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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. It’s true. There aren’t any. Maybe Putin lolz
  2. I’m curious on the medium sized amd chip. I hope it launches q1.
  3. I stopped after 2, but had plans to give 3 a chance.
  4. I haven't read any of their works so I can't make a firm judgement about them. If you take the Stoic sub seriously, it seems to indicate that Mark Manson is not a good person to read to understand stoicism correctly, but they gave Ryan Holiday good marks for his early works for a basic introduction to stoicism based on a quick google search. Take that for whatever it's worth which isn't much. If you are getting something positive from reading them, it's probably not all bad. I just have issues with authors that only talk about the psychological aspects of the philosophy as life hacks to help them get promotions or money. This is a perversion of the philosophy. The two books I mentioned to Wade are fairly good introductions to the subject after reading them and then reading a lot of what we got left of the ancient stoics. My favorite of those two is How to be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life by Massimo Pigliucci. I especially enjoyed how he emphasized the ethical aspects of the ancient philosophy, including the 4 virtues of wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice, something that is often missing from many other stoic texts. Supplement it afterwards with this one blog post by the author on why him giving the trichotomy of control from Living the Good Life some credit was a mistake in his book: book: https://howtobeastoic.wordpress.com/2017/07/24/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-dichotomy-of-control/ Everyone has their own take on which of the ancient stoics was best, but Epictetus is my favorite: https://www.amazon.com/Discourses-Fragments-Handbook-Oxford-Classics/dp/0199595186/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= I hope this was helpful.
  5. I've been on antidepressants the vast majority of my adult life for anxiety. I'm not functional without medication (can't sleep more than 4-5 hours a night and so much else). It gives me a good baseline to then better myself from there. There's no shame in it. These medications are safe and may be helpful. Talking about these things may also help with a therapist, but cognitive behavioral therapy is a bit more evidence based and involves more active participation by the patient. So my strong recommendation is to go see someone and see if they'll prescribe you something and get treated. I studied philosophy in college and I unfortunately never studied the Stoics then since I didn't focus on the Hellenistic period. I've remedied that since, reading tons of Seneca, as well as all of Epictetus and Marcus. They had a lot of useful things to say to people going through politically volatile times, anxiety, grief, dying, and general advice that is the best self help out there, even if it is tough medicine. That ties back to CBT which is arguably based on certain stoic principles of what is and is not up to us, and how we should align our wills to fate, or in modern terms, deterministic forces of the universe and seeing distorted thought patterns for what they are. A lot of the Stoic stuff online is not useful and is often misleading or counterproductive. It's become an industry. There are a lot of people that are using the philosophy of life as a life hack rather than taking the moral component of it seriously. The entire point of reaching some level of tranquility is so you are able to do the right thing according to virtue, not so you can then be a rich prick. A couple of more modern accessible Stoic books I enjoyed were A Guide to the Good Life and How to be a Stoic. For panic like anxiety, I like Dare: The New Way To Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks, which is focused on confronting distorted thought patterns that people suffering from severe anxiety deal with. All of this is a side bar after you have gotten professional help for which there is no substitute in my humble opinion. Anyway, hope you get to feeling better Wade.
  6. Where we disagree is the magnitude of the issues. Being authoritarian and trying to overthrow elections easily overrides my own concerns with Democrats on certain issues. With regard to some of these issues, on taxation, you are probably not getting a distorted picture. Democrats are certainly for higher taxation. However, On transgender issues with minors, as already pointed out, the vast majority of Democrats are not trying to take parental rights away. That's the GOP position. On crime, the majority of Democrats that hold office are not for defunding the police or being easy on violent crime. That is a small slice of the Democratic base that is noisy, nothing more. Polls have shown this consistently. But you already know this.
  7. If I’m right, start voting Democrat until the republicans shake off the authoritarian shit. You can work with democrats on getting better candidates and moderating positions you don’t like.
  8. What they say privately is irrelevant. It’s what they say in public and what bills they pass or don’t pass that matter. A huge portion of the GOP base is convinced that the election was stolen and supported Donald taking over through a coup. Elected officials, notwithstanding what they say in private, have to appease a brainwashed base of support that you have chosen to cooperate with and support. There is a point of no return and imo the GOP has already passed it regardless of Trump. It’s unfortunate that you and so many others are not seeing it.
  9. The party is currently committed to these beliefs. There’s not going to be any shaking them off if people vote for the current GOP. You got Mitt Romney and a handful that are openly resisting. Everyone else is on board the train, including yourself whether you realize it or not. This isn’t like saying voting democrat is voting for socialism or communism. There are hundreds of GOP politicians elected and running that are in powerful positions that are on board with stealing elections. If someone votes for the GOP, they are supporting authoritarianism.
  10. So the VP should be able to decide on electors and stop the steal?
  11. Now let’s just get Engel to post something similar!
  12. I’m in as well! I’m waiting for someone to take on A Nightmare on Elm Street too.
  13. There is insufficient information to make a firm conclusion on this. Admittedly, I am biased towards Cavill because at the end of the day, he did a great job and he’s a pcgamer and nerd like me along with some of the rumors of the set. I agree the Superman movies he is leaving for will likely be crap.
  14. And I have always made the point that I don’t care if they steer away from the source material for tv as long as it’s good. However, I had read that they didn’t even want witcher signs in the show and Cavill made sure it was on there. I don’t know if that’s true, but that would be an example of them veering too far away from the source material.
  15. Perhaps I’m unaware of all the other instances where a major flagship show recasts the main character, played by an actor nearly everyone likes as that character, right in the middle season of the show. I’m having trouble coming up with it for tv shows. There are some instances in movie series. Edit: Sliders comes to mind, but it was on its death bed.
  16. I’ve seen episodes here and there growing up, watched the movie, but I was not allowed to watch it as a child when at home and didn’t make a point to watch all the episodes as an adult. My wife is a fan and it just kind of felt right to watch it lately now that they’re on Disney. Some of these early episodes are really good. I’ve noticed as the seasons go on, the episodes are more absurd and improbable, and some of them I disliked. But most of them are still really well done.
  17. https://www.uttyler.edu/politicalscience/files/utt_lv_oct2022.pdf 50-44 Abbott vs Beto Likely Voters 47-44 Abbott vs Beto Registered Voters He gained ground on the Tyler poll. Last one Beto was down a lot more. Go here for past polls and bigger surveys of what Texans think on issues: Polling Center WWW.UTTYLER.EDU
  18. I've been watching The Simpsons from season 1 forward the last few weeks as my unwind show. I'm on season 5 right now and really like it. I've heard it gets worse when I get closer to recent episodes.
  19. I wonder how many other Brazilian presidents have been just as corrupt as Lula and didn't get caught. I'm not making excuses for the guy, just honestly wondering. I know some Brazilians that hate Lula because of what they believe he did. They don't have the best choices there, but Bol had to go.
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