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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. It seems so obvious to extend it forever so republicans are forced to be the ones to start it back up.
  2. Take the offer. You get climate change, ACA subsides, and pre-k. Coupled with the infrastructure bill, that's a lot of things to run on. As others have said, work on a bipartisan basis for the child tax credits and paid leave of some sort.
  3. Finished season 2. I couldn’t stop watching and have nothing bad to say about the show except that I have to wait 1-2 years for another season.
  4. Child tax credits, paid leave, and climate change third.
  5. WoT has more main characters so they need more episodes compared to the Witcher. My praise in that comment was directed at The Witcher season 2, but I’m still enjoying WoT. I hope they improve WoT pacing in season 2. Agreed that 2 more episodes would do it.
  6. The book readers need to hush. They need to be quiet about Wheel of Time too (I did read 10 of those and don’t see any issue with how they’re adapting the source material) This is so damn good. I have played all 3 games and couldn’t be more pleased. The show is perfectly paced. I can’t help but mention how this is pacing done right compared to Wheel of Time which I maintain is moving too quickly for the amount of characters they have. The music is great. The characters are well developed and I care for all of them. It’s just fun to watch this and so damn cool. The sets and CG have improved a lot since season 1. I got 3 more episodes left and couldn’t be more thrilled to be watching high fantasy this good!
  7. But my understanding is the spike protein, which mRNA vaccines use to trigger the immune system, has mutated in Omicron significantly which seems to coincide with the reduced efficacy of the vaccine. If we updated the mRNA vaccine to target the mutations in the spike protein of omicron, why wouldn’t efficacy go up?
  8. Fauci was quoted as saying we don’t need a new formula for mRNA vaccines since a booster is still effective. Is this messaging to not discourage boosting or is he being sincere? One dose was 80% effective in preventing symptomatic infection against some of the original variants. Now it’s almost useless and we need 3 to get to the 60-70% range. If they updated the formula for Omicron, would it increase the effectiveness of one dose to 80% against symptomatic infection? I don’t know enough about it to make a conclusion, but it seems like it’s time to update the formula. What am I missing?
  9. I got the same impression after reading a couple of articles. I figured he was an asshole already from Curb.
  10. This is interesting. SM2 is still my favorite Spider-Man movie so I hope it lives up to that!
  11. Reddit is the only social media service that I like. It's the only forum that seems like the natural progression of forums such as this one to a grander scale. I hate literally every other social networking service. I think my facebook picture is 8 years old and I never post. This IPO is not good for the product IMO.
  12. Pass climate change and more limited tax credits and call it?
  13. Dems are done in 2022. They don't know how to craft a coherent message and stay on point. This won't change what people think about Biden.
  14. And some of the yes votes indicated they may want to revisit it when more treatments are available. It was a pretty half assed recommendation. I hope Pfizer's is much safer and better.
  15. I've fallen off lately. I had seen every movie up to Endgame. I think I watched Spider-Man which came out after that, and that was the last thing I watched. I'm somewhat looking forward to the new Spider-Man movie and I intend to try out some of the shows the next time I activate Disney+.
  16. I thought the latest episode was the best so far. I agree @Kal-El814that for now, I don't care much about the boys, and Perrin's character is boring thus far. I think they had him kill his wife so they could show him going through something as all the other arcs are developing. It doesn't bother me, but it's not really making me care. On the one power being shown, maybe it'll get better as time goes on. Rafe mentioned that COVID interfered with the VFX department, so perhaps it gets better in season 2 with more colors. I think it looks decent, but it still doesn't have a holy shit factor. Sometimes less does more. The Witcher has some pretty badass magic where you just see small magical effects and big consequences and it goes a long way. I remember reading somewhere before WoT premiered that they would sometimes not show the weaves depending on whose perspective a scene was leaning into. Maybe sometimes don't show all the weaves? I also agree they need to explain why we should fear a female dragon. They've made it clear in the show as in the book that male channelers are dangerous. So what's the big deal about a female channeler that happens to be the dragon? Will they lean into it and basically say every male channeler in history has broken the world and every female hasn't?
  17. 2016 forward seems surreal to me. America isn't really America anymore. We are fake. No one should take us seriously. I certainly don't, not when so many of our citizens don't believe in our election results. This is someone's fan fiction of an empire in decline, but it's happening.
  18. It’s not Shannara, thankfully. It’s also too early to judge the show completely, but I want to keep going which is a good sign. The budget seems well spent, so I disagree with the people complaining about the CG or effects. The costumes do seem too clean in many scenes. My 3 ep summary: Acting- 7/10, nothing terrible, but nothing outstanding. There’s not a lot to work with right now so let’s see how it progresses. Effects- 8.5/10 I like Writing- 7.5/10- Sometimes it feels too generic but remember this is a book from the 90s. Most of the humor hasn’t worked that well aside from a couple of scenes. However, the writing is carefully balanced to not give too much exposition all at once, but to gradually feed the audience info. Well done there. Characters- too early to judge, but the casting seems pretty good. Pacing- 7/10- It’s not nearly as bad as some people made it out to be, but it could use a bit more breathing room, but not much. World building and matching the book- Honestly they’ve done well. 9/10. It feels like Wheel of Time to me. It feels like fantasy. Music- 6/10- Very generic, but not terrible. It feels par for the show. I’m hoping we get some better stuff soon. Sets and Scenery- 9/10- Aside from certain things being too clean, I think they did well here.
  19. I’ve heard others praise the actor playing Matt. Just a reminder that the actor will not be in the show going forward. There’s no word as to why.
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