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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. @skillzdadirectacoming with the FIRE on predictions that I never even thought plausible nor possible. JFC I kinda want to see this, even though it would break my heart!
  2. Even as something as simple as a stand up comedian putting up a special, a few weeks or months later when they ask "What are my numbers?" and all Netflix says is if they're good or bad, no actual information given to those that created the content that was placed on their platform to begin with. It's always come off as a one way street of "my shit don't stink, only the dead body of physical media continues to rot." Their pretentiousness is indicative of just how greedy they are as well as how blind they are to the fact that their shit does in fact stink & they ain't the only game anymore.
  3. This is probably going to come bite me in the ass before all is said & done BUT ... I feel there's a far greater chance that Lalo shows up in the Gene timeline than Nacho makes it out alive.
  4. Obtained both the 4K Robocop & Wal-Mart exclusive verions of No Way Home last week while Heavy Metal arrived today for me like it did for @SimpleG. I'll be at work all week as well so won't be able to see it until this weekend but that's totally OK. Don't believe I have anything else coming soon aside from The Batman steelbook from BB next month, maybe Hell or High Water if I decide last minute, and aside from that I haven't really perused lately as I haven't had much time.
  5. I missed this show SO FREAKING MUCH! Bittersweet for this to be the final swan song but nevertheless, it is chock full of threads to be tied up & I am so along for that ride! Can we all agree that Nacho is completely & totally FUBAR'd from all directions? Sorta feel bad for this kid, no doubt about that.
  6. I just chalk it up to price gouging without an incentive to have "must see" films & series. Up goes the monthly fee while the "quality" continues to trend downward.
  7. Going to a Marcus Theater/Movie Tavern on the 25th for this one (sadly not being shown in IMAX near me)
  8. Bigger fan of the spicy asiago chicken sammich w/ their ghost pepper ranch but the hot honey ain't bad!
  9. Bean is always a win, talking to minors in such a context, absolutely fucking NOPE!
  10. Between this & whatever is going on with AEW/ROH ... things are gonna be shook up for sure!
  11. First heard about this project just a few days ago via this. Totally stoked for a new Cronenberg body horror flick as well as yet another Viggo/David collab alongside having Lea & Hermione
  12. Just pre-ordered my 4K Steelbook from Best Buy (because you can't just go into your local BB & grab one seemingly anymore)
  13. The man with his quirky humor has been in my life since almost as long as I can remember. Definitely one of the first few that garnered my affection & attention for stand up. Then of course there was his role in Aladdin but more importantly, he helped alongside Joe Bob Briggs to further bolster my love & affection for horror as he hosted "USA: Up All Night" and yeah, I have loved him for that alone since. That photo w/ Bob & Louie, fucking iconic yet also devastatingly heartbreaking. This year has not been kind to comedy and I am so fucking over it. RIP to another legend taken far too soon who was still killing it out there. Rest easy you quirky Jew, we all loved you immensely.
  14. I am never EVER going to understand, nor comprehend, the idea of removing viable healthcare options to those in need of them, regardless of the procedure. Between abortion & safe methods of euthanasia, both should be viable in all of our 50 states. I thought we have a separation of church & state & shouldn't be allowing religion to dictate local, state, & federal laws but unfortunately we continue to allow the "moral majority" to dictate policy & procedure (or severe lack thereof) by way of stating "God" thinks such a thing is "bad" which is bull shit.
  15. Can't one just block an individual on here? If not, maybe look into that being a feature per chance? Until then...just ignore an individual that uses mean words to hurt you just so badly on a fucking message board?
  16. Definitely getting vibes from the following:
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