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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. I think they're out of the high end GPU game until the second half of 2020 when their new architecture comes out. AMD knows that GCN ran out of room for meaningful tweaks on the high end and they know it doesn't scale past a certain point. AMD still is making Vega on 7nm for datacenters/deep learning, and Lisa mentioned that they are focusing a lot of the new R&D money on AI software, so it seems they have every intention of building high end graphics chips, it's just they have to wait for the successor to GCN before they try to fight Nvidia at that tier. It would be a mistake to think AMD is out permanently.
  2. AMD's Navi will only be midranged in 2019 (rumor), so 2060/2070 performance at best. We have to wait until 2020 for AMD and Intel's new architectures that may be able to compete with the 2080 Ti. The good news is AMD's R&D budget has jumped the last couple of years. With Zen finally bringing in more revenue, I expect AMD will be competitive again in the near future.
  3. Exactly. With AMD MIA, nothing is stopping Nvidia from charging whatever they want. No one is challenging them, especially on the higher end. The rumor is AMD's Navi will only address the midrange; we are talking 2060/2070 performance at best. We have to wait until AMD's next gen architecture and whatever Intel brings to the table in 2020 before anyone even touches what the 2080 Ti can do. That sucks for people wanting to save $200 on a monitor that is freesync. I have no plans to switch to Nvidia when it would cost $700 to swap to a 2560x1440 gsync equivalent monitor + the price of the video card. Intel or AMD better give me something really nice in 2020.
  4. https://www.pcgamer.com/dishonored-is-resting-arkane-lead-designer-says/ I loved Dishonored and Dishonored 2. This is such a disappointment. They built a really cool world and I wanted to explore it more, but the sales just weren’t there.
  5. From the article: It would help, but it would need to be coupled with loosening up zoning regulations to have a real impact in the large metro areas. This article is fairly negative about the land value tax. I think there are economists that would argue it is better than The Economist makes it seem.
  6. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2018/08/09/overhaul-tax-for-the-21st-century https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/08/09/the-time-may-be-right-for-land-value-taxes
  7. I don’t want to get into the details, but I would emphasize equities over a whole life policy for long time horizons. Maybe a policy like that makes sense in certain scenarios, but I believe low cost indexing will beat whole life over any 20 year period which is what we are talking about with long term investing.
  8. Yep, which is why I'm happy Discord and GOG are now going to take on Steam. I obviously don't want Steam to completely fail since I have over 250 games on it, but I would like them to feel some major pressure.
  9. Yeesh. Just terrible stuff, but it's good she came out and spoke. I have been active in some of these toxic comments sections. There are so many men that just plain suck. Women are still facing shit in the workplace, and there is a sizable chunk of men that are very actively denying this reality everywhere online. Anyone that disagrees is a snowflake, SJW, or insert whatever else and they move on. You get comments like this. What gets me is the people that are denying misogyny is a factor are the same ones proving it is in their own comments.
  10. Steam needs competition. I like Steam a lot, but I am very unimpressed with Valve lately. Having more stores in the market is good. It sucks that I have to have so many different accounts, but it's worth it because competition will force Steam to innovate and be better.
  11. I've logged over 50 hours into PUBG, but I have yet to try Fortnite and the main reason why is I don't feel like learning the building aspect of the game. I intend to try it eventually, but I have a huge backlog. There's no doubt that Fortnite is everywhere. Many coworkers that don't know a thing about gaming know about it because everyone talks of it.
  12. It speaks volumes about the status of the game that they are having to do this.
  13. https://twitter.com/kchironis She has had a good experience at Riot, but says we should believe these women since both can be true.
  14. https://kotaku.com/inside-the-culture-of-sexism-at-riot-games-1828165483 This seems to be all too common and it pisses me off.
  15. https://semiaccurate.com/2018/08/07/intel-has-no-chance-in-servers-and-they-know-it/ I always find articles like this amusing because we really have no idea how AMD and Intel will end up executing. However, it does seem like the perfect storm working against Intel right now and playing in AMD's favor. I just think it will be much more difficult than the author assumes for Intel to have 'no chance' against AMD. My bet is Intel comes out swinging really hard after 2020.
  16. https://www.pcgamer.com/ea-and-other-major-publishers-are-gearing-up-for-netflix-like-gaming-subscriptions/ Yuck
  17. This poll seems to have a lot of credibility in Texas, at least traditionally. The other results on the governor being ahead by 10%+ along with the Lt Governor seem to show that Cruz really is in a much tighter race. I would still bet Cruz will win by a decent 4-8% margin, but it is closer than I thought it would be.
  18. Finished GTA 5- To me, it's overrated. I'm not a fan of the driving around, so it hurts the game's appeal to me. 7/10 Tyranny (PC)- Main focus Zelda slowly (Switch) Age of Wonders 3 Cities:Skylines League of Legends Starcraft 2
  19. I like the idea of the Federal government covering leave rather than just mandating all employers to do so. The payroll tax still puts employers on the hook for some of it, and you can lift the cap on SS income to bolster up the program and have money for this.
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