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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. It is finally here!! Goddamn it is amazing to see Thomas Ian Griffith back as Terry Silver, fucking A!!!
  2. Also, all I REALLY want, is a live action flashback to the Cad Bane showdown & for that to be in the episode that Dave Filoni directs PLEASE!
  3. Going to guess that those flashbacks were meant to solidify & officially cannonize what those of us who are long time Star Wars fans always knew to be true in terms of the how/why he's still alive. Only a 7 episode season wherein Robert Rodriguez is directing I believe 3 of them. The initial part was serviceable but I'm going to say this ... what is this show really for & about? I suppose time will tell but nevertheless, I feel like the cup was only half full here.
  4. Covid really effed things up in terms of hoping for a bigger storage capacity & an optimistic price drop. Personally, it's just delete that which I'm not playing to make room for new hotness.
  5. Well it IS a Sony flick so we should get roughly 3-4 more trailers before its release in less than 2 months' time in which case we will have seen essentially the entire damn thing!
  6. Let's hope that A. Somehow having to travel across country hurts San Fran & B. WE DO NOT TURN OVER THE GODDAMN BALL TENNESSEE!!!
  7. That very last 20 or so seconds alongside the post-cred spot ... I mean if you want to call hitting a superhero landing while shattering both ankles & snapping your Achilles tendons in the process all for a hearty laugh is a success is a good thing then sure? OK I jest, but only to a point. The NPH moment that is the film's version of "You are all a disease." type condemnation definitely hit me hard but not as much so as Weaving's scene in the original. There are concepts here that are, good but seem sort of half baked I guess? The fight choreography wasn't bad, it was the editing & quick cuts as opposed to long static shots of the moves & that's a bit jarring for sure. There are times where it seems like it wants to present both cake & pie as well as eat them both whole (if that makes sense?) yet all without being filling from either ultimately. I did have a couple gasps, mouth claps, even a little welling of tears in the ducts but even that I cannot be certain if it was emotional manipulation or genuinely real. Then with that comes the double take of "OMG is it supposed to feel that way because its supposed to feel that way!?" or even "Is it meta on meta because I'm analyzing my moment to moment feelings, reactions, thoughts because that's what the film is mirroring?" I keep having a word echo in my mind: BIZARRE! This is worth rewatching certainly but I am absolutely ahving trouble really nailing down a solid stance on my sentiment.
  8. While I read the news earlier in the day, still very sad! Was absolutely looking forward to this in May. Thankfully we'll get Top Gun: Maverick & also the next Mission Impossible in 2022 but nevertheless, oh well.
  9. So seriously though, just exactly how worried should we be about all of this? My local military base has for years now had a continued presence along the Ukrainian border, which itself is tense to be fair.
  10. But mommy I wanted my Hugo for Christmas! I'll probably watch either tonight or tomorrow morning.
  11. Yeah they drop their episodes on Wed. 3am EST/midnight PST. As for the finale, hands down this show was the best yet in my humble opinion! As for that post-cred scene ... that's a choice I suppose?
  12. As a post-credits scene, that would be truly phenomenal! Wouldn't even necessarily have to then lead into Joker in the sequel, he'll just appear in the 3rd fully formed then!
  13. Has a definite Conan-esque beginning but that's not a bad thing. More Dafoe in anything is a bonus, freaking Bjork making an appearance in a film is batshit insane & I love it. This film is officially on my radar!
  14. Your infectious optimism is a GOOD THING! Thank you for chiming in with that.
  15. Seems like reviews are all over the place on this one. Maybe I will err on the side of caution & watch it first on HBOMax prior to going forward & getting a theater ticket?
  16. I think it's more or less out of respect or unless there's a spoiler specific thread for the film. We do have that spoiler tag for a reason! Lived up to the hype & even exceeded it. This fanboy was welling up in tears repeatedly throughout, all the reviews stating the emotional impact of this film were spot on with that!
  17. Have tix to a 3:20p screening later today, absolutely fucking stoked for it. First Marvel film I have looked forward to & been excited for since Endgame.
  18. Well...c'est magnifique one might say about this latest (mis)adventure! Bon chance!
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