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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. You are an awesome individual @sblfilms& so greatly appreciated. Thanks for the kind sentiment, truly means more than you know. Have a guava margarita for me!
  2. No you most definitely NEED to bear witness to this piece of art in a theater. My buddy & I saw it on Sunday and it has permanently made residence in my brain. Low key, and probably a hell of an over share, but Beau's mom is strikingly similar to my own mother, especially that monologue, just shuddered knowing in that moment the how & why of my need to watch this. It was cathartic, I felt seen & heard. I don't know when, or if ever, a film has done that to me. That all being said, I would like Ari to move a bit past his own mother issues while still channeling that trough of energy & continue to make wholly unique films that are entirely his own, I'm a fan of his no doubt about it. As for that reveal ... didn't know Starship Troopers cutting room floor creatures would show up in a 2023 film!
  3. I hear that The Flash was rather spectacular. I'm unfortunately not in Vegas, although I'd love nothing more than to attend Cinemacon. What I'm curious about @sblfilmsis isn't the convention for members of theater owners? Or are there industry people also in attendance then?
  4. So personally speaking, it does cringe me out something awful whenever I fire up not just QT's films, but anything produced under the banner of Miramax in the 90's/00's. The slime just oozes all over it, but I'm watching a film, so I look past it even if it makes me uncomfortable. However, with talents such as Tom Cruise or even Marilyn Manson for instance, I love & enjoy their respective forms of art that they create. I don't have a care in the world necessarily for those two individuals as people, but as artists, I love, respect, and admire their passion.
  5. You staying at the same hotel the con is happening at @sblfilmsor someplace else? I heard that they went the price gouging route this year so some opted for other nearby hotels. Hope it isn't too hot out there this week for everyone in attendance. Looking forward to more recaps throughout the week as well, appreciate it!
  6. Dug the late show vibe for interviewing guests & the live band was a hell of a good time. Curious to see how things unfold this coming Friday for sure but that 2nd film last week, just couldn't do it.
  7. Oof those last like 4 got me so I'm not feeling too confident this week.
  8. I do enjoy the action of having your weapon system jam in the middle of a firefight & you have to clear your chamber. That little nugget of realism was enjoyable.
  9. A solid, thrilling, if not entirely expected finale. I'm not shitting on the season, in fact I rather enjoyed the long drawn out path put forth, but it seemed almost a bit too tidy all told. That being said, I'm excited for more of these characters in wherever they show up next!!
  10. This is why we need a "What in THE actual FUCK!" reaction because for real.
  11. I honestly didn't know they still offered such a service, but it's nice it had gone on as long as it did. I'm truly curious what they will do with all those discs? As for the physical media aspect of it, I know I'll be watching Robert Meyer Burnett & Dieter talk on Saturday on the Post Geek Singularity for a rather in depth discussion, of which I have no doubt. Apparently they had a show today, while I am unsure if they spoke about the Netflix of it all, not sure yet.
  12. Nobody else saw this over the weekend? Part of my double feature alongside The Covenant, was to see this first. What a fun freaking time. The tone is set almost instantaneously & the message is abundantly clear about overcoming toxic relationships, really well done. A whole lot of laughs & so much over the top (mostly CGI unfortunately but no less comedic AF) blood & gore. Also, kudos to Jenna Kanell for having a part in this (was formerly in Terrifier!)
  13. Got to see this Sunday as a special early screening (which the theater was nearly fully sold out to current & former military types) and my god what a hell of a film this is. No doubt, Guy's most important film to date w/ him having something to say & that's appreciated. Jake just abso-fucking-lutely NAILED his role & there's this push in scene that just says SO much more than the words coming out of his mouth at one point, so damn good. Also, I found myself constantly wanting to compare it to 'Lone Survivor' & I feel as though, in a way, this is both more tragic & yet not nearly as much but the two films compliment one another wonderfully if viewed as a double feature I'm sure. Just wanted to promote this film, arriving at the end of the week, while giving it my kudos & recommendation! To those that do go out & see this, can't wait to hear your thoughts.
  14. I'd much rather SEGA puts out a new console with that money, but maybe that's just me, I don't know?
  15. While not only is Arrow having a wicked awesome sale throughout the rest of the month, they just announced a Bruce Lee 4K Ultimate Collection
  16. Legitimately cannot wait for Master & Commander: Far Side of the World meets old school goth Vampire action!
  17. WHOA! How am I the 1st talking about this episode!? So yeah ummm IDK if spoilers are cool or not I need to process but my brain imploded elevenity times. Low key, if it wasn't for the fact they're selling tix to theater seats for the finale, I'd demand the finale come early because HOLY SHIT!!
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