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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. It’s virtuous… as much courage as possible without falling into the category of being foolhardy. The way the Ukrainians are fighting for their country has left me with a sense of awe. I was thinking of a scene from Battlestar Galactica where it was looking grim for Galactica during an insane rescue attempt season 3 and the Battlestar Pegasus comes in at the last second to save the day. It would be something if we could be Pegasus right now, to see our military go in and just start knocking the shit out of Russia. I know it won’t happen and the risks are too incredible to fathom, but damn I wish we could help them!
  2. I didn’t realize they were so close. I feel pretty ignorant on that one. I thought we had made some progress with them, but now that I’m looking into it, it seems they are good friends.
  3. They have a military. No they do not have a chance. Russia’s is far superior. Maybe they can fuck with them post occupation though with insurgent tactics?
  4. Really sucks for the people of Ukraine. I hope we sanction the fuck out of Russia over this. I would love it if they lost their security council veto too, but that sounds implausible. Russia looks kinda evil right now. NATO seems sluggish. I hope they’re ready to protest the rest of the Europe… How is NATO doing on hypersonic weapons?
  5. I think I’m going to check this out. I’ve always wanted high fantasy anime beyond the ancient and not all that good record of lodoss war. Castlevania was so damn good along with Arcane, so why not this?
  6. Now that I’ve had time to further digest Wheel of Time, I’ve concluded it really isn’t good at all. It’s mediocre at best, especially considering how the last episode turned out. It’s an open question whether they can improve the show, but I think season 1 is good evidence that lots of money can result in bland fantasy, even when there is 10,000 pages+ of source material. So I feel zero hype for this show right now. They have to prove themselves.
  7. I like all of them, but I really enjoy isomeric crpgs, so results may vary. Pillars 1 has a lot of walls of text so be ready. Pillars 2 should be more widely praised by gamers. It really is great and they improved on every aspect of 1. Torment has a great setting and is shorter. Kingmaker feels a lot like bg2 except with the king/queen mechanics; it’s especially obvious since I played pathfinder right before bg2. Tyranny is probably one of my favorite crpgs because you get to be on team evil. I actually like the ending unlike some that felt it was rushed. I wish we could get a sequel but since the ip belongs to paradox it probably won’t happen in crpg form.
  8. Baldur’s Gate 2 Enhanced Edition- I finally got into it. The animations took a lot of getting used to, but the background artist work holds up. The story is decent and the world is filled with stuff to do. I have played a lot of modern crpgs like Pillars 1 &2, Pathfinder kingmaker, torment tides of numenera , tyranny, so I wanted to see how an old one would be and bg2 is good shit, even to this day if you can get past the graphics and clunky ad&d2 rules.
  9. I haven’t been impressed with any protests in the last decade. I don’t think they’re getting shit done. I would even argue some of them have been counter productive to their causes.
  10. Perhaps new formulations that more directly target omicron will change the math and drastically prevent spread. We should find out later this year.
  11. Good stuff. Just finished. Can’t wait to see how it all ends.
  12. This is a great list that I will come back to reference. I thought Altered Carbon got cancelled.
  13. Dow falls more than 800 points in 7th straight down day, S&P 500 pullback reaches 10% WWW.CNBC.COM Investors awaited more corporate earnings results and a key policy decision from the Federal Reserve. S&P 500 may officially enter correction at close today.
  14. Blizzard has run their real time strategy games into the ground. Warcraft 3 Reforged is a joke and Starcraft 2 is running on legacy support. Meanwhile Microsoft has breathed new life into Age of Empires by funding really well done definitive editions of the old ones and releasing Age of Empires 4, which has sold well. Given those two things, I'm hopeful that Microsoft sees money in a new Warcraft RTS or at least fixing reforged.
  15. Nadal beat his body up a lot quicker than Fed, so I didn't really consider Nadal in is prime when Djokovic finally learned how to serve.
  16. I started this show about a month ago and would watch an episode here and there. When I hit season 2 last week I binged the rest of the show 3 episodes a day when I would get home from work. This is some of the best TV drama ever (no kidding), but with dark comedy throughout, that I’ve seen. I can’t believe I was missing this. And damn the music is good on top of the rest. What pieces of shit characters that I love to hate and sympathize with all at the same time. As someone else said, the most competent balancing act between serious drama and comedy I’ve seen. I think it leans drama but can see how people could see it the other way.
  17. I thought the movie was unnecessary, cringy, and terrible. It felt like no one wanted to make the thing.
  18. I thought the finale was weak (scattered, disjointed come to mind), but I’m hopeful for season 2 improvements.
  19. 2022 will bring with it some variant specific boosters afterall from what I’ve read. Moderna is even working on one that will target 4+ variants in one shot.
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