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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. A lot of people are upset about Caity Lotz' character not being able to finish her arc on the show. Considering she's been in the CW-Verse since Arrow S1, I get that some are miffed for sure. What's really astonishing is that Flash is still going isn't it, or is it on its final season as well? If so, guess CW is moving on from all things Berlanti-verse huh?
  2. What a freaking show tonight! Perfect way to kick off the new season and quite the high bar to set going forward. Speaking of sets, seems as though theirs is new & look fantastic so props ... to the props department!
  3. FREAKING SVENGOOLIE! Also, had no idea I could still watch his show so I am totally stoked for his showing of "Invaders From Mars" airing at 8p EST on MeTV on Saturday night!
  4. On a serious note though, the 2019 Modern Warfare was a pretty excellent title. Look forward to when this will be available on GamePass sometime next year!
  5. Yeah, Paramount had announced a number of months' ago that they were pushing them both back. Sucks as I had the issue of Empire that was all about MI:7 Dead Reckoning Pt. 1 & it got me so stoked for it. This series is honestly one of my all time favs!
  6. Had a solid group in the theater when I went & saw it and wow what a freaking flick! So many laughs, a lot of heart actually as well and just all around so much fun!
  7. As soon as the creds rolled, a girl further up front said this: "What THE FUCK was THAT!?" Now, I don't have a clue as to whether or not that was a compliment or a condemnation but I freaking LOVED this film.
  8. This show is just all sorts of awesome. Sad I came to it late, yet better late than not at all!
  9. Was shown in full at CinemaCon & seems to have a lot of happy fans behind it!
  10. Seems like a pretty solid channel dedicated to Sniper Elite. Heads up here, no trip mines in SE5!!! That's going to make things interesting for sure!
  11. Technologically speaking, this whole series of films will be amazing AF & definitely an event to see on the largest screen/best sound possible. I'm all aboard for that. Love that the trailer will be attached to Doctor Strange, even more reason to see it in IMAX then just to witness the trailer for this in that sense. To this day, Avatar in December of 2009 was one of THE all time great movie going experiences I ever had.
  12. Like I know that the crew had plans for a multitude of sequels, but to be fair, when Paul passed away, the series should have died with him.
  13. Don't forget the next two Mission Impossible films, totally stoked for them! Tom absolutely makes EVENT films to be seen on the largest screens. What about his Vegan diet?
  14. Correction, I have never seen it to begin with. I have to say, that Mel Gibson comment ... to that point & let's include Tom Cruise and more recently even, Bill Murray. I can appreciate the art of film they have put out even though I know personally they are something of an acquired taste let's say. What's insane is if I have that mentality towards those talents, why not others? Hadn't even really thought about that aspect of it until just now so thanks for enlightening me @Dodger
  15. Barry season 3 starts Sunday, so maybe hop aboard that train to catch up on the first two?
  16. I've been mulling this over for a week now before deciding to post this. With all the Depp/Heard drama it has gotten me thinking as to what films I can't even really enjoy like I used to just because someone involved in said film has since come out as being a total piece of shit. This being said, I'm just curious as to who and which projects are you unable to watch or find as much enjoyment out of as you used to, due to an actor/director/producer/whomever was involved that when you see it now you just cannot even bear the thought of seeing it again. Zombieland, Pineapple Express, and Aquaman immediately come to mind obviously (gee I wonder where Chef stands on THAT situation!?) Cosby's classic stand up where he talks about giving his kids cake for breakfast, one of the all time great sets but I just can't stand to look at him anymore. I would say the vast majority of anything Weinstein produced just makes me initially feel grimy when it first starts, which sucks as I love all of QT's work. Also, I can't help shake this feeling of "Did Jada ruin 'Demon Knight'!?", I'll have to watch it again to get a better vibe. Anyways, just wanted to start what could be an intriguing conversation.
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