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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I legit did not know ANYTHING from week 4 so that's gonna hurt me in the long run, no doubt about it. I feel confident I'll get 8 or 9/10 this week however.
  2. This was the first week I made it through both films for this season, not only that, but I loved the hell out of them both as well!
  3. @Keyser_SozeI've heard repeatedly that the Paddington movies of recent are really good & well worth a watch, right there with you in terms of "Oh no...am I gonna like this that much!?"
  4. Still blows me away that some of us have been on here since 2010.
  5. Jack Ryan's final outing as performed by John Krasinski will begin airing June 30th on Amazon Prime.
  6. Here's my 2 cents, if you fought for the South, you're a traitor the the entire United States, therefore there shouldn't be ANY type of sentimentality or utilizing those names for prestigious places. It's always baffled me how its even up for debate to continue to hold these people in high esteem. That being said, and even with a lot of military history in my own family, I don't really care about the name of a military base.
  7. Showrunner Tony Gilroy Ceases Producing Services on ‘Andor’ (Exclusive) WWW.HOLLYWOODREPORTER.COM The creator of the Disney+ series, singled out on social media for performing non-writing duties, tells The Hollywood Reporter that he has stopped all such functions.
  8. Currently watching "Love & Death" (airs Thursday's on HBO) and that's spectacular. Also, just got on the "FROM" bandwagon and oh my I think I'm gonna love this show (MGM+).
  9. I was curious if there was a list of productions affected by the strike, I came across this yet I feel as though the list is egregiously short by any estimation, surely no?
  10. Since @Fizzzzlefizzled out on having a proper OP to include said shows' trailer, I, yet again, come to the rescue!
  11. I'm curious, with the late night shows being paused until the strike lifts, what about WWE/AEW - or are those writers not in the guild?
  12. This was another hard watch, at least the first film anyways. The second was far more enjoyable however!!
  13. After all the excitement of CinemaCon last week ... shameful by the execs & studio heads.
  14. Legit was just about to share this. I haven't even ever thought about blind individuals playing a video game in the first place but THIS, this is out-fucking-standing to see (no pun intended I swear.)
  15. So has nobody but I seen this yet or what?
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