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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Some of the lines he has in that film are absolutely astonishing. As a viewer I was genuinely saying aloud "Who the fuck says that!?" all while having tears in my eyes & gasping for breath from laughing hysterically!
  2. I too would very much enjoy seeing not only the Bothans, but the whole group of Rebels on Yavin 4 packing up immediately following the Death Star's destruction and all that goes into ... oh wait they kinda did that in the one which will not be named done by the guy that needs to stick to Knives Out productions!
  3. Saw this was posted recently, may as well share as I love them both & one has a co-lead role in the threads' topical film!
  4. Funny enough I only JUST within the last week actually sat down to watch this w/ my wife, we both agreed that it is tremendously well done! Excited for the next one to be sure.
  5. As a life long lover of all things comedy, I don't have the slightest idea what the OP is going on about.
  6. As a huge fan of David Howard Thornton, I'll see this once available for home viewing. Had this been directed by say Damien Leone, then that would be fun & the practical FX would be a lot better (just summarizing from what was shown in the trailer.)
  7. Gonna need a new game to remind the masses why these characters are as cool as they are ahead of putting a movie out.
  8. Judging from the previous season 2 trailers, looks as though A FUCK TON of shit is going to go down these remaining eps!
  9. Saw it with my wife yesterday afternoon and I cannot stop thinking about it! Having been in the industry to one extent or another essentially my entire life, it struck me with so much truth it was so overwhelming at times. The scene with Nicholas in the kitchen ... *Chef's Kiss 💋 *
  10. I have yet to see that and keep reminding myself to do so. I did Bear witness to "The Menu" and that was absolutely sensational. Cannot recommend it highly enough!! Which reminds me by the way...
  11. Interesting twist with this latest episode. Still feel as though Koba isn't making it out of the season though.
  12. Unsure if any of you have seen 'Possessor' on Hulu but that too is a young Cronenberg film as well and entirely FUBAR! Can't wait for this one!!
  13. Thank you for the much appreciated heads up! So it's confirmed, new remaining eps drop Wednesday night/early Thursday!?
  14. Starring Eva Green & Vincent Cassel, a retelling of the French classic in two parts beginning Easter of 2023 and ending Christmas of 2023
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