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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I don’t believe Ukraine or Russia. I am more interested hearing Western intelligence assessments on how things are going.
  2. I’ll probably upgrade my 5700x to a mid tier rdna 3 and maybe pop in a zen 3d (depending on reviews and discounts down the road) after zen 4 comes out to give my am4 motherboard a last breath of life.
  3. This might have been my favorite Batman movie. I loved how they leaned into the detective noir thing. I didn’t even notice the 3 hour time. Bravo 👏
  4. How do I turn it on in windows 10? Just curious.
  5. AMD needs to release zen 4 and 5 a lot quicker. The gap between 3 and 4 has been far too long. I’m running 3800x win 10 and haven’t noticed. Maybe I’m not sensitive to it, but stutter usually bothers me. Where would I disable this security feature in windows 10? Most articles I just searched for were applicable to win 11.
  6. AMD is very competitive in the CPU space, so much so that they were overcharging for cpus up until very recently when Intel struck back. I was a bit confused with your comment about stuttering cpus. They seem to work really well from my experience and a lot of gamers agree with me. Maybe I’m just missing something.
  7. RDNA 3 is where you will finally see AMD seriously compete with nvidia in the gpu space for the first time in years. It will have been developed with a much higher r&d budget compared to previous gens. I’m loving Intel coming back out swinging on the cpu front to keep prices in check. I hope it helps with gpu prices too.
  8. Now Tucker's support for Russia makes a lot more sense. Koch funds the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank. For a while there, probably 10 years ago or so, I remember Tucker was affiliated with them. He maybe still is I didn't look it up, but it all makes sense now!
  9. I strongly support this. I don’t care much for the 8:30 pm summer sunset, but it makes a lot of sense for me during the winter months. I always thought they had it reversed. Daylight savings should be in the winter and standard time in the summer. I’m fine with either time being permanent, but pick one. Pelosi and Biden better not screw this up by supporting standard time.
  10. Just finished season 2. I want more. This show proves again the potential for fantasy told in anime form. That tweet indicates Netflix hasn’t greenlit it. That’s not a good sign. I have noticed very little press on season 2 of the show after searching and rotten tomatoes doesn’t have any reviews posted for season 2. I hope I’m wrong to think the show may not get renewed. I would like the show to continue.
  11. I’m watching and enjoying this. I’m halfway through season 2. Is there any word on a season 3?
  12. I would guess it would be on a 2 year cadence since the SOC is semi custom (if I understood the specs correctly). So AMD will need to design a new chip with zen 3 or 4 cpus and rdna 3.
  13. It would have been nice to have the financial leverage we have now for China, a much more serious rival. But China will be taking notes and adapting.
  14. 10-20 year war. Tactically 4-6 weeks Russia takes. Russian forces close in on Ukraine's capital as death toll mounts WWW.CBSNEWS.COM As Ukraine's 2nd largest city was hammered by Russian artillery, President Volodymyr Zelensky vowed that his country wouldn't be pressured into concessions.
  15. It doesn’t sound like that big of a deal. Hopefully the rest of the speech was good.
  16. It’s difficult to get excited over the guy that will likely lose to Trump in 2024. Edit: Ouch that was really negative. Remember when I used to be a positive member of the community!?
  17. I am a bit concerned that the West may keep severe sanctions in place too long causing unneeded misery to the Russian people. We have a tendency to be hateful at times. It’s in the back of my mind since the immediate concern is Russia invading.
  18. I’m very skeptical of the more outlandish scenarios such as Russia retreating soon or Putin being overthrown, but I certainly want to believe it! I think they’re just getting started and it’s going to get a lot worse for Ukraine. But I thought this would have gone much smoother for Russia, so who knows! It’s more believable that the Russians are going to use weapons that inflict massive indiscriminate casualties far sooner than they would back out.
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