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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Remember him on Rodney Dangerfield's up & coming comics special on HBO back in the 80's (Bob Saget also appeared on this FYI!) while enjoying him for years, all the voices he did in shows I watched, even so far as a video he did about addiction w/ regards to food I watched while in outpatient rehab at 15. Louie, like Bob, has been a part of my life since my childhood, so this sucks so damn much. As for 2022 just not giving ZERO fucks, please STOP IT!
  2. All I want to see is Embo show up, possibly Cad Bane (if he's even alive?) and potentially even Bossk to lend a hand alongside maybe Din Djarin as well?
  3. I do not fear a long run time ... merely my bladder's capacity to sit through it undisturbed & maintaining focus for such a long time!
  4. Never had a doubt that James Gunn would knock it out of the park A-FUCKING-GAIN yet here we here, basking in all the zany, over the top glory that is Peacemaker!
  5. Personally, as a fan of CoD campaigns, the fact that I won't have to pony up full price for that alone makes me rather happy!
  6. If you mean the subscriber base numbers, then hell yeah abso-freaking-lutely! I wouldn't be surprised to see it north of 50 million by end of the year! Also, dat Hangman gif is solid!
  7. Do I have an official hit list? No. Have I had sincere & deep meaningful contemplation when it came to homicidal idealization ... I can neither confirm nor deny.
  8. I feel that there was one thing that SHOULD have happened Aside from that, the show did nearly everything right. Made me genuinely CARE about Dexter, everything that was happening, Clancy killed it in his role, the kid playing Harrison was spectacular, and the Sheriff girlfriend was genuinely smart & not blinded by the truth of who & what Dexter truly was, which was thrilling in its own right as well. I had a feeling some sort of finality was inevitable here but I think it's more "Welp, he's gone." that hurts more than anything.
  9. I've been a fan since 1996 & always was a steadfast fan of the 3rd, the 4th took multiple watches to finally fully appreciate & enjoy and now I hold it up alongside the previous trio. Super stoked for the 5th entry & have been, seeing all the praise & positive buzz it's receiving is only more exciting. I'll be seeing it twice this weekend and can't wait!
  10. Ahhh a fellow 40-something @Commissar SFLUFAN (just turned 41 back on the 18th.) Glad you made it home safe & thanks again, look forward to you sliding in my DMs
  11. I would say that the fight choreography has steadily improved with each season & the kids have all stepped up in tremendous ways. A lot of the tournament fights were real bangers actually.
  12. Which coincides with the window that the first 2 did as well, so we shall all have to wait, but it will be worth it. Still curious if Barnes shows up or not?
  13. Watched this recently & felt like sharing it here as its topical:
  14. Thank you so very much @Commissar SFLUFAN& I hope you made it home safe & sound. As for a gift, I truly don't even know, would an Xbox Live gift card suffice, that way I can purchase something when I have time to game? If not, then give mine to another otherwise & that's alright. Either way, your generosity is fantastic & much appreciated, thank you again.
  15. IMHO it's gotten even better than the first 2 seasons that had initially been on Youtube Red
  16. While I have gotten considerably better when going out in public or on long road trips, I feel like my smoking at home has increased significantly to near chain-smoking levels at times. I absolutely hate that this product will kill me if I don't stop but also there's the problem of my "Want to want to quit" isn't strong enough yet for some unknown reason. I definitely get the whole "hand to mouth" thing Derek said, its fucking weird isn't it? The prices here in NY are egregious, then again the price of most things in NYS is egregious but I digress. I commend the OP for quitting & for the rest of you that have as well. Hell, I work between 12 - 16 hour shifts overnight at my job & while I may throw in a Skoal pouch every few hours, there's something about lighting up a cig when I get home that is seemingly satisfying. Talk about a love/hate relationship with such a disgusting inanimate object that I allow to have such control over me (considering that I myself am a control freak!) I did try the nicotine pouches recently from this company that Chael Sonnen was sponsored by on his Youtube channel which weren't too bad (apple cider flavor was phenomenal!) but yet I still went back after making what was ultimately only a half-hearted attempt to quit. I feel like it should be cold turkey or bust, however the progress I've made lately with some weight loss may be negated & that scares me on top of the fact that as much of a curmudgeon as I already can be, I would be absolutely abhorrent to be around if I didn't have this vice (at least in the short term.) I do want to say I feel so happy this thread is a thing though.
  17. Just finished the season & how is this show THIS DAMN FREAKING GOOD!? So many plot threads dangling going into season 5 & who knows how this is all going to shake out when all is said & done, just tremendously happy to be along for the ride!
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