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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Yeah that chase scene was a lot of silly fun. The potential of THAT character arriving before the end is fantastic, and now I totally understand the fanbase screaming about the Echo series in development & what that could all mean going forward! So far, definitely enjoying this series a lot more than I anticipated, here's hoping the final 3 episodes continue on awesomely!
  2. Really debating diving in & purchasing the Battle Pass for this. After having looked up that one previous post about controller setup & sensitivity, felt more responsive a few games I played earlier today so I'm getting back into the groove of it. I'm curious, with the FOV setting, I have mine at 120 degrees, what about everyone else? I merely went that route because of the FOV being the same as it is in Destiny 2 since they brought in that same feature.
  3. Watch, next week at the VGAs you'll see an announcement for Titanfall 3
  4. @LazyPiranhawith the not so lazy eye there, very good point. I did think that this was going day & date to HBOMax (regardless I am TOTALLY seeing this in a 4DX screening so it doesn't matter, however repeat viewings would be awesome after that initial viewing.)
  5. I do believe the article I shared did touch on this specific point to coincide with how many theaters also tune down the volume all in the way of saving money for speakers & bulbs - its a systemic issue that unless you are aware & attuned to such things, most average viewers would never pick up on it.
  6. I have to agree with a few others that have brought it up, not having Red v. Blue really fucks with me to the point its either A. I shoot at teammates or B. I don't shoot at the enemy because I thought they were a teammate initially ffs.
  7. Wife & I went on Monday afternoon to see it, lucky enough to be the only two in the theater no less (Yay private screenings!) There are a LOT of "remember this" call backs to be sure & that plays both to its betterment & also its detriment. Maybe if they had scaled it back JUST a bit, but I am not complaining too much about it. Been thinking a lot in the last day and a half about this film, more in terms of rewatchability & I'm not entirely sure. I think I would watch it again at least once but also I wasn't really all that surprised by the beats they went with here either. There were some heartfelt moments to be sure that I connected with both as a lifelong GB fan but also having a dead father with whom there was a contentious relationship to be had. I couldn't not cry a couple tears at *THAT* moment towards the end, but it was genuinely earned & done in a tasteful, respectful manner so I didn't take any issue with that. Overall, a solid 7/10.
  8. So I have yet to see Eternals or Shang-Chi, as for Black Widow, I let that play in the background while I prepared dinner one night & even went as far as to swap inputs to my other Xbox to check out something quick, forgot that the movie was playing back on my other Xbox when I swapped back and audibly said to myself "Wow, this crap flick is STILL going?" As for the shows, F&TWS was meh at best while WandaVision was alright, definitely better than most of Loki to be sure. Hawkeye has potential but I'm at a point where trepidation has set in & slightly evolved to apathy.
  9. Was watching the original "Child's Play" the other night & even with that Blu Ray mix, the line audio was so low whereas any sort of gunfire or action beat was exceedingly loud. Curious if in the physical media market, there's some sort of push to more or less "stay in line" with current "norms" of bad audio?
  10. Here's Why Movie Dialogue Has Gotten More Difficult To Understand (And Three Ways To Fix It) WWW.SLASHFILM.COM /Film spoke with several Oscar-winning sound designers, editors, and mixers to learn why it has become tougher to understand what characters are saying.
  11. There's something about soggy tortilla chips that just doesn't sit right with me. I want to like those dishes, but yeah
  12. Yeah between the pinging of enemies & also doing the immediate area recon wave (or whatever the hell its called so you can find weapon wall boxes) they help tremendously!
  13. I've always found, for the most part anyways, that regardless of being matched up with randoms, so long as you stick close to one or two then you are absolutely far more effective at covering one another that way. I do my best though to also be aware of opportunities to flank whenever I am respawning to further aid in the cause. I have to say, even though it isn't Halo: CE levels of God tier power, there is something about the pistol that just feels SO DAMN GOOD!
  14. I was always into objective based games whether 4v4 or 8v8 BTB. That way, its more than just "shoot to kill" but there's tactics involved in the CTF/Bomb/Skull keep away.
  15. Ryan always does a tremendous job with his long form interviews & this is no exception!
  16. In this age of remakes & re-imaginings who's to say they don't eventually travel back to that format when able to? *sighs* Damn my eternal optimism!
  17. While it sucks that its another one off, just so very damn happy we are getting another special! Between this & Joe Bob's Christmas precipitating my birthday weekend, I'll be a happy guy going into my 41st year!
  18. I'll always & forever be plagued since April of 2007 when I watched the double feature of Grindhouse, that Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving" isn't an actual film to enjoy alongside the holiday. That being said, saw earlier on Twitter that IF in fact you need your horror needs scratched for this specific holiday, technically "You're Next" works as a Thanksgiving flick!
  19. As not only a huge fan of Hawkeye the character, but also of Fraction's stellar run, these first two episodes were pretty damn entertaining! I wasn't aware that Vera Farmiga was in the show, not to mention freaking Tony "Lalo Salamanca" Dalton! Talk about elevating the talent involved immensely. Right from the grip I could tell its a vehicle to more or less pass the torch but that's understandable. I'm just happy to spend more time with Clint & I've always been a big fan of Renner anyways since S.W.A.T. & 28 Weeks Later! I'll look forward to a new episode each of the following four Wednesday's for sure, just hope they stick the (superhero) landing better than the previous 3 shows.
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