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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I think that would be a bad idea. Capping income would have uncertain effects on economic growth and incentives. I wish more people would get on board with a land value tax.
  2. Not lower than 21%, but simply raising some taxes on higher income brackets to make up for the lost tax revenue from the corporate rate cuts. I am asking because the corporate tax rate is simply an inefficient way of raising tax revenue. I wouldn't want to see it go above 25% so we stay competitive with other developed nations.
  3. Would lowering the corporate tax rate but increasing personal income taxes on higher brackets be acceptable to most people here?
  4. The developer not patching the game for PC is one of my other complaints. Without the mod, I would have had a different opinion. The developer needs to support its title. It sold several hundred thousand copies on Steam, so I feel it is justified that they patch it. I only had one issue in my second play through where I had to disable the mod to get through a cut scene. Other than that, it was nearly flawless. However, the developer needs to support higher resolutions and higher refresh rates built in and they need to patch out all the bugs. I think for an action JRPG, the story and writing is way better than it has any right to be. I was caught off guard on more than one occasion.
  5. This is true , but the last couple of play throughs are short.
  6. I spent around 55 hours to beat it (10 hours were offline mode on Steam which is why it only shows 46 in my profile). Not that I'm aware of, but I think there are a couple of unique trophies that I didn't get.
  7. We won't be seeing anything on the high end from AMD for 2 years so Nvidia can afford to do paper launches all day long. It really sucks.
  8. I love the labels. I love the new boards. Great job!
  9. I just wanted to recommend this game. It's almost like an action JRPG smashed together with Blade Runner. There's tons of philosophy, some decent writing, and the story takes a lot of twists and turns. I think it's pretty damn innovative. My biggest criticism is probably the mini map (it isn't always clear where you need to go at times) and on PC you had to download the FAR mod for 2560x1440 144hz. The music was 10/10, and my overall subjective experience with the game is probably a 9/10
  10. Where did you read that? That's interesting and pretty fucked up. The OK governor did everything to try to stop this thing. They lined up big cash, law enforcement, religious officials, and party leaders. They failed. To me Oklahoma signals the end of marijuana prohibition since they can't even stop it in a deeply red state during a primary vote. Yes it's medical, but it's loosely written medical not unlike the original California medical law in 1996. Every Republican in the country is looking at this and realizing it's over.
  11. We are going to see Democrats jumping on marijuana more and more. There's just too much support and it seems to energize their base.
  12. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/top-senate-dem-introduces-marijuana-freedom-and-opportunity-act/
  13. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/how-oklahoma-legalized-medical-marijuana-and-what-happens-next/
  14. We depend on NAFTA so are watching this really closely. I predict NAFTA 2.0 within 2 years with tons of huge headlines between now and then and a lot of fear. The deal remains in effect for months after the U.S. can officially withdraw, and another several months after the withdraw is complete. I think something will be hammered out eventually.
  15. I have dealt with it quite well compared to most people on the internet and around me.
  16. If she agrees with the DSA statement posted here, then yes she is. Their Marxist positions are posted in this thread for everyone to read. This is not “socialism” like we saw with Obama. This is the real deal. Read the wiki about the organization and see what ideologies they accept. Some of you are happy about this which is sad I suppose, but others seem to be in denial. If they aren’t trying to have the state control the market, then why do they state clearly they favor destroying the market economy? Alienation of labor, destroying the profit motive, and on and on. Good stuff
  17. No it’s not alarmist. DSA: “We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, disability status, age, religion, and national origin, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo. We are socialists because we share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality and non-oppressive relationships. We are socialists because we are developing a concrete strategy for achieving that vision, for building a majority movement that will make democratic socialism a reality in America. We believe that such a strategy must acknowledge the class structure of American society and that this class structure means that there is a basic conflict of interest between those sectors with enormous economic power and the vast majority of the population.[104]” Marx couldn’t have said it better himself. This isn’t Obama’s socialism. This is actually Marxism.
  18. But look around. Not all, but some of the supporters are revising history and are gladly associating themselves with the above mentioned names and governments. There is a growing movement that isn’t just for social democracy, but wants to destroy the market economy.
  19. I’m not ignoring the wins on the populist right or the populist left. They’re both a terrible change in policy and incredibly disturbing trends. I’ll take a center left, third way Democrat over this new radical Sanders wing any day. If you up the minimum wage this much, at least plug it into a formula for regional differences in median wages and cost of living. We are talking about radical policies that would hurt everyone. Sorry I’m not on board with Trump OR Sanders. I despise them both.
  20. The Nordic model strongly values the market economy and free trade. They are high up on the economic freedom indexes in spite of their high taxes and social insurance policies. I looked at Alexandria’s issues page and she supports a federal job guarantee which would distort the market economy with completely uncertain results. There isn’t a single business friendly policy on her page and I didn’t see anything about free trade. I am open to correction. Maybe she supports the ease of doing business and I don’t know about it, but usually it seems like Sanders affiliated social democrats point to the Nordic countries and completely ignore that they have embraced many aspects of a market economy and only focus on the safety net.
  21. This country needs more social insurance. This country doesn’t need any actual socialism. The organization referred to is not just about supporting social democracy. It is a big tent socialist organization that wants popular control of resources and production. This isn’t the Nordic model we are talking about anymore. It is not evidence based policy and would turn us into a much bigger shithole than we already are.
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