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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I thought they just changed the voice of the robot, oh well.
  2. Over 40 minutes of additional footage! Huge fan of this film, and quite possibly the one in the series I have seen most. Anxiously awaiting this next week, figured I'd share it for the older crowd or those cinefiles who are fans of directors re-editing their older films.
  3. One night only Fathom Event on Veteran's Day November 12th.
  4. Been thinking a lot about this title as of late, definitely stoked to download & play it on GamePass next week!
  5. Saturday the 30th was a double feature of "Last Night in Soho" & "Antlers" ... some heady, heavy, shit to go through for sure. This film, has elements that I have to liken in a way to "Hereditary" in the sense that there is imagery & story beats that will absolutely last with me for life. Everyone nails their respective parts, the story itself is not hard to follow even if you have but a rudimentary knowledge about indigenous lore. The wendigo itself...FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Yeah that's just ... vile AF! To be fair, it's a hard watch with very little "upside" about much of anything. More of a "further down the spiral we go" sort of film but crafted quite well & all performers nailed it, highly recommend. Also, to that, I would say that Edgar Wright's "Soho" is a hell of a great genre bending story to enjoy as well!
  6. There are SO many ways in which the show can go & explore. They sort of just blew up the entire established dynamic and hit reset on it & I am personally, beyond excited at all of the potential this series can have going forward. How this show is both so over the top & insanely hysterical while also at the same time being so heartfelt & emotional while constantly tying themes & story elements from seasons' past to keep them current is just absurdly genius and WWDITS is hands down, THE BEST show on TV currently!
  7. Well more so Dave's special, but yeah this 100%. Also, on one of his earlier Netflix specials, he has the bit about "The G's, the L's, the B's, and the T's.", and how in a real way, the T's are sort of holding up the entire movement that had progressed quite well over the last 30+ years. I liken it to Roman Reigns in a way with his whole "Acknowledge Me!" schtick he's doing and what happens to those that fail to do so, they get jumped & pummeled by his whole crew. The "all or nothing" mentality that has become so pervasive in so many avenues of discussion is abhorrent.
  8. Truthfully, in this day, Hitman is essentially the only real stealth game out there that has arguably has had profound success! Utilizing that platform to impart replayability into levels, customization options for tools/weapons to unlock for each mission, have them be sort of open-ended in how the player achieves their objectives, these are how you dig deep into the niche of tried & true gameplay in this mold yet shape it into catering for the Splinter Cell audience. That all said, it is Ubisoft, so with how they are run currently & nearly all of their titles are copy/pasted ... I'll reserve judgement until there's a playable build.
  9. So I have to ask: Was this at all having to do with the IATSE ruling? Like it reeks of "we've long since done the logistics on what the "right thing" would look like & cost but since we never had to, we didn't. Now that we have, well we're Disney so we are absolutely putting the right foot forward & showing how much better WE are by immediately shifting our entire release slate to accommodate the new ruling." Meanwhile it reeks of awfulness on their part as being the first to do just this, showing the very point that IATSE had of "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! GIVE US WHAT WE NOT ONLY WANT BUT NEED!" and more people aren't looking at it in this light ... or am I so totally off my rocker here?
  10. I have rewatched it already easily a half dozen times in the last half hour. That hallway scene is literally telling Darth Vader to hold his beer ... then I do a little digging and its the exact same DP for both Rogue One & The Batman. This is a stupid gorgeous film! 139 days & counting ...
  11. Seriously though! Like, I didn't really know who Minoru Suzuki was at first when he appeared. First few matches of his in AEW were brutal with Mox & Eddie for sure, but felt old school strong style which is hit & miss for me personally. Last nights' match with B.D. was NUTS! So many of those shots were either a VERY hard, stiff work that were sold brilliantly (legit at times I was like "OH FUCK FOR REAL THEY'RE DOING THIS SHIT!" or totally a shoot to really test the others' metal. Either way, just spectacular AF! Then, as I am watching, I believe it was Taz that brought up the Bas Rutten connection & it all just clicked in that instant ... NO FUCKING WAY! This beast of a man is THAT Suzuki!? DAYUM!!!! I may be a little late to the party folks, my apologies for that, but better to be fashionably late than never show up. That being said, allow me to share the following:
  12. Truthfully, when it comes to superhero sexual proclivities and who they fancy ... to quote @legend Do the stories being told about said superheroes come off well as a whole? Are they entertaining and have a logical storyline seen through to the end? If so, then that's a solid job well done!
  13. So the film as a whole fell away at a hell of a pace. Never did I feel as though it was bogged down or anything and as a whole it was rather enjoyable. Like many others have said, it falls squarely in the middle of the 5 Craig era Bond films but is far & away better than Spectre & QoS. Ana was phenomenal (as she is in literally anything) while it was nice to see Felix again briefly. The call back in the very opening to shed light on that seemingly throwaway line that Madeline says in Spectre, really sets up who Safin is to her, just feel like they should have cast someone older then perhaps but that's a small misgiving (Remy rocks in anything he does as well!) I absolutely shed a tear at the end so emotionally, it paid off quite well for the last 15 years. As for seeing it in 4DX ... HOLY FUCK BALLS! Literally any and every action film I see going forward shall be seen in this format! I felt like I was IN every car chase scene, every fist fight, gun fight, just freaking WOW. The atmospheric changes that the cinema does to coalesce with the ambiance of the film is pitch perfect. Granted, it was a bit jarring for the first hour or so as it was my first time (even as the opening chase sequence started I audibly screamed out "HOLY FUCK!") but my god it was so enormously fun and I had a grin ear to ear experiencing it. For only $20/ticket for THAT experience, more than a welcome rate & felt even as though I was getting away with something by having it be so seemingly cheap considering the amount of fun I had!
  14. I was impressed with "Angel", hadn't even heard of it before while the lead was portrayed by the same girl who I always thought was the "cute one" in Jaws 2 ... she aged between those two films & most definitely did NOT look like a high school girl! Still though, solid & entertaining for sure and that killer ... fucking CREEPY!
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