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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. If I remember correctly, Obama provided funding for private space companies which has helped fund companies like SpaceX and Boeing. With the absurd launch cost of the SLS, if Starship’s launch cost estimates are off my a factor of 10x, it will still make it obsolete and a waste of taxpayer dollars. But we shall see!
  2. 2022 gave me hope, however a likely recession is lining up at the worst time for Biden. Once Trump is nominated by the GOP, enough people will fall in line with him while enough Democrats won’t show up for Biden. I would be very pleased to be wrong on this.
  3. Baby Ronnie No it doesn’t make sense, but it sounds about right. Little Marco and Baby Ronnie from Florida
  4. War in Ukraine 'distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges,' DeSantis says - POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.COM “We cannot prioritize intervention in an escalating foreign war over the defense of our own homeland," he said.
  5. Nuclear should fill in for fossil fuels that gave reliable base power. The rest we can get from solar and wind with battery storage. Geothermal research is also coming along.
  6. I enjoyed the whole thing, but it had some rough spots midway through. "She's a demon, Sam!" 1-5 is top tier.
  7. I have around 3 sodas a year, usually Diet Pepsi. I used to drink RC cola when I was in college 15 years ago.
  8. I think it’s worth reporting on but share the concern that all it is really doing is making Americans resent the Chinese government more, if this is possible. Hating on China is a bipartisan thing now. I don’t want a war.
  9. Railroads do not care about safety or people. They are about liability and property rights.
  10. Are you saying that a Dyson Swarm would make it easier to travel ftl or just that a civ that has one would have lots of energy and resources to spare to build lots of probes?
  11. They are probably Chinese and almost certainly from humans. If they were alien origin, it would almost certainly be robotic, potentially stemming from probes that have been traveling for hundreds of millions of years that are self replicating. The civilization that built them would potentially have died off. If we assume FTL travel which seems even more unlikely, I don't know how to speculate at that point.
  12. I haven’t followed it as closely as some, but I do recall hearing something similar to that many months ago. Russia is more resilient than some thought and has willing partners to trade and help.
  13. The amount of hardship from such a war resulting from the disruption of trade throughout the pacific would be far more disruptive than anything our generation has experienced. The world would go into a depression. I don’t think everyone has wrapped their heads around this. The fact that so much silicon is made in Taiwan will effectively push our tech back and stunt manufacturing. Maybe we should should just stop. Let’s defy the natural tendency of rivals going at it and just walk away but draw a like somewhere else. Anyway, hopefully this guy is wrong. I hope China let’s it go.
  14. Whole wheat pizza crust is underrated. It gives it a better flavor and is much healthier. But it’s hard to find! I love pizza
  15. Does anyone here believe that tanks for f16s could result in a widening of the conflict? I don’t think Russia will directly attack a NATO nation, but I know a couple of people that think we are crossing a line that will result in a wider conflict with Russia.
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