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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I think this is on the regular 15s. On the pros they use 3.0. It’s unacceptable along with 60 hz.
  2. I don’t find your genetic angle convincing and it hasn’t held up to basic logic. You must have been bored to argue for your pro life position itt. Edit: If what makes a human being have moral worth is our genetic sequence, then animals have no value at all, nor would any other homo genus if they were alive. Torturing dogs and cats is fine. Abusing all animals is fine. It would was perfectly cool to enslave and rape Neanderthals. If an intelligent alien race were encountered, we can do whatever we want because they don’t have human genetics. These are the consequences to rejecting all the properties that would be more applicable to other beings, the ones you say don’t hold up to scrutiny.
  3. Yes. This is precisely the point I made yesterday. It seems to be equivocation and I didn’t see a good response.
  4. Ive noticed something in this thread about how you talk about this issue. Your use of the word ‘human being’ is perhaps equivocation. At a minimum it is highly misleading to talk of a zygote as a ‘human being’ in the same sense that you refer to a pregnant adult woman as a human being. In a sense sure, they’re both genetically a human being. But a zygote is not a human being in any other meaningful sense. It’s missing every other attribute, including personhood. Generally when people think of being a ‘human being’, they aren’t thinking narrowly of just the genetic component of being a member of the species homo sapien. By using that term, you seem to be using it in different senses to try to strengthen the position of your argument. I’m not convinced by this line of reasoning. Every time you say ‘human being’ when you refer to a zygote, I simply replace it with ‘genetically a human being with no other human attributes’ and your argument appears to be morally hollow. Why should we care about human genetic material that is empty of any any other human characteristics? It’s far from clear in this thread or in any other pro life argument.
  5. Great point. I have read antidotes of Texas hospitals turning mothers away if it isn’t imminent life or death because the liability is too high, even if they have a condition they know will likely lead to a life or death situation later. And do you blame the physicians? It’s prison. As previously stated, the consequences of the law need to be considered.
  6. This would be more of a pro choice position these days, at least in my opinion, so long as the law was made so that they couldn't ban it earlier. An interesting way to also see where people fall is to ask whether they would vote for a Roe ballot initiative in a state that has a total abortion ban except in cases where the life of the mother is at risk (like Texas). Polling shows that a lot of pro choice people actually have a more nuanced view of when it should or shouldn't be banned, but in American politics it's usually all or nothing.
  7. I really enjoyed that game, but damn the map sucks! I believe there's a sequel in development.
  8. Even if somehow it was shown that abortion is morally wrong to some degree, it still doesn't necessarily follow that it should be illegal. Consequences of the law have to be weighed as well as the moral implications of taking a fundamental choice away from individual women.
  9. Day 10 here round 2. That’s twice I got it right before or at the beginning of the booster roll out. It has been milder this time, but I am still dealing with fatigue. Cognitive dysfunction isn’t as bad either this time. No fever. I am going to space my next booster out and get it around March or April to have some protection next summer.
  10. https://videocardz.com/driver/intel-arc-iris-graphics-31-0-101-4672 Intel drivers fix some of the issues.
  11. I just watched the first episode. Aside from seeing parts of random anime episodes years ago, I had no prior experience going into it and had no idea what to expect. I had a lot of fun. I connected with all the characters right away, the pacing seems right for a pirate adventure, and the fact it is an anime hasn’t made it suck so far. Count me in for more! For clarification, I have no problem with good anime. What’s difficult to do is transpose it to live action, so I’m impressed this felt like a show worth continuing.
  12. I haven't watched Rebels, so I'll let you all know what I think when I finally start this, maps or no maps.
  13. Just a moment... WWW.AXIOS.COM Nikki Haley's Post-Debate Moment | National Review WWW.NATIONALREVIEW.COM Polls show that Haley has had a big bump in Iowa, and a big turnout at her first post-debate event in South Carolina suggests surging interest as well.
  14. It can be stressful, but it’s also useful to know. Water is an issue that we can exercise an unusual amount of control over on the local level, or even neighborhood. For instance, one could lobby their HOA to ban grass, which is one of the most wasteful things in existence. Grass is not only water intensive to grow under pivot, but then once it is harvested, it continues to take high amounts of water to keep alive for years to come.
  15. America Is Draining Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM Unchecked overuse is draining and damaging aquifers nationwide, a data investigation by the New York Times revealed, threatening millions of people and America’s status as a food superpower. In parts of West Texas, yields are already depressed because of aquifer depletion. Farmers have to pull from 4-6 wells at a time to feed one pivot, and they'll usually plant only a quarter to a half a circle of a crop if they intend to make a crop at all instead of failing it out to crop insurance. This is happening nationwide on a massive scale that is not sustainable. None of this is news to anyone that is halfway involved in agriculture. The interesting thing about the article is they zoomed out to show it isn't just one state or region.
  16. I got a 5700xt as well (good card) and will probably pull the trigger on a Sapphire Pulse 7800xt.
  17. "I wouldn't change a single decision Trump has made." I've heard that one a few times.
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