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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Regardless of how I may feel at times about our country, having the freedom of speech (at least still currently), is a right that should never be forgotten.
  2. I dig their breakfast pizza w/ sausage & gravy!
  3. Also, come October, D+ is raising prices as will Hulu; there will be a $19.99/month commercial free double dip option however.
  4. That's when you turn around and politely ask them to be quiet for the movie, if they relent & continue on, get a refund from the theater then. I'll absolutely shout down someone using a cell phone in a theater while the movie is playing, that is heresy of the highest kind.
  5. Stupid games = stupid prizes. Do I think such a tactical effort should have been made, not my job to pass on that. I would say having a couple agents, possibly with a warrant, wanting to ask questions and feel out whether or not this obese man of higher age would have really gone through with what he was saying. Personally, I'd argue that he's pissed off & upset with how the country is going. Granted, saying such heinous things does warrant a bit of attention from 3 lettered government agencies, but jesus that escalated real quick.
  6. They should stick to their BBQ & work on their electrical grid before anything else!
  7. I may be entirely way the hell off base ... BUT ... Ed made a tweet, gosh a good 18-24 months ago now I believe, inquiring about fans' wanting a new Konquest mode. As these trailers have been released, each slowly peeling away more & more layers of characters, worlds, etc. I can't help but have this little bright light of optimism for this to be true! I played the Konquest mode in MK: Deception SO much ... to the point that IF this is actually a thing, I very well may have a new gaming obsession for months to come that I didn't even anticipate!
  8. Wait a sec, what's up with @Remarkableriots? YO YOU OK OVA THERE!?
  9. As for man himself, I personally enjoyed his performance in 'OZ' as the mafioso boss Antonio Nappa, but also it was always a delight to see him as the bought & paid for military general in the attack chopper in 'Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection'. Thank you for such memorable performances sir, rest easy now.
  10. Was having a convo w/ my buddy who went to see this with me, we're in agreement that we NEED a life size sculpt of that hand. My crazy idea was to have A24 make their own limited special edition where the hand is life size, encased in glass. Have the discs for the film in a cardboard pull out sleeve case at the bottom of the encased hand, wherein the discs are NOT in that wack ass cardboard sleeve per page, but the plastic push button release style. OK maybe I went a bit overboard, or perhaps I should work in marketing, either way
  11. While I knew almost immediately where this would ultimately be heading, it was the journey to see just how they got there which was priceless! Also, can they become our regular news reporters from now on!?
  12. The way this opens, the fact that they shot essentially a short film to fill in that back story, really hope it's going to be put onto the physical release of this film!
  13. Did she have a horrible experience watching the 90's Addams Family movies? I mean Thing is just adorable!
  14. Yeah the GotG3 4K transfer has IMAX ratio in it, unsure if the D+ stream offers the same. I'll snag D+ again whenever Ahsoka has aired, then just watch all of that & cancel the following month again.
  15. *smells the air* Yep ... definitely white guilt. Literally oozing out of your pores. Empathy & apathy are entirely separate things, to which I have a deep well for the former and for bull shit, I have ever so miniscule little for the latter. I'll continue on with what I happen to enjoy šŸ˜‰
  16. Yes actually I am apathetic BECAUSE those issues don't impact me. I'm more worried about my sick wife, work that's continued to devolve into BS, bills, you know, those things that matter to me. I've come to my own conclusions about these cultural issues A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO! Don't hate others for zero reason, don't steal/rape/murder, truly don't care who someone's fucking if I'm not their partner nor falling into that which they are attracted to. A lot of this equates to minding my own business, which in this day & age happens to be a thought that got chucked out with the proverbial bath water. That last line right there, while its slightly more reasonable than most I've seen, it's still the whole "if you're not with us you're with them" mentality. Bro I don't even play sports, so why am I trying out for a team in my 40s? I guess from now on I'll do my best to be as non-political as possible ... which is hard since seemingly EVERYTHING can be turned to this & that itself is where a large chunk of my apathy arrives from.
  17. I am stunned at both myself & those here that also enjoy these types of films, to not have a thread about it yet! Saw this over last weekend and WOW! What a fantastic way to showcase loss, the yearning for desperate reconnection, interesting family dynamics, a whole new way to come at this type of sub-genre. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since Sunday. Please, if you're trying to see something, take a chance on this. The opening sets the tone for the film to come & the stakes couldn't be higher. I hope you all enjoy if you get the chance to see it!
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