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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I’m enjoying it as mindless Star Wars fun. There’s a lot of wasted potential, but I’m just going with it.
  2. The market's reaction to .75% started on Friday when the inflation report came out. The market going up a bit today is probably a technical algo bounce from oversold conditions coupled with a little relief it wasn't a 1% raise.
  3. This pretty much guarantees a recession in my humble opinion. The Fed will act aggressively.
  4. I thought season 2 was still character driven and 3 is where it got too wrapped up in time. Or maybe I just liked 3 the least.
  5. Yes please! I like the rural feel of the earlier seasons better than season 4 so I hope we get back to that.
  6. Even after all the shit she’s pulled, she’s great. She’s evil, but she’s incredibly likable even after the last scene with Howard. When I started watching the show I never thought that her arc would be the one I cared about most, but here we are. Best character on the show or BB! I read through some of your comments and wanted to comment on Jimmy’s motives. Jimmy laid it out to the high school student that didn’t get the charitable scholarship. He sees himself as someone that made mistakes and will unjustly never be taken seriously by “them”, so anything that he does that takes them down a notch and him up is justified and not a big deal. He doesn’t like to see people die or get physically injured too badly from his actions and he thinks if they’re not it’s all good, but he also doesn’t dwell too much on people dying or getting hurt from his actions because it’s all justified. He is softer than Kim is when it comes to people getting hurt in front of him or in his presence. He will close his eyes or zone out to an extent. He likes to make it right in his head somehow later. Even better if he can help Kim out or make money. He also gets a huge kick out of manipulating people. Howard called Kim and Jimmy both out on that, and the truth is Kim always liked a good scam, she had just suppressed it. So basically Jimmy is very self interested in his actions; he does seem to care about Kim some but I believe he manipulates her quite a bit too which makes me suspicious of how he will act if he needs to throw her under the bus to protect himself. . This was a rushed disorganized ramble.
  7. My wife got interested in this as I was watching season 5 so we watched BB and and this and finally caught up last night! Kim has to be one of the most interesting characters on television. I keep trying to guess what’s going to happen with her. I don’t think she’ll die. I think either one of them will break it off and she leaves or she goes to prison or possibly using the vacuum services after Jimmy throws her under the bus for something. But it’s hard to guess what will happen. I loved d day with Howard. Nacho… It is a lighter show than BB, but does so well showing the complexity of analyzing moral choices and how intent and consequences both seem to play a role in what is a good or bad action. I’ll have to go back to read this thread in more depth later!
  8. Alito and Thomas rubber stamp whatever right wing media and Trumpers want them to.
  9. Fully autos don’t kill people, people do. Bombs don’t kill people, people do. Nukes don’t kill people…
  10. There is infrastructure spending that will be multi year for fiscal support. The Fed pretty much has to be aggressive at this point. The risk inflation poses on everyone is too high. They should have raised a lot sooner and they probably would not have to be as aggressive and we could have had a soft landing. I think a mild recession is more likely than a soft landing at this point.
  11. That was the mayor of Uvalde apparently. Beto has to try his best to get media attention. The free ads aren't happening like they did when he ran against Cruz in 2018. Plus he makes a valid point and it is a political issue. This event is a shit show. Our 'leaders' aren't doing anything to prevent these events from happening. They are jokes.
  12. Just got done voting against Paxton in the GOP primary. I’m ready to vote blue in November.
  13. Some people that do these mass shootings would probably pass a mental health check up with flying colors. Most psychiatric disorders do not cause people to shoot school children.
  14. Severely restricting or banning firearms would be a lot easier than 'solving' mental health. This isn't too far from where I live
  15. Agreed. I should have been more specific When I said help, I didn’t mean he would win. Beto winning would be some kind of miracle given Biden’s poll numbers and inflation.
  16. I don’t understand it. I played the single player and thought it was mediocre. The online play must be incredible.
  17. Species, like race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, etc., are morally irrelevant attributes and such beliefs have already led to moral atrocities against animals on this planet and could be used to justify slavery, rape, and a host of other morally repugnant actions against a species that possesses similar attributes of personhood, reasoning, and sentience. Imagine if homo erectus was still around today and people murdered, raped, and enslaved them.
  18. This is a rhetorical technique trying to make it sound like anything other than that ethical position is unscientific . But biology textbooks have nothing to say about the ethics of destroying fertilized eggs. This is philosophy. You would still have to explain why it’s wrong to destroy a fertilized egg whether it was human or not.
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