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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I'm sure this will come off as ageist, however though, Ms. Dench, you've been tremendous for decades. If you cannot physically do your job, then there shouldn't be a job to be done by you in the first place anymore then. Granted, there is the microphone in the ear being fed your lines (much like how Bruce Willis had his career going for years), but that's to the detriment of the project as well. You've had a wondrous career, perhaps see if you could do plays?
  2. I personally do not find myself to be racist nor sexist, however I do understand that between my vocabulary & mentality of what a man SHOULD be, alongside other factors beyond my control (location of where I was raised for instance) may end up coming off as such to those who don't know me any more than I know any of you. It is what it is, you cannot parse out tone through mere text. That being said, I do believe that the new way to cause division within our country is further pressing upon racial issues as well as incorporating LGBT... as yet another way to cause sub-division within ourselves & keep us at one another's throats. These types of things honestly don't enter into my mind nor day to day life as I lead it, so to see SO many people pissing and moaning about such issues, just doesn't affect me so I keep it pushing. As for CD, sure I've come across with vitriolic shielding as it were for the guy, bottom line & what first attracted me, was his humor! He's funny as shit, snarky, a bit assholish, I jive with that type of humor. Humor itself is subjective & I know for damn sure that much of what I enjoy & find to be outright hysterical to me, most others think it not to be quite as so.
  3. About halfway through episode 1 and this is damn good entertainment! Also, I feel like Thomas Hayden Church looks! 😂🤣
  4. Thank you @Commissar SFLUFAN for a well rounded retort. In that very context, to which I had anticipated but also hoped you would allude to, is illuminate me as to your investment here. I totally hear & understand your position of money spent & expectations & standards being set. While I may not fully agree with "either agree with my side or get lost" (yes I know you didn't put it in such words, but those who are apt to infer BS would read it as such), is a very Sith like position to adhere to. Therefore, it is my mission going forward, that if & when necessary, to be the one standing ground (kinda lonesome but hey I grew up an only child, so I can play by myself) for the flip side of the proverbial coin. Thank YOU for understanding, taking time to reply, and stating your position. Through this, I have even a greater admiration & appreciation for you, even if I don't fully agree, but that's what is adult about all of this, communication & common understanding. Appreciate you man!
  5. Yeah that RFK thread is what it is and genuinely not one to engage in a positive light (nor would most people) when it's akin to what Spork said. As for here, I mean I don't even want to disrupt the thread really it's just that I felt compelled to speak my mind finally after over 2 weeks of it festering.
  6. Not entirely sure what this suit will accomplish? It's an open 'secret' that for marketing purposes, brands will have food stylists for shoots and often times, the food may not even be fully cooked like it would be when served to a patron, merely made to LOOK delicious to sell more. Literally all food companies do this. So to that end, either the case will be tossed out ... OR ... what I would like to see is more truth in advertising going forward. Then, in turn, perhaps we can see some who are wanting to take advantage, really step their games up going forward for all of our benefit!
  7. This response has rented entirely FAR too much space & time in my head & heart, and I feel as though I have to make a statement here (for whatever its worth, probably to fall upon deaf ears/blind eyes): You and SO many others here are outright critical of everything that challenges your own beliefs immediately, and just write it off. IDGAF about "alleged" racist/sexist things that can be taken entirely out of context where one is actively looking for reasons to dislike an individual. Furthermore, some on his open discussions are truly not that cool & hence why I don't follow their channels or anything. However, I do still subscribe to his bottom line that he has never wavered on, that Disney is a shell of its former self, they're leading the charge with far too much apparent leftist bullshit, and the overall quality of film as a whole is suffering & has been for far too long because of it. I am able to listen/read/watch something, hear what it is that they are attempting to get across as the main point, and any asides or whatever that may lay within, I can parse out and dismiss. Drinker is an accomplished writer of numerous works & understands the craft of writing, so when he has critiques and such, I listen to what he has to say & then take a long hard look at the world around as well as the 'entertainment' being put out there & see the ironies, fallacies, and contradictions inherent within. To just shun those who happen to have a wider base of rational, critical thinking skills just because they do not happen to align to the norms of the day is a fallacy. It's dismissive and wrong in an age wherein equality is supposed to be championed outright (herein resides the aforementioned irony). The main point I am attempting to get across is that I've been here since the end of 2010, I've never changed in terms of politics or idealism that I adhere to. The fact that it's come to a point where I'm not even comfortable doing much more than just 'liking' posts with reactions really says a lot about how your response @Commissar SFLUFANto me weeks ago & this ensuing response, really has hurt me as a member of this community. Furthermore, I would like to point out that Tyrone Magnus himself, not only follows Drinker, but even uploads reaction vids to ones that CD uploads ... so is it REALLY racist if a black man himself can watch, enjoy, and interact with this clearly NOT racist individual? Sorry for the long rant, but as I said earlier, it has really rented space inside of me and it hurt me. I did want to initially send a DM, but I'm actually curious if there are any others to chime in that are either like-minded in my retort, or want to double down but be respectful about it, then that's fine too. My only aim is to alert others as to how they're being perceived & this site as a whole has slowly transitioned to this hive minded mentality and I just cannot deal with the insanity of it.
  8. So apparently, threads from this first season (which it all takes place between seasons 3 & 4 of The Boys), will pick up & continue into S4 of The Boys!
  9. So happy that Ermac is Konfirmed to be Koming back! As for Omni-Man v. Homelander ... two entirely different entities there honestly.
  10. Had traveled a bit to see Oppenheimer w/ friends on Friday, so by the time I came back for the finale, it was the 2nd to last interview segment. Still though, really cool to see the survivors join Joe Bob & Darcy. I really hope we will continue to get this series, but seems like a lot is up in the air & for that, I am for once truly scared!
  11. To be fair, while I hope the new series will be solid, with having lost so many licenses already, TMNT is basically the big one IDW has left. If this doesn't work in their favor to garner conversations & big sale ...
  12. How many years has it been since Hollywood wasn't completely invading SDCC? 20 YEARS?
  13. In roughly just over 12 hours I'll be at The Little Theater in Rochester with some friends seeing this in 35mm. Gonna be a great goddamn day. Too bad I'll be distracted by that god awful nose ring.
  14. I believe it takes place roughly 5 years after the final events of SOA.
  15. I'll just say it, I like that this year, SDCC goes back to its roots more or less!
  16. My mandatory "BUT I STILL MISS MY ZUNE" post. Because well, I really do!
  17. I know this is an SOA thread, BUT ... Mayans M.C. just closed out it's series last night with a hell of a finale. Overall, the show had ups & downs but overall, the full story told, pairs well with SOA for sure. Well worth a watch & I know I'll be getting around to rewatching the full series to hopefully gain a better appreciation for it.
  18. And it's been canned by Netflix ... after $30M invested!
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