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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. They sell sliced fruit/veggies for a serious upcharge, which works against my point. As for messy/dangerous, granted I wouldn't recommend EVERYONE to do this, preferably those who have a healthy knowledge of the culinary industry. Again, this is why I'm speaking directly about produce only, that way the case for food borne pathogens cross contaminating wouldn't be an issue to begin with. Furthermore, if I'm using the bags provided ... "...they sell you fruit by weight, what you cut off doesn't matter..." ummmm, this is the point of the thread, to save money by cutting off/out those parts to which won't be eaten yet are being paid for regardless.
  2. This came to me like a week or so ago and it has stuck with me daily since: What is stopping us from going into a grocery store, with a knife & cutting board, and go over to the produce section to trim/slice/core whatever fruits & veggies we are intending to purchase. Most, if not all produce sections do happen to have a garbage can or two about, there's a litany of bags. In turn, we the consumer are saving money by say not having to purchase the top or core of a pineapple, the seeds/stem from peppers, same with melons, or perhaps the bottom quarter of asparagus? All I'm saying is that it appears to me that there happens to be some sort of non-spoken cultural agreement to not do this, yet for my life I cannot understand why people aren't realizing we are losing money on this agreement. Obviously I'm not heading over to the meat/seafood sections to prep my protein (although I would totally love this if it were a thing), but at the very least, for produce saving purposes, why not?
  3. Paying a convenience fee to not have undue interruptions ... how is this a legal way to have a cash stream? Because I'd really enjoy charging companies for retard fees at this point.
  4. As mine has significantly suffered for the last 8 or so months, it has gotten a LITTLE easier depending on the day. Started some depression meds & they are seemingly working as opposed to prior to taking them & brain literally YELLING at myself to 'KILL YOURSELF YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" on a nigh unending loop for a whole shift at a time, so that's progress seeing as I'm here, typing, ... not using my ghostly Patrick Swayze powers!
  5. I remember roughly 20+ years ago, job opportunities for living on a vessel for 6-12 months while working in the kitchens, but it was like 80+ hours/week while the pay was equivalent to what they're offering people to pay them to live aboard now ... why do I have this feeling things aren't making any sense anymore?
  6. My biggest thing is, I watch YT at home through my Xbox Series X, there is no adblock function/feature for consoles, so I am FORCED to have to watch a gazillion ads per every video I watch & it's intrusive AF. So when I'm on a PC wherein I can utilize an adblocker, and its a freaking godsend! Also, @Keyser_SozeI believe they are testing it in certain markets currently, but more than likely, this will be a thing one way or another, sooner rather than later I fear.
  7. That's funny as I too picked up YT Red when Cobra Kai first launched (isn't that show just the freaking best!?) Yet I thought it wasn't worth it, as I use Amazon Music so the YT music wasn't necessarily a must for me.
  8. I was sitting in bed thinking about the show the other day, trying to encapsulate just how one goes about describing this show. Like, it happens to take place at a restaurant, sure, but that isn't the thing here. It's about people, life experiences, highs & lows matched w/ up & downs that swing like a bi-polar patient. It's about giving a shit while also learning to not give a shit about that which does not matter. It's about acceptance in others & within ourselves to acknowledge & utilize the best in yourself & others while managing shortcomings as well.
  9. Obvious question time: Has there EVER been a Marvel flick that hasn't needed reshoots (which would require writers & actors) ...?
  10. Just came across this & the following video and what in the actual fuck? Yeah I'm not a fan of JC, especially how he's gone about operating his channel, but I figured since his video was the first to inform me, I'll share it here: I truly feel, with the way Elon's operating Twitter, the push for Meta, all thats happening with reddit, like this truly feels as though the golden age of a FREE internet is going away.
  11. Just so ya'll know, I requested Forza Motorsport so that way if I ever don't have GamePass, I'll still be able to fire it up!
  12. I am here sir ... I now know what it is like to be truly missed! Thankful for you all ... now to scroll about to see why everyone was talking about me.
  13. Those of us who've watched, oh we know, and it's our little secret to share in with those that join us on our adventure through the world of The Original Beef!
  14. Randy (Johnny Berchtold) is perfectly content fading into the background. But when his coworker Benson (Kyle Gallner) goes on a sudden and violent rampage leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, Randy is forced to face his fears and confront his troubled past to survive.
  15. Due to the ongoing WGA strike, season 4 of The Boys may be postponed indefinitely.
  16. Always a fan of the Shamrock (although it can be made far better at a local ice cream shop) ... going to guess IF I do get one, I'll inevitably feel the same!
  17. ESPN's 30 for 30 just had a 2 parter which interviewed the creator who seemed shady AF! This looks to dive deeper into the on screen talents which is cool, huge fan of this as a kid in the early 90's.
  18. OK now THAT is some honest casting for sure. That being said, were the series to continue after this sequel, if you were to cast Scott as any other remaining MK character, who would it be? Personally ... Stryker came to mind as both half serious & half joke. Ermac or Rain could be possible. Kenshi however ... now that would be amazing! It would give Scott a chance at his portrayal of a blind martial arts sword master!!
  19. Look, I've been a fan of Rick since I was like freaking 10. First chef to open my eyes to so many possibilities of plates, ingredients, and really helped shape my taste in cuisine as well as my palate, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this take of his regarding this phenom of a show. Add to it the nigh endless numbers of renowned chefs that have praised the show so much for its authenticity. (Thank you Matty for being a co-technical advisor on the series for that!)
  20. Crazy what Mick says about the HiaC match between Taker & HBK, and how technically it IS a better match, but because of the spectacle & what transpired, it's this match that is more remembered!
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