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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. It would seem that way based on the limited info we have. This is an embarrassment to recast the main character of one of Netflix’s biggest shows.
  2. Most of the speculation I’m reading is he has creative differences with the show runners. This makes sense since Cavill is a fan of the books and games and the show seems to be deviating some from my understanding. Given he was initially so passionate about the project, it is hard to believe this is because he just wanted to be Superman.
  3. The problem with betting on Superman live action movies is there haven’t been any in decades. I wonder what they showed him.
  4. Just finished the latest two episodes. Nothing in this show is filler. All the threads are interesting. I like seeing the imperial perspective too (actor playing qyburn from GoT perfectly casted). And since sometimes there isn’t a lot of action, when it happens the tension is amped. In this narrow way it reminds me of The Americans. There are build ups and developments and when an action sequence does occur, it makes it that much more intense and meaningful.
  5. Wow what a huge disappointment. He played the role so well and was a magnet to the show. He must have plans to play Superman and lots of shows and movies and they made him quite an offer. Netflix knows how important he is for The Witcher. My guess is the work environment sucked. This lowers my excitement for the show going forward considerably.
  6. Young voters have not been consistently reliable in midterm elections. Go and vote, but don’t expect a blue wave when inflation is at multi decade highs and it’s the midterms when the opposite party to the sitting president typically stomps. I get it, abortion, but in Texas I have seen no evidence of anything that is going to take down the GOP leadership here. It could happen and there’s a chance. Beto raised a lot of money and abortion will motivate some voters. It would be a nice surprise. 538 has Abbott’s odds of winning at 97 in 100.
  7. I got turned away on Monday for getting at my early voting station at 6:01 p.m. They said it closed at 6. I came back on Tuesday around 5:30p.m. and voted straight blue. I am wondering if the 7-7 hours is true for every county.
  8. Okay, I upgraded my rating from good to very good. The show is still not as good as peak GoT (think seasons 2-4), but I'm happy with how everything came together the last few episodes. It's definitely addictive TV. When it ended, I just wanted to see more. Martin says it needs 40 episodes total to tell the story properly. All of the giving birth scenes tested my stomach this season, but I made it through! HBO has every motive to keep giving us more GoT after the numbers have come in: ‘House Of The Dragon’ Gets Biggest Finale-Night Viewership For HBO Since ‘Game Of Thrones’ Ender DEADLINE.COM ‘House Of The Dragon’: Biggest Finale Night for HBO Since ‘Game Of Thrones’ In 2019 .
  9. I'm aware of FSR, but I was uncertain if taking it to the next level of frame generation would require specialized hardware whereas FSR 1&2 did not. @crispy4000pointed to some possibilities which I was not aware of. I have heard rumors that AMD has some sort of plan for dedicated hardware for future FSR versions, but nothing concrete.
  10. I wonder how AMD is leveraging their Xilinx acquisition. Doesn’t DLSS 3 require dedicated hardware? It seems unlikely AMD could do this without some of their own, making pro models of consoles getting frame generation very unlikely since it would require a new soc. Then again I have learned to not underestimate AMD, but AI has never been their strong point.
  11. Texas is red because voters want republicans to lead the state. New voters moving to the state aren’t necessarily solid blue. Many Hispanics in Texas rely on the oil sector for employment, ‘back the blue’, and are socially conservative thus vote for the GOP. Democrats are terribly organized and the national party doesn’t spend much here. Still, things are changing incrementally. Eventually a Democrat like Beto in 2018 will catch fire like he did during the right election cycle and win a state ride race.
  12. On the CPU front, be aware that AMD is releasing their Zen 4 v-cache models Q1 2023. I think the announcement will be in January. They will beat Intel's chips in gaming with ease. On certain games, they will dominate Intel and AMD's regular Zen 4 because of the extra cache. We already see that with the 5800x3d in certain games beating AMD and Intel's latest. Plus if you shell out the extra money, you'll have a socket that will last till at least Zen 6.
  13. Pure nerd bliss. From when I read The Hobbit in 6th grade to this show. I love high fantasy! There are so many things that they can do with this IP. Are there restrictions on what Amazon can make with their license? I wonder what they are. Melkor coming back for another show in an age in the future? Seems possible. Give me some more orcs and wizards damnit! edit: Nevermind. It seems the license that Amazon got is limited. I would have to read more. One site claims that Amazon says they only have the rights to Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Another site claims they have access to certain parts of other works. My guess is they have limited access to earlier material but the estate has veto power over every single thing.
  14. In my mind, I was always most concerned if people had breathing problems because of how many people that have died or gone to the ICU. It was easy to just blow off the other symptoms that weren't breathing issues/oxygen or severe fever. I have a new perspective. Now I just want it to end. I'm concerned that I may end up with long covid. A coworker's brother had fatigue for 6 months. I'm thinking that won't be the case with me since I'm improving a bit now.
  15. Got Covid 12 days ago for the first time. I caught it 2 days after my bivariant booster and flu shot. Prior to that I was last booster a year ago. Bivariant didn’t have a chance to kick in. I only had fever for two days early in. Oxygen has been good the entire time, clear mucus in the mornings, coughing here and there in the day, but not bad with those symptoms. I’m on day 12 and I’m still testing positive, dealing with fatigue and malaise. The fatigue has been crippling. The fatigue improved somewhat for the first time the last couple of days thankfully, but I’m still not normal. I’m not immune compromised, but still taking forever. Edit: I wanted to add that when people say they had fatigue from Covid I used it just kind of think that’s not a big deal. This has changed my perspective. The fatigue I’ve had has been so intense that I can’t do anything remotely mentally taxing for longer than an hour before I’m ready for a nap. My wife hasn’t caught it thankfully. I was starting to believe maybe I was genetically resistant to it since I had not caught it. 😂
  16. He’s the best shot we have. I hope he runs for Governor, not the senate. We need a sane state government.
  17. I binged it all today. This is good. I’m really looking forward to the heist! I love the pacing and its focus in characters. It’s finally starting to show what I’ve always known. Star Wars is filled with untapped potential.
  18. My brother said P3P is better in some ways, but since it suffers from the 2d stuff, it would have been better if they remastered it with P3P content mixed in with p3FES. I think portable allows you to play a female protagonist which is interesting.
  19. The later sequels are not so good. It is surprising to hear this may be well done.
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