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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. The isolationist wing of the GOP was already growing and Trump made it grow even quicker. Couple that with the Hunter Biden Ukraine business links that the right wing media beat to death and the pro Russian attitude of Trump and here we are.
  2. That was one retailer with respect to the claim that it would have outsold the 4080 in total since launch. It is unclear how many retailers were sourced to support the prior paragraph.
  3. I hope his trip successfully persuades the House GOP to keep supporting them. GOP voters are pretty split on Ukrainian support at this point.
  4. I'm seeing conflicting evidence. Newegg shows it selling well, but it's in stock. It is surrounded by mid tier gpus from last gen. When I go to Amazon, the top 20+ spots are almost all mid tier from last gen. According to Techspot: https://www.techspot.com/article/2593-gpu-pricing-update/ So the XTX is outselling it, and would be doing so even more if they had enough supply. I'm not sure what to believe given Newegg is showing the 4080 doing well.
  5. New Zealand imposes lifetime ban on youth buying cigarettes | AP News APNEWS.COM WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — New Zealand on Tuesday passed into law a unique plan to phase out tobacco smoking by imposing a lifetime ban on young people buying cigarettes. The...
  6. It’s exciting news! I am an optimist and believe it will start being deployed commercially in twenty years. In the meantime, solar, wind, geothermal, and next gen nuclear, both modular and other types of reactors, including some that can process nuclear waste.
  7. Yeah the RT was already expected to be like last gen nvidia when you aligned their numbers with benchmarks. I’m not sure how anyone got any other impression from their own numbers. Sure I hoped maybe it would be better, but yeah right.
  8. It's about what I expected for RT performance. It's less than I expected for raster, but not by much. It's a respectable card with some limitations. They are still a full gen behind Nvidia on RT performance, but they are otherwise competitive and the card is smaller.
  9. Critics Call It Theocratic and Authoritarian. Young Conservatives Call It an Exciting New Legal Theory. - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM ‘Common good constitutionalism’ has emerged as a leading contender to replace originalism as the dominant legal theory on the right.
  10. I agree that we should be vigilant. I’m not suggesting helping Ron DeSantis.
  11. I’ve always heard public health officials claim that colds and the flu spread more in the cold because people gather in close quarters indoors more often when it’s cold. This can complement that fact.
  12. This will be a reductive post since I don't have time to go into detail. Ethics was alive apart from religion in Ancient Greek Philosophy. It is arguable that certain principles of ethics were present in every ancient civilization, even ones that developed completely apart from another and that we are aware of certain overlapping principles between each civilization. That just means the simple stuff was agreed upon, such as don't unjustly murder each other. When getting into the more specific issues such as freedom of thought, I would agree those ideals were not universally agreed upon and could result from other factors. However, even if just a couple of principles appear to be universal and factual, it seems to make a case for some narrow form of universalism and realism. Relativism implies that there is no objectivity on which to challenge or criticize your own government or culture. Thus if your country's culture went fascist and everyone got on board with something that is morally wrong, it would become morally correct. I'm not on board with that. There are moral facts and they're independent of our culture.
  13. Yeah this is silly. Trump is talking about burning the constitution, election denial, and firing 40,000 federal employees and putting in his own people like a full on autocrat. It’s just not the same until DeSantis says the same type of stuff.
  14. There is no evidence he’s as extreme either. We know Trump is completely bonkers.
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