas, Conor Lamb of Pennsylvania, Chris Pappas of New Hampshire and Collin Peterson of Minnesota. House passes bill decriminalizing marijuana at federal level WWW.CNN.COM The House of Representatives has approved legislation that would decriminalize marijuana and seek to "address the devastating injustices caused by the War on Drugs." Cuellar has always sucked on this issue.
  12. The penalties for marijuana are as draconian as getting stoned. It's past time these ridiculous ideas faded from our discourse.
  13. Yes, but if you look at the whole pandemic, you'll see it has bounced in a range that includes the current prices. A month ago, it gained a lot in just a few trading days when positive vaccine news started coming in. The question is does it have more room to run up? That depends on vaccine distribution, public comfort going to the movies, and what studios decide to do. Anyways I'm not suggesting anyone put their life savings in a movie theatre stock. It's extremely risky. However, it's probably not a bad bet that things aren't as bad as they seem for CNK. I can't speak for AMC, which is leveraged more dangerously than Cinemark. Cinemark has about 1 year of cash on hand to burn at the current rate. AMC is pretty much completely out of cash. @Jason, what are your thoughts? Do you think movie theaters are coming back?
  14. I'm rooting for the movie theatres on this even though I'm a huge fan of streaming. I'm not confident large 200 million dollar films will be made without a robust theatre industry. I bet Cinemark stock (CNK) at these prices will probably double within 18 months.
  15. I didn't realize that. I think this is temporary though. HBO Max is trying to hit subscriber growth targets and will lose money to make it happen for now.
  16. It's a good question and I think people are missing that you will likely have to pay $30-$40 to stream the movie as it is playing in theaters. Its very unlikely you will be able to subscribe to HBO Max and stream these things for free. When Disney Plus did this, they charged a fee in addition to the subscription. Speaking for myself, I like going to the movie theater from time to time, so I look forward to going back when the pandemic is under control and herd immunity is in. I still prefer my TV at home for TV and watching most films, but for certain types of movies, you can't beat the theater.
  17. It's odd that Gen Z is embracing Friends and not Seinfeld. The humor seems more timeless in Seinfeld. Friends was always overrated. I'll never rewatch it.
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