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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Tom Segura: Sledgehammer (stand up special on Netflix - his 5th now!) This guy has a direct line to me laughing uncontrollably. I don't know if I have enjoyed a comic as much as him since George Carlin honestly, this guy just gets it! I was lucky enough to see him perform live last year as he was working on this set, and to see the culmination & how he worked his set from when I saw it live to what was recorded & uploaded, truly awesome to see. I'll share a couple "edited out of the special" jokes just to get a taste.
  2. Dude it was 3AM!!! IDK I am so out of the loop on things like that tbh. Just a cursury look made me go "I think I'm getting gyped with this new pay structure." I just see it as unfair that in order to get the same service one has had for the entire time on Live, all of a sudden is no more & in turn makes you pay more. That's where I was coming from.
  3. I meant MP/online gaming. That would have been a nifty trick though right?
  4. How is this even allowed? Pay the max tier price to access what I've always been able to from the jump on the baseline option. WTF!?
  5. I couldn't get into the stream until like 10p (nearly an hour in) so we sort of just had the movie itself on in the background, as for Grizzly, I dipped out haha
  6. I know Kevin Smith was talking about the fact he has another movie he'll be directing at the end of summer/beginning of fall, and because it falls under $3M, somehow they're exempt from having to strike. I love love LOVE what Ron did. Said all he needed to say without really saying a damn thing, genius & badass MF'er through & through! Iger's return, albeit hailed at first, is almost like the Grim Reaper arriving to take all comers & I feel as though this could really be another nail in their proverbial coffin (at least I hope so!)
  7. @johnnyWhile it may not be what you were specifically asking for, personally speaking, I am looking to obtaining these down the road for clearing up space & as a means to attempt to reorganize my collection. Just ensure that if you do, you snag the metal lazy susan piece offered below the product as that will ensure your tower a long life (the factory spinner is a POS once the tower is even half capacity FYI.)
  8. Criterion just announced the following coming in October: Freaks, Videodrome, The Others, Nanny, & Don't Look Now.
  9. What's wild is that I had always thought this was a Neil Blomkamp picture, but kudos to Edwards for assembling something genuine. I hope it connects with audiences & that they go out in droves to see it. If not for any other reason, the timely topical nature of the subject matter.
  10. I think it's a combination of his heritage & blood as well as the fact that the actual way of turning someone into a vampire was not done correctly. The vampire needs to bite themselves & have the one being changed suckle off of that. The way Gizmo did it, no bueno. However, getting to see The Baron & the Gargoyle was an awesome aside!!
  11. So what ended up being a truncated final season just aired on Friday, while I just finished watching them. Truly one hell of a send-off here for John. This season was highly focused and really works to its benefit. I hope the Michael Pena series kicks as much ass because honest to God, I don't think I've ever seen him in such a role before and I love him in it. If any of you ever found enjoyment at all from this series, I implore you to enjoy this final 4th season even if you only watch as a one off, so freaking good!!
  12. A part of me will always wonder what would have happened had Charlie ever gotten out, not like he killed anybody himself.
  13. This one Mexican spot I go to has at the bottom of their menu that if your bill is over $50 then there is an automatic 20% gratuity included in the final bill. I'm not a fan of this policy as I've always been a solid tipper having been in the industry so long myself.
  14. Arguably the first solid 2 years of IDW's run was as good as the original B&W run in the 80's. Really, anything Laird & Eastman wrote together is worth finding.
  15. First off those OG TMNT film figs are PHENOMENAL! As for the piping throughout the platforms, well done sir, well done!
  16. Can't help but think this is the beginning of the end. Strange how all of those sci-fi flicks about AI never spoke about how the first domino toppled. Jokes aside, while I do feel slightly bad for IATSE, they did negotiate their deals last year, just sucks that there isn't any real work to be had by those members. As for the entire theater industry ... this does NOT bode well whatsoever. That's what truly hurts me the most, aside from the fact we'll have a dry well past the end of this year. Then again, all those films yet to release this year will not be having any of the stars promoting.
  17. To @Joe@stepee@CastlevaniaNut18Appreciate you all (ok admittedly, Joe - entirely my fault but I guess I just haven't quite tracked you on the forums yet so yeah) but nevertheless, I am ALWAYS open to respectful debate & conversation. I think maybe, with things I may say or stances I take, I do enjoy the role of devil's advocate just for the sake of highlighting a potentially credible opposing viewpoint that perhaps others haven't. By all means, if & when I am WAY the hell off base on something, then I'm open to be educated. That being said, I also do not subscribe to an all or nothing mentality with regards to any opinion I may hold. Challenge me & I'll happily look into and who knows, come around to see things from another perspective as well. That's all any of us really are here in D1P for isn't it? Polite convos & respectable discourse. Truly we are all the weird ones still on a message board in 2023 but I can't quite you D1P!
  18. Oh I've typically been a Dem/Lib/Indy since I was 18, I do vote more right leaning in my neck of the woods in terms of local government & sometimes state, but on a national level I have always gone left. That all being said, and I need to quote Bill Maher on this, "It isn't me that changed. I stayed the same, it is you on the far left that dragged the line so far out of skew." To that point, I have always maintained my core ethos on points like: Logistical & stringent practical gun laws wherein mental health checks should be implemented, yet those results should not EVER be used against the individual in any other shape/way/form. I have & will always be pro-green. Marijuana needs to be federally decriminalized, de-listed from a schedule 1 substance, & get laws in place so that banks can work with those in states where it is already legal. Furthermore there needs to be even more scientific research put forth for this as well as psilocybin. I will always be pro-choice no matter what (much like I am pro-marriage for all people as well) - what any 1 individual chooses to do with their life/body that isn't a detriment to society as a whole should abso-fucking-lutely NEVER be infringed upon due to cultural, socioeconomic, or religious biases. Speaking of, we really need to finally get religion right the fuck out of all aspects of governing because I feel as though it would really help streamline the efficiency of the government. We should not be sending any more monetary resources to countries that aren't our own. We are already in a serious decline with really no way to pull that stick up hard enough to bank out of it, but nevertheless, we NEED to reinvest in jobs/infrastructure (looking at you high speed rail system throughout our continental U.S.) This can be further emboldened by discretionary spending or tax benefits wherein those who happen to be homeless & are looking for work, then why not give them one of those mini homes at the very least as a part to incentivize to further one's place in society? I mean these aren't all my hard points but definitely the ones that stuck out as I wrote. I just abhor, despise, and hate vindictive retorts meant to be both dismissive & exclusionary when all I'm attempting is an actual conversation. Yet that's where we are as a collective society in these states & it will be one of our biggest downfalls to have been allowed to be so divided to the point we cannot even hear another person's viewpoint, argument, idea without being a right cunt.
  19. It genuinely blows me away that merely because he's "anti-vax" that's a dead to rights type dismissal by so many, yet that isn't his only standpoint. Personally, regardless, I'm at the point where I say "Let chaos reign!" and let the chips fall where they may. It isn't entirely surprising that the supposed left has their own Trump like figure now if that's how one may quantify it. To be fair, with everything else going on over the last 9ish months, I've done what I can to avoid a lot of news & such as it is far too stressful & my empathetic nature just gets crushed by how awful the world can be anyways. I just have always believed in listening to all sides & points of argument that a person holds to, before making a rational judgement. From my perspective, it seems as though if one thing doesn't align with one's own beliefs, they're immediately written off now.
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