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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Twitter is forbidden? Ummm do I need to delete or something because if against TOS, totally not my intent, my bad Jason.
  2. To be fair, Terrifier 2 DID submit themselves for a make up special FX oscar nomination & they didn't get it, so I COULD take issue & umbrage w/ the Academy but I choose not to as I have zero influence or control over who they put over.
  3. What's insane is that while WoW has remained #1 for the last 6 weeks, the last film to do so was the first Avatar, and before that the only film prior to that which held at least 6 weeks in a row at #1 was, coincidentally, Titanic! This is why the phrase "Do not bet against James Cameron." is a thing.
  4. Right, which was basically where I was going with my previous statement. Say for instance you end up in a basement of a large building. Obviously no windows, no ventilation working in ages either. Say an infected goes down there & becomes trapped or whatever, then possibly over time, there is a potentiality for such a case to happen. I say this only in hope that they MAY if they want to, include such a wrinkle in the lore down the road. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if its alluded to in the background going forward & have it pay off in season 2 or 3 when ... well those of us who know, KNOW what's in one particular basement.
  5. I would say in theory, having a collection of spores in a tight space of a room would make sense but the hive mind concept is downright creepier! I'm sure between Mazin's experience w/ Chernobyl as well as Pedro having on a helmet in another series, having your main character in a mask just isn't good on film if/when it can be worked around. The episode was stellar yet again giving me that "OMG I NEED MORE NOW!" feels after the creds rolled. This week I immediately listened to the podcast afterwards & I feel as though I'll continue to do that each week going forward.
  6. Being an uber chile head, this challenge is batshit absurdly insane! Really feel bad about that bowl he shat into afterwards!
  7. Stick with it! The payoffs are arguably some of the best in the series!
  8. @stepeeI am flattered that my opinion can have any weight on another, I'm so happy you sought out both X & Terrifier & that you enjoyed them both no less. Yeah, the first 5-10 minutes or so, Nicholas Hault's character is me when I allow myself to endulge at times, so seeing his comeuppance was *Chef's Kiss* beauteous!
  9. Blows my mind to think that the actress portraying Stahl is the same who was the reporter in JCVD's Universal Soldier. You're right, she IS one mean cunt ... yet doesn't hold a candle to Gemma!
  10. Oh it was abso-fucking-lutely intentional with the camp & dark humor. I'm sorry you didn't quite enjoy it nearly as much as myself & so many others. Personally, it's having worked in that industry for so very long that in a weird dark way, it was fantasy fulfillment.
  11. While abhorrent to hear of so many losing their jobs & livlihoods, with this, the Smile program getting yeeted, Microsoft laying off 5% of its entire workforce, like wtf is going on here? Also, I shall use this post to say: SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMIC STORES & BUY PHYSICAL!
  12. Armorer will get actual jail time w/ more than likely considerable post-incarceration supervision. Alec on the other hand will get a hefty fine, maybe just MAYBE a bit of probation but I doubt it.
  13. I originally joined the Smile program back in 2014 or 2015 as I heard it from 'The Indoor Kids' podcast on the Nerdist site w/ Kumail & Emily. Allegedly only a little over $50 has been generated by me personally, the ASPCA has received nearly $16 million & Amazon has generated nearly $450 MILLION world wide. Unsure why the marketing team wasn't told to promote it better but alas, comme ci comme ca.
  14. Honestly, and I said this in the House of the Dragon thread, I wouldn't be opposed to HBO putting out a season of HotD in 2024, then TLoU S2 in 2025, and alternate going forward thereafter.
  15. With regards to the time jump, consider the fact that while she is playing a 14 year old, Bella is 19 (to be 20 in September), so this fits well with the time jump for a 2nd season then.
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