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Everything posted by Massdriver

  1. Why would you think a “constitutional solution “ would be preferable to the status quo? That sounds like furthering our progress towards a full on banana republic. You don’t have to force a constitutional issue by appointing another two justices. If memory serves me, it would be perfectly fine. On another note, the lifetime appointment to the court is supposed to serve as insulation to political winds, but we all know that the court is very political and continues to get worse every year. This latest nomination has been a circus.
  2. I agree with a lot of what @TwinIon said. I think to Disney's credit, they have made some attempts at changing things up. Solo is an example of such an attempt that failed. It was an average heist movie and nothing more. The problem was on the execution, and who knows what was happening behind the scenes. I have no idea how such a long movie felt rushed, but it did, and it managed to bore me at the same time in many parts. The execution on these movies has been uneven, and I think given how Solo turned out, I wouldn't be terribly disappointed to see someone besides Kennedy. However, she is there to stay, so I would hope that she learns from her mistakes. If anyone wants to argue that Solo was a great, perfect movie, I don't really know what to say. I think it objectively suffered in many areas, and it was predictable and cliche. I also want to go back to what @skillzdadirecta and @johnny were talking about. The Star Wars brand can be big blockbuster movies and it could also be many other movies (as johnny mentioned) and TV shows, and not just animated cartoons on the Disney Channel. If you just limit yourself to what it was in the past, you miss the point. They can make large budget popcorn flicks and at the same time make some really thoughtful, well done stories that have lower budgets. What's going to be tough is trying to get the balance right between allowing artists to express themselves and making sure everything still feels like it is in the Star Wars universe. I think if you look at Marvel and the variety of TV shows and movies they have done, the template is already pretty much there. There are people that hate Disney and Kennedy for all the wrong reasons, such as having women in positions of authority, or having an Asian woman play a character. Then there seem to be people that defend Disney just to piss off the racists and sexists, which is always fun, but lost in the shuffle is serious discussions about how Disney is not executing as well as they could be on the actual writing, stories, pacing, etc. Given how much I like Star Wars, I just want it to be the best it can be. Defending Disney after Solo is hard for me to do. Maybe I'm being too hard on them, but I do expect more from them. I expect innovation. Or perhaps in the end, I'm don't like Star Wars after all. I just like some of the better games and movies and perhaps I shouldn't expect anything exceptional going forward.
  3. These movies could be a lot better. Solo tried and failed to execute. Rogue One was really good, and it did try something different. Maybe that’s why I like TLJ and RO the best out of Disney’s movies so far since TLJ did some unique things as well. I lost conviction after Solo. I had defended the Disney movies up until I saw that.
  4. KOTOR was mentioned above and is an example of how Star Wars could grow. Star Wars movies have always been popcorn movies, both good and terrible ones. The potential of the universe is untapped because it doesn’t have to be the same popcorn movie formula. Marvel has found a lot of variation within the context of comic book movies. Lucasfilm has not, but it is still early. Regardless of how SW was born, it has the potential to be something greater. I don’t hate the new movies. They are far better than the prequels. But that’s not really saying much. I don’t see anything wrong with demanding more in the golden age of television and with Marvel movies showing up Lucasfilm.
  5. I would have liked to see her go, but it has nothing to do with diversity in the films (I actually like that). We have had some decent SW movies, but they are falling short of their potential. I don’t think she’ll ever do anything amazing with the property. Solo was an average movie at best. I liked TLJ a lot, but these are all still just good popcorn movies. I think Star Wars could be more. They’ll run out of gas really quick if they can’t innovate.
  6. Regular XB1 controller or keyboard/mouse for me. I don't like the Steam controller.
  7. What does everyone think if the FBI finds no credible evidence to support any of the sexual assault claims?
  8. I haven't been able to follow this very closely, but it seems to me that regardless of the truth, the way he handled himself seemed way too emotional and partisan for a SCOTUS judge.
  9. I'm sticking with my iPhone 7 plus for another year. The cpu improvements don't seem all that great, and I was hoping for a 120 Hz refresh rate screen. If I bought one, it would be the 128 gb xr.
  10. I got a 1440p 144hz freesync monitor and it was one of the best upgrades in years, and that was coming from a 1600p 60 hz monitor. Adaptive sync and 144hz+ is awesome.
  11. I trust Trump over the mainstream leftist media. Trump created peace with North Korea, got trade deals done, and cut taxes for everyone. Trump is enforcing our borders and throwing criminals away. Trump has made billions as a businessman and a left wing hack writing a false book isn't going to change his amazing, beautiful achievements and 95% of Republicans are 100% with me. Period.
  12. Every previous rumor and official statement from amd has indicated Vega 20 is datacenter only. Consumer cards based on 7nm Navi will come our next year. If amd did release a consumer card, it would be a shocker.
  13. Yep. From what I can recall reading about this, finance classes don’t produce better outcomes for whatever reason. https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/04/13/473561841/not-all-financial-education-is-effective-here-are-4-ideas-that-work Its worth trying something though.
  14. I am wondering how much Beto helps Democrats down the ballot. It isn’t really showing up in the Governor’s race.
  15. I think nearly everyone is tired of our shitty system and is ready for a big change.
  16. It could help AMD in a way. GF usually had a inferior process to TSMC, but they had a terrible agreeement that made it cost prohibitive to use them over GF. From a competitor perspective I agree, but AMD will probably be better off assuming TSMC has the capacity.
  17. They should be doing the opposite. Voters should have little to no say in the party's nominee.
  18. It's sad how much hate there is for other people just because they have different political beliefs. I wasn't his biggest fan by any stretch, but he's still a person and I don't celebrate people dying of brain cancer unless they're incredibly malicious (McCain does not qualify).
  19. My guess is 2020 and 2021 will be some of the most interesting and competitive GPU years we have ever seen. Intel will be new to the scene and will probably have something fairly competitive. AMD will launch their brand new from scratch designs and it will be on par with Nvidia. AMD is able to do a lot without much money and now they are incrementally increasing R&D in areas they know they can compete. The important thing to note with AMD is their leadership is rock solid now, unlike the years prior to Lisa Su running the show. I wouldn't bet against them.
  20. I think they're out of the high end GPU game until the second half of 2020 when their new architecture comes out. AMD knows that GCN ran out of room for meaningful tweaks on the high end and they know it doesn't scale past a certain point. AMD still is making Vega on 7nm for datacenters/deep learning, and Lisa mentioned that they are focusing a lot of the new R&D money on AI software, so it seems they have every intention of building high end graphics chips, it's just they have to wait for the successor to GCN before they try to fight Nvidia at that tier. It would be a mistake to think AMD is out permanently.
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