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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. My wife & I used to go to this little local Italian joint that made this amazing breaded cutlet (choice of veal or chicken) that was SO tender & thin. It was served with this lemon sauce that had a thicker consistency than one would anticipate that just coated the plate & meat while having chopped garlic, lemon zest, & prosciutto in. Fuck me running, I've tried a number of times but can never seem to get it right. Unfortunately the restaurant closed down a few years ago. @SuperSpreaderAny GOOD authentic Mexican joint will most assuredly have Chile Colorado. That sauce is bonkers amaze-balls! @gamer.tv How do you prepare your chili? I do mine with an even mix of ground & minced/diced beef from a top or bottom round cut as well as 3 beans (cannelini, black, & pinto). Also, dried chiles reconstituted in beef broth or consomme for the liquid! @silentbobIts the price of brisket that has skyrocketed in recent years, and beef in general really.
  2. Sausage gravy is wicked easy to throw together, as for the chicken fried steak, while not hard to throw together, is a multi step process to get just right. I actually do a pretty tasty sweet potato hash that I love drizzling some sausage gravy over, absolutely stupid delish!!!
  3. So I came across this vid from Alanah Pearce and JFC, I'm borderline nauseated just thinking about it. For context, here's her vid: Now, I feel like her video is really in vein of being educational, but it highlights a thing that I wasn't even ever aware of. Why in the actual fuck, as a parent, would you willingly, blatantly, & essentially whoring your own kid(s) out to the world publicly for just THE WORST vile scum to objectify and who knows WTF else all to grow your following for ad revenue?!? I'm not a parent nor ever want to be, yet I believe that IF in fact I ever did have kids, that aside from family & certain friends MAYBE, I wouldn't be uploading content on any platform about them for prying eyes to view. I had initially checked out the vid just thinking she would lambast fame seekers yet the darker tone & turn of what it actually was made me cringe, and had my jaw agape with my hand covering my mouth I was beyond appalled! So that being said, IF you do happen to be that kind of person, maybe you should rethink your position. In my own opinion, things like this are just as, if not more awful than those truly disgusting kid pageants that are held, its just really fucking gross.
  4. Upon 1st viewing of this trailer I immediately thought "So this is what one gets when you cross WWDitS & The Rise of Leslie Vernon!" Going to be on Bloody-Disgusting's Screambox streaming service!
  5. While not quite as big as other mainstream horror franchises, SAW still was a series that each & every Halloween season for a number of years, I got to look forward to. Just yesterday, an amazing (and kinda expensive) "Ultimate 4K Bear Trap Collector's Edition" which is limited to 1500 copies was announced. Priced at 399.99 AUD (just over $270), this is something I will unfortunately probably miss out on yet find to be awe inspiring to say the very least.
  6. How has he watched it, or are you just talking about the trailer?
  7. This is what happens when you take WAY to many milligrams of edibles! Looks like a cheesy fun rollicking good time to be had ... after eating edibles!
  8. Welp, considering I hate condoms, guess I'm going in without armor then!?
  9. Watched Kackis' walkthrough of the raid & they have a few new twists in the mechanics for the different stages which is cool. Really refreshing to see arguably one of THE best arsenal's for raid gear coming back even better than their respective originals.
  10. Cannot help but to have this feeling that they are doing this with one of their flagship series in hopes that the stealth equates to a market wanting this type of gameplay, in turn garnering more optimism for their next Splinter Cell. (Not at all a bad thing as I love stealth AND Splinter Cell!)
  11. Apologies for mischaracterization of your gender, truly just always thought ... it doesn't matter. However, that being said, please stay on top of your own health going forward for any potential signs so IF the worst happens, hopefully you'll have discovered it quickly as well. In terms of knowing more in the medical field, it is a duality in knowing more than most while also understanding the greater ramifications that lie within. Glad that the proverbial foot is on the gas pedal to get your mom through a lot of these preliminary tests quickly so treatment can begin that much sooner. Furthermore, so long as all things work out for the best, then she'll be entering 2023 ready to be done with the unenviable task of chemo, get the bastard cells not staying in their lane by a well trained surgeon, & all can be done aesthetically speaking by this time next year! Have some mai tais on a beach, cheers to a job well done & a loving relationship rekindled & mended!!
  12. Chemo prior to surgery, I'm going to guess that's to hopefully slow or halt further metastasizing prior to going under the knife then? As it would truly suck to go under only to be informed it's spread and/or not all was gotten. Chemo is a motherfucker, yet I have to echo the sentiment that others have already stated, going through this very well may just mend the bridges & break down the walls ... if not for anything else, you're doing the right thing as her son & that is immensely commendable. Positive vibes sent your way & well wishes in my head & heart.
  13. I'm not saying Nancy should be brought up on insider trading charges, I'm just here to point out that somehow, someway, she's better at picking stocks than even freaking Warren Buffett!
  14. Fun season so far, need to fire up & level up hard as I really miss King's Fall & wouldn't mind introducing ToM v.2.0 into my arsenal!
  15. While I don't necessarily believe one "needs" to have seen either 'All Hallow's Eve' or 'Terrifier', I cannot understate enough just how awesome they both are. The first is on Tubi, as is the latter but also its on Amazon Prime for free currently as well.
  16. So full disclosure, considering the fact that I went to a Roman Catholic school from K-8 (hell no to furthering such a venture into my high school years mind you), I have to say that I'm inherently biased in terms of what should/shouldn't be taught, promoted, instructed, whatever in grade school. That said however, I still do see a very clear delineation of when its right & when its wrong. For instance, I was in 3rd grade bringing my fathers Playboy in for show & tell. Now translate that to modern day, and just by pulling out a cell phone does one have a method of showcasing objectively far worse things than were ever shown in Playboy or nearly any other skin mags of the late 80's to early 90's. I'm not saying don't level the playing field of "there are men, women, and those that either can fluidly change their ideation & presentation, but also morph into one another via processes typically done by a physician." I'm just saying that there should be a broad general way to touch base on it, preferably whenever health class becomes a thing. Furthermore, there should absolutely be an advocate or counselor of some sort that provides a safe place for students wanting to know more, ask questions, pose fears & anxiety, all without repercussion or persecution. Again, I reiterate my sentiment of this being a thing that's discussed closer towards high school age (think around 13 or 14 initially). Thank you @Spork3245for continuing to engage in a conversation as opposed to @Anathema- As for @Keyser_Sozesaying 5th or 6th grade, OK fine I grasp that it is imperative to lay out some basics at that age as most youths are in one way or another, having urges. That said again, what's the clear line there? If, while absolutely warranted, want to just speak in terms of typical relationships in 2022 terms, then fine. Going into detail about genitals, types of sex, all that comes with the fear/doubt/anxiety/depression for those faced with a possible realization that they aren't who they have presented themselves to be, that isn't necessarily a topic for the classroom in the moment. Apologies @thewhyteboarif I am possibly derailing the OP. IDGAF what your stance is on anything, blowing up a building for ones own personal political motivations is NEVER the right answer.
  17. While not ALL of Libs of TikTok content is good, a lot of it comes off as informational. For instance, there should abso-fucking-lutely NOT be discussion of sex related topics until at least 5th or 6th grade MINIMUM if not closer to 7th/8th grade. Incorporating (what I perceive to be) very confounding & muddling messaging about identifying ones sex should by no means be a thing being taught at such a young age, let alone even earlier in some cases.
  18. So it premiered on Monday at FrightFest in the UK & has been receiving praising reviews by those in attendance, only makes me anticipate this one that much more! 37 Days ...
  19. Has nobody seen either "All Hallows Eve" or the first "Terrifier"?
  20. Recently saw a quick vid where someone who had seen this said that everything in the trailer happens within the first 20 minutes of the film & it goes places you wouldn't expect ... even more intrigued now!
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